
Chapter 38



“CANNON?” Jason Bates spoke into the phone.

“Mommy…mommy said she’s right behind me. I can’t see them”, the five-year-old me quipped, head shot to the back at the warehouse behind me.

I was crying so hard than I had in my entire life. They told me to run but they weren’t running. They weren’t behind me.

“Connor? Jr?”

I nodded even though he couldn’t see me do it.

“Fuck! Fuck Cannon! Okay, here’s what we are gonna do buddy. I need you to run, okay? Don’t look back just run, I’m coming to get both of you. Are you hurt? Is your brother hurt?”

Brother? When the warehouse holding my parents hostage detonated with angry flames behind me, that moment, right there, I didn’t have a brother.

I was alone. A kid staring at the flames consume the very people who brought me into this world. A kid all alone on a deserted island with the ashes of my parents wafting through the air like they were nothing.