
chap numero

After the meeting with Aro and the others you can guess what went down, we made the volturi, collected powerful people, I fell for Aro sister, we had the war against the Romanians, wiped out all the werewolfs, and finally Aro used that opportunity to kill Didyme so that I wouldn't leave the coven.Of course Marcus didn't know that it was Aro that killed Didyme, but as a small fan of twilight, I know a few things about the back story of the volturi.

This happened over the 850 years of memories that I've now obtained, And as I sit in the library surrounded by what I can tell you is ancient tomes from around the world, I can sense a new feeling, one that in all of Marcus's memories weren't there, a new power, one thats special to me.I would have to think on it later, Because right now I'm deep inside a fortress that is swarming in vampires, who, if knew what has just transpired within my head, wouldn't hesitate to try and kill me.

That isn't to say they would succeed, all these memories and experience I've gained aren't for nothing, and Marcus definitely wasn't a pushover on the battlefield.

Now I know from the little I researched in my past life that around about the same time Didyme died, Aro gained/forced the loyalty of a vamp with the ability to strength and weaken emotional ties, forcing Marcus to stay in the volturi and stopping him from committing suicide. If I am to live in this world, no, thrive in this world, to take it for all its worth, then I can't be the emotionless puppet that Marcus became.

I don't feel any emotion over the death of Didyme, which can only mean she wasn't 'my' mate. That is one possible problem down, the next is planning my escape, or if the opportunity arises, my take over of the volturi, for all that Aro says and tries to show that he is the leader, he along with the blonde prat have done very little management within the coven, leaving most of it to Marcus.

Now this falls directly into my favour, Before Aro gained Chelsea, it was Marcus who had the most support and power within the coven, now the isn't to say he was the leader, just that if he gave the same order as Aro, they would be more willing to follow Marcus, the handsome, charismatic vampire, instead of Aro, the slightly deranged and creepy leader.

But that changed when Aro gained Chelsea, and he started tweaking with his coven mates loyalty level.

Now the problem I ponder, as I enter my private quarters within this castle, is how do I go about eliminating Aro and Caius, while still retaining the loyalty of the remaining 29 vampires apart of the Volturi, there is a problem with there corresponding mates as well, that will not rest until they are dead, or they get there revenge.


After some serious consideration I've decided too only kill Aro, Cauis is less eager for the leadership role and would be content to manage battle strategies as he's been doing for so long already, that just left me with a way to eliminate Aro without arousing too much suspicion.

(A month later)

Now that I look back it wasn't all that hard to kill the infamous Aro, with an invitation to go horse back riding in the woods it gave me the needed privacy to kill my ex-coleader, the only hitch in the plan is we would be expected to take guards with us, but with a suggestion from me to take two of the volturi with the highest levels of loyalty connected to me( thank god for abilities) And a detailed explanation on why Aro would bring the downfall of our coven(a lie) they were onboard with the plan.

Once we've reached a reasonable distance away from the castle we went in for the kill.

Now, three vampires myself included, who have hundreds of years on the battlefield, gaining more experience with each vampire killed, against Aro who would stand behind his armies while only getting involved in the battle with the least risk from him, not even being our main tactician, it was a no brainer on who won, as my two loyal guards grab onto each shoulder I proceeded to rip of his head with a quick turn and pull motion.

At that moment a month ago, taking my first kill, is when I understood what my new ability was, and ohh was it great, the feeling of power and pure elation that covered me was something I would never be able to put into words, with a order to Alec and Jane, they burned his body and and ran at break next speed with the ashes to the nearest ocean, while they were gone I got to understand my ability on a more in-depth level.

to start with it seems that all of my physical abilities have increased by a margin, not a lot but enough to notice, this also includes sense of smell, eyesight and the obvious speed and strength, I also felt that this wasn't a one time thing either, that feeling of my second ability was still there, resting in the back of my head like a constant reminder that for every vampire I kill my strength will grow with it.

back to present day (500BC)

Now, since then a few things have happened, first deciding to make the excuse of a wild werewolf that survived the wars and killed Aro, the next thing was a discovery that completely blew my mind, i could now read every thought and memory that someone has ever had just by a touch of a finger.

I had stolen Aro's gift, the one thing that gives vampires an edge over other vampires, and i could take them as i please.

This huge discovery means that if i kill Chelsea, the vampire that can create, severe and even manipulate the emotional bonds between people, then my path to success within in this world will be one step closer.

but first things first was informing the vampires around the world about Aro's death with messengers, and them calming them down, it might not seem like that big of a deal, but Aro was vampire royalty, like myself, cauis and his mate, so to hear that a portion of that ruling Monarchy is dead caused some panic, after first making it obvious to the world that there was no room for disobedience, we had to then make that a lesson to a coven who thought that we were weaker now, and that they could take over.

And what a show that was, although to others it might seem like Aro was a major player within our coven, and that without him we were weaker somehow, that is false.

Aro was only a figure head in the coven.

So with the loss of a unimportant vampire from our side, we managed to imprison these nine rebels, I then made a show of inviting the most influential covens from around the world to our castle, and then proceeded to publicly execute these vampires one by one with my own hands, not only to stop any further rebellion, but to also feel that elation of power course through my granite body.

If killing Aro felt like gaining a slight power boost, then killing nine vampires felt like taking fifty percent of my original strength and adding that into me, not yet at the strength of a newborn vampire but if I were to continue like this, I would be well on my way to surpassing that.

Unfortunately they didn't have any powers, but that is of little consequence when i can gain literal strength just from tearing of there heads while others hold them down.

It seem that from the now ten vampires i've eliminated i have boosted my own strength by fifty percent, at this rate for every twenty vampires i kill i gain the strength of a single one, that might not seem like a lot, but it is still 500BC, 2500 years until the twenty first century, just imagining how strong ill be has me giddy with excitement.

I will have to wait a while before killing chelsea though, don't want anyone getting suspicious before i can force there loyalty.

What do u guys want his abilty to be, im open to suggestion, if you do give me try not to make it too OP, but moderatly stronger than evry1 else is ok ; )

hope u guys enjoy.

SirParsifalcreators' thoughts