
Twilight Deities

In a world where injustice prevails, some bask in happiness, success, and fortune, while others languish in suffering, poverty, and misfortune. The first misfortune is a lesson. The second, mere bad luck. The third, a test. But the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh, the eighth... the twentieth, the thirtieth—what do they signify in this cruel fate? Injustice?

aohakka · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Reo's Story - Meet the Townspeople II

Amidst their journey through the bustling streets of Elenmoor, Rikka and Reo passed by a flower shop that radiated beauty from every corner. The shop's windows were filled with various colorful and fresh flowers, emitting a tempting fragrance.

As they approached the shop, they saw the shop owner, a middle-aged man with a friendly smile on his face, busy tidying up flower racks inside the store. However, suddenly, the sound of something falling echoed, and they watched as the man tumbled from a small ladder while trying to tidy up a high shelf.

"Lucas!" Rikka exclaimed with concern, quickly running towards the man to assist him.

Reo also reacted swiftly, rushing to the man's aid. Together, they carefully helped him up from the floor, ensuring he wasn't seriously injured.

"Are you alright?" Rikka asked anxiously, her eyes full of concern for the man.

The man nodded, chuckling slightly in embarrassment at his clumsiness. "Yes, I'm fine, thank you for your help, Rikka," he replied, scratching his head.

Rikka breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh! Lucas, let me introduce you. This is Reo. He's the human who washed ashore on the South Beach three days ago."

As Reo approached the florist, his steps paused momentarily to observe the figure standing before him. The man smiled warmly, his sparkling eyes hidden behind thin glasses. Though hesitant, Reo extended his hand for a handshake.

"Pleasure to meet you, I'm Reo," greeted Reo politely.

Lucas smiled even wider, welcoming Reo warmly. "Hello, Reo. I'm Lucas, the owner of the flower shop in Elenmoor. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Lucas, a human male, stood out amidst the beauty of the flowers in his shop. With bright red hair and thin glasses, his eyes looked wise behind the lenses. Though his face bore fine wrinkles from frequent smiles, his expression remained friendly and warm. His attire, simple yet tidy, reflected a personality that was humble yet refined.

Upon closer inspection, the morning sunlight reflected off his fiery hair, adding warmth to the smile he offered. His attentive and caring demeanor became apparent as he offered assistance to them with his warm, gentle voice.

His behavior and attitude hinted to them that he was not just an ordinary flower merchant but also someone with a big heart and genuine concern for others. In that brief moment, his charming character and warm personality had captivated Reo's attention.

"Nice to meet you too, sir. You have such a beautiful shop," praised Reo as he observed the various flowers adorning their surroundings.

Lucas nodded with a smile. "Thank you for your kind words. I always strive to provide the best for my customers. Oh, and just call me Lucas, no need to be too formal!"

Reo smiled. "Alright, Lucas."

After getting acquainted with Lucas, Rikka approached Reo with a bright smile on her face. "Come on, Reo, let's continue our way to the mansion."

Reo nodded in agreement, but his eyes remained fixed on the beautiful flower shop. "Alright. Thank you, Lucas. It was nice meeting you."

Lucas smiled and nodded. "Nice to meet you too, Reo. Have a nice day!"

With a friendly farewell, Rikka and Reo continued their journey, leaving the Elenmoor flower shop and Lucas behind them.

Rikka turned to Reo with a smile on her face. "What do you think of Lucas, Reo?"

"Hm? It seems he-"

But before Reo could answer, the cheerful voice of a child suddenly cut through their conversation. From behind, a small elf figure ran and kicked Reo right in the back, causing him to fall hard to the ground.

"Ouch!" groaned Reo, his voice gasping with pain, feeling the ache spreading through his body.

Rikka, witnessing the incident, was shocked, then quickly ran towards the fallen man. "Reo!" she called out with concern.

The young elf merely laughed mischievously before glancing back and shouting, "You're uninvited here! Blehhh! Go back to Hydale!!"

Reo gritted his teeth against the pain as he struggled to rise from the ground, aided by Rikka who helped him stand. Anger surged within Rikka's chest as she watched Reo fall due to the child's mischief. Without hesitation, she turned towards the mischievous child with determined strides.

"Lian!" Rikka's voice shattered the silence, her eyes ablaze with fury. "What were you thinking? Why would you do such a thing to him?!"

Rikka's anger took aback the elf child named Lian, but he responded innocently, "Why are you so mad? I was just joking!"

But Rikka couldn't be swayed by the unconvincing explanation. "Joking?! That's not funny at all! Apologize!"

Suddenly, a loud voice interrupted their interaction. A middle-aged elf woman, emerging from the nearby restaurant, stood before them with a stern expression.

The woman stared at Lian, her nephew, her face flushing with anger. Fury was evident in her eyes, like threatening flashes of lightning. "Why aren't you helping out at the restaurant as I instructed?! You ungrateful child!" she demanded sharply, disappointment lacing her tone. "And now you're causing trouble here?!"

Lian, once spirited, now stood rigid in his place. His eyes widened, and his lips quivered, revealing deep-seated fear. "I'm sorry, Aunt Ming," his voice barely audible, filled with fear. "I just wanted to play."

Ming was a commanding presence. With a large, sturdy frame, she wore garments with traditional Chinese ornaments, adorned with golden and red embroideries. Her upright posture and imposing stature exuded intimidation, especially when angered. Her face bore harsh expressions, but there was a faint hint of sincerity behind her stern wrinkles.

Beside her, Lian appeared like a shadow trying to evade the light. He too wore traditional garments, simpler ones, and brighter colors. His small, slender frame almost drowned in clothes slightly oversized for him. His eyes gleamed with mischief and mischief, but now, they were filled with fear under his aunt's sharp gaze.

Ming sighed deeply, her voice growing sharper and firmer. "You need to learn to be responsible!" she scolded once more. 

Lian hunched further, his body trembling with fear and regret crashing over him like waves. His hands gripped tightly onto the ends of his long attire, his eyes welling up.

After delivering the stern reprimand, Ming turned towards Rikka and Reo, her face now softened with regret. "Oh, Rikka! I truly apologize for this child's behavior!" she said with a gentler tone, though still carrying an air of firmness. "I don't know how this could have happened. I'm truly sorry!"

Rikka, still trying to calm herself, nodded gently. "It's alright, Ming. Besides, Reo seems to be okay."

Reo, though still feeling a bit of pain, offered a reassuring smile. "Yes, I'm alright."

"Oh! So you're the human they said washed ashore here a while back?" she said, her voice sounding genuine. "I'm Ming, the owner of Elen Resto just nearby! Please forgive my nephew for his misbehavior." She extended her large hand adorned with traditional gold bracelets.

Reo accepted the extended hand, feeling the strength and sincerity within Ming's grasp. "I'm Reo," he replied amiably. "It's alright. Children can be mischievous at times."

Ming nodded, a slight smile tugging at her lips. "This child can indeed be quite mischievous, but deep down, he's a good kid! I hope you weren't too badly hurt..."

Rikka, standing beside Reo, chimed in with a lighter tone, attempting to ease the tension. "We'll be fine, Ming. Thank you for coming. It was very helpful!"

Ming smiled wider this time, warmth radiating from her face. "Thank you for your understanding! If you need anything or simply want to enjoy a good meal, do come to my restaurant. We'd be delighted to serve you."

Reo nodded, feeling relieved. "We'll definitely stop by."

With a warm farewell, Ming returned to her restaurant, leading Lian who still bore a guilt-ridden posture.

Lian, who had been hanging his head in guilt, slowly lifted his gaze and glanced backward. Swiftly, he stuck out his tongue at Reo in a mocking gesture before quickly ducking down again as Ming turned her attention toward him.

Reo sighed deeply, trying not to let anger consume him. Rikka, standing beside him, noticed Reo's reaction and gently placed a hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay?" she asked soothingly.

Reo nodded, then smiled. "Yes, I'm fine. It's just that... the people in this town are unique, aren't they? It's something new for me, coming from Hydale."

"Oh, that's understandable. Over there, it's just humans around, isn't it?" Rikka asked Reo.

A faint smile touched Reo's lips, yet a glint of sadness lingered unmistakably in his eyes as he reminisced about his homeland. He took a deep breath, attempting to push aside the sudden surge of memories. "Yeah, haha," he replied softly.

Rikka sensed the underlying sadness in Reo's words but decided not to press further. "I hope I can visit your homeland someday!" she exclaimed eagerly. "But above all, Reo, I hope you find happiness here, in Elenmoor."

Reo nodded, and they resumed their journey towards Rikka's mansion, which lay far atop the hill.

Thanks for reading!

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