
Twist Twist Twist

A bunch of fun short stories.

AngryGod · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

You Didn't Expect this, Did you? - (1)

"You didn't expect this, did you?"

Said the Hero as he slowly walked towards the throne.

His golden sword and armor were unblemished of any blood or dirt. His slight smile and appearance didn't give off any idea of the slaughter he made to get there.

"Yes. I didn't expect that a vermin like you could make it this far." An eerie voice came from the throne filled with curiosity.

"You underestimated me?" The Hero placed the holy sword on his shoulder.

"No...Haha. I just overestimated my subordinates. They are so useless that they can't even keep a pest like you outside."

"Demon Lord, get your ass down so that I can cut your evil head off your body." The Hero raised his sword towards the throne and challenged.

The dark palace was illuminated by a couple of fire lamps. But it still was not enough to light up the throne and the demon lord who sat on it.

The throne room was large and could fit in 1000 horses in it. The blood-colored hall reek of blood and death.

"Can your showy piece of metal even scratch me?" Demon Lord walked down, revealing himself.

Well built muscles, dark long hair, long crimson horns, dark red eyes, and his pale demonic face all made him look majestic compared to the other demons. In the glossy black and red armor, just his appearance was enough to scare even the mightest humans.

"Say, Human. What do they call you?" The eight-foot-tall Demon Lord looked down and asked.

"That doesn't matter." The Hero looked up with piercing eyes. "After slaying you, they will call me the 'The Demon Slayer.'"

"Hahaha. Since you made it to my front alive, I was thinking about giving you a proper burial and a tombstone with your name." Demon Lord looked at his golden-haired opponent in mockery. "It seems like you don't want that. I will feed you to my hounds then."

"You...Demon." Hero readied his sword.

"So you are just all talk? Are you even going to slay me?"

"Die...You demon bastard." Hero swung his sword aiming the Demon Lord's chest.

Demon Lord with a swipe of his hand reflected the sword. "This is all you got? Pathetic."

Hero changed his sword direction and attacked Lord's left leg.

Demon Lord didn't wait this time and directly kicked the Hero before he could even strike.

He was sent flying and rolling over before he was able to stop.

"Too weak." The Demon Lord sighed. "You intend to slay me with this puny strength? How laughable?"

The hero stood slowly coughing, but his eyes glowed fiercer than before.

"Why are you not using your Divine power. Its better you use all your trump cards at once, or you won't last a chance." Demon Lord laughed as he said.

He raised his right hand, and a dark globe of darkness appeared on it. He didn't waste time as he sent it towards the Hero. The Dark magic ball was so fast that the hero couldn't dodge it on time.

The hero wasn't sent flying, but he writhed in pain.

"Hero Sama." A worried voice came from behind.

An assassin ran up to the Hero. He was a slim young man with brown hair with half his face covered.

"Tovu. It is good that you are here." The hero smiled.

"Yes. I got rid of the Fox General and came to help you." Tovu then looked at the Demon Lord sizing him up, before continuing. "Let's attack together and get rid of this vile demon."

"Heal." The Hero used his healing powers and instantly returned to his peak. "Demon Lord, I will show you the full extent of my power then."

Tovu readied his dual daggers.

"Let's go." The Hero ran with his holy sword pointed towards the Demon Lord.

Before he could run two strides, he felt pain from the back of his neck.

"Aah." The Hero stopped and put his left hand on his neck, only to see blood.

"Tovu." He was quick to realize what happened, and he immediately strode sideways.

But, he was pulled back as Tovu, with an eerie smile, stabbed his second dagger into the gap between his armor.

"You..." The Hero gulped back the blood in his mouth as he looked at his old-time helper for answers.

"Hahahaha" After a loud laugh, the Demon Lord asked the Hero.

"You didn't expect this? Did you?"

This is a short weird story. I am going to divide it into small chapters like this and the rest will be uploaded very soon.

AngryGodcreators' thoughts