

"So, tell me about this mystery guy of yours?" My sister asked me.

"I told you, I don't know anything about him,I don't even know if I will ever see him again," I answered her.

"We'll, that's a shame, at least one of us was getting some romance," my sister taunted.

My sister looks almost just like me, only she is a little shorter, she has the same short hairstyle as I have, but her hair is blonde, she is also well built in her figure; as I am, but she has these amazingly gorgeous crystal blue eyes, as opposed to my emerald green eyes.

I helped her to carry some of her stuff from her car into her new place, she needed my help as she didn't have anyone else to help her move into her new place, and she couldn't hire any help either, it was Saturday, small neighborhood in the middle of nowhere, no one was going to drive out that far on a Saturday, and the other people in our neighborhood went into useless mode on Saturdays; and Sundays for that matter.

We had to struggle to move some of the heavier furniture, but at least the heaviest work was already done as she had it delivered and carried inside her new apartment during the week. We had to clean off stuff and dust off stuff, and move things around, put things in their places. And I hoped it was the last time as my sister loves to move around a lot and this would not be my first Saturday helping her move into a new place.

I felt a certain warmth in my heart that I couldn't explain and when I told my sister about it then she teased me and said I must be falling in love, but I have been in love before, and what I was feeling was different.

I kept wondering if I would see him again; the mystery guy... My sister had bought us snacks and apparently already decided that the Saturday night was turning into a sleepover. She already had everything prepared for us to enjoy our traditional sleepover which consists of romantic movies, all the snacks that we love, doing our nails and hair, and obviously gossiping about men...As the night progressed I was actually having a lot of fun with my sister and we had just watched the most touching romantic movie that I wished I could disappear into it just for a day or so... But bed time was nearing and I was just taking a shower before bed when my sister called me so loudly that I almost thought someone was trying to kill her, and I rushed to her.

"What's wrong sis?" I asked her.

"Look; look who is on the television...," she pointed to the screen. The man on the television was my sister's ex husband Jake... He is a private investigator and he was apparently on for catching a mass murderer that was going around killing people in the city. Right after he spoke, his new wife came onto the screen and kissed him.

I tried to comfort my sister who pretended that it didn't mean anything, or that she didn't care, but I know my sister; and it shook her. She had just gotten accustomed to the idea of him being remarried, but she didn't deserve to see it like that.And his new wife is gorgeous, what woman wouldn't want to kill her if she was the new wife of their ex husband?

I went to the kitchen to go and make some coffee for my sister in order to help calm her down,coffee always works, or tea. In the kitchen I found a book that my sister had hidden inone of the kitchen cabinets... It didn't look like any ordinary recipe book to me so I silently took it and hid it in my bag, I didn't want my sister to get herself into things that she should rather stay away from, so I first wanted to know what strange book that was before giving it back to her, and I wasn't about to ask her,because if it was anything dangerous then she would lie9to me about it as she would know that I would take it away from her. We both fell asleep not long after finishing our coffee;and after I spent some time listening to my sister whine about her ex husband.