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I introduced Timothy and Daphne to each other then we all took a seat in Daphne's living room.

"I just need to know where you found this book?"Timothy asked her.

"I was looking for it, I found out about the ancient history of this place, and I read somewhere that, that book holds the key to love above anything any human has ever known, and since I have been avidly searching for some love and romance in my own life..., I thought I could find it, take it, decipher it,and then benefit from it. It is also believed to be able to help you find, or identify your perfect match...,"Daphne explained.

"Oh, and where did you read all of this?" Timothy asked.

"The internet, where else?" "If you got that information from the internet then it means that we are in big trouble, all of us, whoever decided to start talking about the sacred ancient secret knowledge,hidden within this place, has made a huge mistake. Did they say nothing about the dangers of using this book?"Timothy asked Daphne.

"No, just what you could do with it..." Timothy got up and he took the book then he asked me if I would help him to restore things. I had to16think for a while, but something inside of me told me that it was the right thing to do; so I greeted my sister and left with Timothy.