

In a world where the boundaries between reality and fantasy are already blurred, the revelation that a game is becoming a reality shakes the very foundations of existence. Cultivators, magical girls, espers, ancient mage hunger games, Them, and extraterrestrial beings coexist in this intricate tapestry of a world. A college student caught up in all of this after an encounter with a girl claiming herself to be his wife from the future, coming back to prevent his death.

Anotoki · Urbain
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59 Chs

It's Over

"What? How are you okay from that?" Rangda looked at him in disbelief.

"It's nothing you need to know." He replied, keeping his secret and shifted his eyes to where Airi just got thrown. In the same state as he was, she walked out of a cloud of dust, looking completely fine. The only difference was they got separated, which was not a problem.

"Then cease from existence!" He raised his hands to the air, a dark red ball start to condense and he threw it at Zero. In the middle of its journey, it trembled and transformed into a huge skeleton snake monster.

The snake slithered, got closer. Zero stood still with his katana at hand. At the same time, he poured chaos energy into the sword and controlled his breathing. Black aura wrapped around him.

"That energy!" Rangda exclaimed in panic.

Zero raised his sword and swung it down when the snake arrived in front of him with its mouth open. His swing produced a powerful slash. It traveled through the air with a whistle, producing powerful wind on the area at the same time. His hair and clothes fluttered crazily

The slash went through the snake easily as though cutting butter. It arrived before Rangda. He took a step to the left, avoiding it.

The ash kept advancing before hitting the wall, making a deep cut on it and a giant sound similar to an explosion.

Simultaneously, after Rangda avoided the attack, he sensed danger from behind. He turned around his body and saw Airi with a white magic circle on her palm.

She hit his abdomen with it. He failed to react due to the fact she moved at an incredible speed faster than the speed of sound! His body flew to the air and immediately come into contact with the wall. Debris went everywhere along with the sound of explosion. Dust soon covered the area.

"That should do it." Airi clapped her hands and looked at the giant hand not far from her. She manipulated the earth with magic, forming two walls with the skeleton hand in the middle. She crushed it with them. Debris and skeleton remains flew everywhere.

"What did you do to him?" Zero walked in her way and stopped next to her.

"It's a seal magic that decreases his strength." She responded instantly, shifting her gaze to the puff of dust, knowing he was still alive.

"You can do anything, huh? So, is the seal working?" Zero looked at the dust, still on his toes and remarked.

"It should be, but I don't know how much he recovered his strength after eating the fetus." Her hands and fingers moved gracefully as a white magic circle start to form in the air.

It suspended in the air after Airi completed the spell. Next, she pressed her palm against the magic circle. The latter's size decreased and stuck on her palm.

"Here he comes." Zero noticed something. He rushed towards the dust and Rangda shot out of it with his hands layered in white bone.

Both engaged in an intense fight.

Zero danced through the barrage of fists which became a blur. Each time he swung his sword, Rangda parried it with his bone layered fists, causing sparks to spread. Clang noises similar to steel clashing one another also echoed in the room.

Airi followed from behind as her figure became silhouette. She moved extremely fast as she hit him and moved somewhere else, before hitting him again and moved away. This happened again as the battle went on. Sometimes she succeeded, sometimes Rangda parried her.

Thanks to numerous battle experience, Rangda fought them calmly while still keeping an advantage.

Every time Airi was about to hit him with her strange attack that weaken him, he avoided it and immediately parried Zero's attacks. Sometimes he failed and her attacks slowed him significantly, allowing Zero to cut him.

Still, Rangda managed to hit Zero at his vital points. Zero puked out a mouthful of blood and kept fighting, withstanding the pain.

After an intense battle which lasted a few minutes, they cornered Rangda into a corner. Airi casted a spell which disrupt any escape techniques.

Blood flowed out of Ranga's wounds. Especially a cut across his chest, a present from Ryuta, where the flesh seemed to rot and won't heal. Zero caught it and a few questions appeared in his mind.

Panting, Rangda said, "Huff... Huff... You two are abnormalities that shouldn't exist in this world. Especially you, white hair."

"I'll take that as a praise." She chuckled and asked, "What's your purpose? Are there any other beings like you here?"

"What makes you think I will answer your question?" Rangda make a smug. It seemed his pitiful state hasn't decreased his cocky personality.

"You're right, but this should change your mind." She opened her palm and a red magic circle took form. A long black creature with no eyes or a nose, only revealing its teeth, came out of it. It observed its surroundings using unknown methods.

Zero's face changed into disgust. He wanted to ask, but he knew that right now wasn't the right time.

His expression froze when he saw the creature. He exuded a sigh. "You have a bad sense of humor. Fine, I'll tell you my ourpose.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm a Messenger. I want to descend my Lord into this world and no, there is no one else beside me."

Airi looked at the creature on her palm. It remained motionless.

"What is that thing?" Zero finally asked after he noticed the conversation had ended.

"It's a special familiar that can tell which ones are a lie or not. It also has other features, but I'll tell you that later.

"Anyway, if the opposition party lies, it will suck your soul and seal it." She explained and willed the creature to return to her palm. It heeded.

"How did you tame such a beast?" Rangda asked curiously.

"Not for you to know." She faced her palm at him. The white magic circle shot out of her palm and hit his shoulder. It exuded a bright glow.

"When I return, I will kill you all…" He said coldly and arrogantly. As he reached the end of his words, his voice faded away as he gradually closed his eyes. He collapsed to the ground and his back leaned against the wall.

Zero exude a sigh of relief. The battle with him is finally over. He was worried Rangda have hidden techniques that could increase his strength. Thankfully, he possessed no such things.