
Chapter 29


HE DIDN’T KILL ANYONE. HE DIDN’T SAY A FUCKING THING right after I grew some balls and challenged him knowing very fucking well, he got pissed when he didn’t have control.

I did it for me, taking that job meant finally doing something useful in my life. Not gonna lie with a father like mine I never had to work a single day of my life because daddy dearest made sure I didn’t and as such I lived in a bubble.

A bubble that hadn’t prepared me to face the demons in the real world like Lucas.

The other part of me the one that still craved family and love might have argued that I did this to make him jealous, that I did this to bring Callan and I together which I must admit was selfish to my boys but the heart wanted what it wanted.

Even if what it wanted was a six feet hunk of muscle that would rather eat bullets for breakfast than forgive me for everything.