
Martial Arts Competition (part 2)

The air is buzzing with excitement and anticipation. When I walked through the gate with the other examinees, I was shocked by the number of people watching behind the set up barrier. It is a much bigger event than I thought it would be.

Commoners crowded near the set up barrier, talking loudly and betting on the new students. Middle class were talking amongst themselves and enjoying wine served by a maid or two. The nobles were in their viewing boxes enjoying watching the people below and intermingling with other nobles. The royal viewing box was empty, but I heard from someone that the emperor and empress will be arriving later due to an incident.

I see my family and Galen sitting in one of the viewing boxes. They see me watching them and wave. I wave back to them in response. I then take a good look at my surroundings. If I thought the auditorium where I took the mental test was big, the battlegrounds were huge in comparison. There was a large field passed the rectangular lines that leads to the forest.

The announcer finally makes his appearance.

"Welcome everyone to the semesterly martial arts competition for the new students. I am your host William McFee." The crowd cheers. "There are 30 new students in this class. We will be splitting them into two groups. This machine behind me." He points to a metal box. "Will decide the first rounds. We would also like to welcome the emperor and the empress." He bows his head toward the once empty royal viewing box.

Two elegantly dressed figures were standing in front of their seats. They exude a powerful and awe-inspiring aura. I notice everyone bowing their heads and greeting the pair. "We welcome the emperor and the empress." I also join since social protocol was inbred in me, but I was not totally submissive nor loyal to their reign. I rather see than put everything into belief to completely trust these leaders. I have already experienced untrustworthy leaders before so I don't trust anyone besides my loved ones.

"Rise," the emperor orders. The crowds collectively raise their heads. "Thank you for inviting us to this event." The empress warmly smiles by the emperor's side. The announcer bows again. As if it was rehearsed, the crowds promptly took their seats.

"We will now begin the competition. Groups 1-15 will be on this side while groups 16-30 on the other side." He then spins the machine. Two number balls roll down. "Number 4 and 13." He then presses the lever down and two other numbers rolled down. "Number 18 and 26."

As fate would have it, I have number 13. "Will the people with the numbers called out please step into the arena." I quickly bound up the steps and walk to the middle. Another girl was standing on the stage already with arms crossed. She apprises me with her brown eyes. She reminds me of a kitten despite her menacing look.

"No weapons and no magic. There are medics on standby so feel free to go all out," the referee says. We both nod and stand a few feet opposite of each other.

The referee motions to the other stage with a hand. The other side nods before sitting in their chair directly behind the arena. The announcer brings up his hand and brings it down, signalling to begin. The crowd cheers with anticipation.

The girl watches me carefully. She does not dare to make any rash move. I have to admit that is smart but sometimes making the first move can lead to victory epecially since I am nimble and quick. I caught many assassins by surprise that way.

I take a breath and make my move the moment I see an opening. I use the light steps from my past life to get behind her. The girl was caught up in my trap before she could kick out with her leg and use her fists. I slam the flat side of my hand to the back of her head. She froze before crumbling onto the floor. It only took 5 minutes from beginning to end.

I hear the cheering of the crowds as if they were at a distant. It's surreal to me that I don't have to kill. The cheers from my watching family breaks me out of my reverie. The referee took a minute to get out of his shocked stage. He shakes his head before announcing, "the winner is number 13." The medics finally goes in and takes the girl onto the stretcher.

The referee ushers me from the stage. I can sense several people observing me intently as I leave the stage. I casually check my surroundings and take note of the observers.

One is Norman. I can sense his rage from where I am standing. I sneer at the thought of the arrogant boy. I catch the emperor giving me a thoughtful look as his eyes glisten with interest. Among the contestants, I see a girl with curly dark hair and sapphire colored eyes. She looked at me excitedly. The last person that I did not expect is the Aquane noble, his gold and white earring shimmering under the sunlight. He stares at me as if he is peering into my soul. I stare back in response.

Time seem to stop as we stare at each other blatantly. His dark eyes with flecks of gold swirled with emotions I could not read. He confuses me, I think. I broke away from the impromptu staring contest first for some reason. There is something about him that makes me feel uncomfortable.

The referee for the other stage finally announces the end of the match. I bring my attention to the announcer after the crowd quietened down after cheering.

"We will now have the other contestants come up when their numbers are called."

Number by number, the contestants went up to their respective stages. I watch on the sidelines waiting for the second round.

I particularly paid attention to Norman, the girl with curly hair, and the Aquane noble when it was their turn. Norman defeated his opponent with brute strength. He attacked first with surprising agility and threw his fist out. His opponent attempts to block the incoming blow with crossed arms, but the speed and strength of Norman's fist smashed into him. The whole stage vibrated and I heard bones cracking. The poor boy smashed hard on the other side of the stage. The crowd became silent.

I hear a tap of a cane and focused my attention to where the sound came from. In a viewing box stood Lord Vernon Ray, his dark eyes watching the stage. I did not expect to see him.

The mood slightly brightens up when the girl with curly hair and sapphire colored eyes goes up on stage. I catch the empress straighten her back and see a flash of worry before returning to her neutral expression. There must be a connection between the girl and the empress. I have a suspicion that I know this girl's identity.

She bounces around as if she was a rabbit. She twirls around her opponent when the person tries to jab at her. It was obvious that she was playing around with her prey. When she had enough, her eyes narrow predatorily. In that instant, she became a lioness. She pounces on top of her opponent and use a judo move to slam him onto the ground.

On the other stage, the Aquane noble flashes a smile that might seem friendly on the outside but he is oozing strong killing intent. His strikes were a blur and filled with brutal strength that he soon defeated his opponent.

The competition continues on. I observe those that have defeated their opponents since I will be going against them in the second round.

"The first rounds have now been completed. We will now have a 30 minute break before proceeding to the second rounds," the announcer said.

I review certain scenes in my head and take mental notes who my opponents were and any observations that would aid me later. I decide to get some water and refresh myself and rise up from my seat. Before I can move amother step, someone tapped me on the shoulder.