

In a world where the boundaries between reality and fantasy are already blurred, the revelation that a game is becoming a reality shakes the very foundations of existence. Cultivators, magical girls, espers, ancient mage hunger games, Them, and extraterrestrial beings coexist in this intricate tapestry of a world. A college student caught up in all of this after an encounter with a girl claiming herself to be his wife from the future, coming back to prevent his death.

Anotoki · Urbain
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59 Chs

Cross Over III

At the same time, the man wanted to move his sword upward to slit me. However, his expression changed to disbelief.

The sword turned into rust without my knowledge! At this point, I was already grabbing his right wrist and I pulled his body towards me. Our faces got close to each other. A push from behind and we'd have a kiss.

I crashed his forehead with mine. Knowing his tough skin, I repeatedly smashed him until his forehead bled, but mine got worse. It felt like smashing your head against the wall. Blood flowed down.

I stopped to see if he lost consciousness. His eyes were already rolled back!

So weak! I exclaimed.

I grabbed his collar and threw him to his dumbfounded subordinate. NPC A spun in the air and his subordinate caught him.

With that done, I pulled out the saber. However, I changed my mind. On second thought, letting it there was a better choice as it stopped the bleeding.

[Your body is strange, Ryuta.]

"What do you mean? I don't feel anything strange." My brows furrowed slightly

[The saber corrodes when it pierces your body.] Zero responded calmly.

"What are you talking about? Is this another half-assed explanation of yours?" I looked down, only seeing its hilt and the rest on the other side of my body.

The hilt looked okay, then is it my back? I pondered to myself and added, but I can't afford to cast my gaze at an enemy, no matter how weak they looked.

[Look back.]

"There is still the enemy, you know?" I asked doubtfully.

Aren't you the one that taught me not to focus on something else when there is an enemy? Not living up to your teachings, aren't you? I refuted in my heart.

[Don't worry, I will keep an eye on him. If he attacks you, I'll let you know.] He assured me.

"Okay." I immediately agree.

Thanks to his words, I could check my back safely. I'm not an owl that can rotate its head or a bug with 360 degree vision. So, I could only feel it with my hands. I didn't feel the sword but rust dust sticking on the fabric.

I pinched the rust dust, brought it to my vision and rubbed it.

"Why do you think this happened, Zero?" I blow the rust dust. It scattered into the air.

[... I will figure it out, give me some time.] He responded after a short pause. [How are you going to settle the problem? If he's gone, he will return with more people.]

"I just got an idea." I vanished the sword into light particles and pointed my finger at him, "You! Tell your elder to not bother me or know the consequences."

[Can I assume that you have a plan?] Zero inquired slowly. To make an enemy of a sect was nothing different than commiting suicide.

"Yeah." I nodded. Then, a strong wind blew. My hair and clothes fluttered. I sneezed while hugging myself. "So cold."

"You will regret your words." His face twisted in anger.

"I will not. Now, go on, return to your cage." I waved my hand up and down as if chasing away a dog, "Sho, sho."

"Once we catch you, you will not die even if you beg for it." His body slowly flies backward while carrying two people on his shoulders. Shortly afterward, his body turned to a ray of light as it soared into the sky.

"Why did they go to space? Aren't they cultivators?" I pinched my chin in confusion. "Do they not live on Earth, but on another planet similar to Earth? That means they're aliens, right?" I could only come up with one conclusion.

[We don't know much about them, so it is wise to not make hasty conclusions.] Zero suggested.

"Yeah, you're right." I turned off my ability. At that moment, exhaustion came to me at once. The injury from hitting that building was fatal and I lost a lot of blood from the fight.

I lost my strength and slowly descended to the ground. My eyelids got heavier and the exhaustion clouded my mind. As a result, my line of thought slowed down considerably.

"Zero... I will leave the rest... To you..." I closed my eyes, allowing the cold darkness to embrace me. However, a few seconds later, everything changed like winter to spring. My body feels warm. I like it. I want it forever.

With Ryuta losing his consciousness, Zero was about to possess him. Still, someone unexpected appeared.

Airi came flying from the west and saw Ryuta falling. She increased her flying speed and caught Ryuta in a bride style.

She looked down. With a glance, she knew Ryuta's condition. He wasn't in any critical danger. She exuded a soft sigh.

[Aren't you worried?] A man's voice rang in her voice.

Airi froze a moment, thinking where that voice came from. She remembered Ryuta talking about an entity possessing his body, so this must be it, although she wasn't fully convinced.

"Are you the one that possessed Ryuta?" Airi pondered as she changed Ryuta's position to a piggyback. In the process, she noticed a kerosene lamp in his right hand. Inside it, a girl more beautiful than her fell into slumber. She wore traditional Chinese clothing.

[Yeah, you can call me Zero.]

"Then about your question, Zero. Of course I'm worried. If possible, I want to lock him up so he doesn't encounter anything dangerous," she responded while her eyes fixed on the lamp.

Her response left Zero speechless.

Without waiting for Zero to say a word, she pointed to the lamp and asked, "What is this?"

[I'm not sure myself. It resonates with me. I sensed a closer connection with her.] Zero replied truthfully.

"Is she your long lost lover?" Airi pinched her chin.

[No, she is not. She feels like my little sister, but I don't have one.]

She grunted in acknowledgement. With limited information, she could only do that.

Her eyes glowed red and a magic circle appeared above the lamp. The latter scan the lamp up and down before vanishing.

Information flowed into her mind.

[Lamp Seal: A seal created by a prodigious figure in the cultivator world. Some people said you will get anything you want if you collect all of his creations. A famous sect sealed the descendant of the Celestial Heaven, she is tangled in the war between forces to become the next Celestial Heaven.]

Cultivator, huh? They don't exist in my world. It seems I return to the past that has cultivators, this is just great, she said to herself while messaging her forehead.

All the knowledge and important events in the future became useless. Who knows what kind of impact these cultivators have to the world and what changes they would bring to the world.

[What did you find?]

"She's a princess of a king who is caught between the battle for power," she explained and retracted her gaze to the front.

[A princess...] He said slowly, trying to remember something. A useless effort nevertheless. [I don't know any princess from my world. Even if cultivators are good at concealing themselves, we would come across each other. I don't think cultivators exist in my world, I wonder why I feel a connection with her.] He explained slowly.

"What is your world like?" Airi asked curiously.

[The same as your earth.] He replied. His tone filled with sadness and melancholy. Airi fell silent.

On the journey to Ms. Hana's clinic, both didn't speak much. They arrived at her clinic around 9 P.M.




In a higher realm where cultivators lived. At a mountain with a temple in it.

A young man flying with a sword carrying two people on his shoulders flew past the gate and landed after passing the inner court and outer court. Inner court expanded to three football fields while the outer court was only limited to one football field.

The core court was smaller, but rich in energy of heaven and earth. Disciples cultivation increase two times faster and the sect provides the core disciples with privileges that would make people envy.

He descended on the training field. Only a person could be seen. He was training by himself, punching a sandbag. The latter is created with no ordinary materials, one must require a specific battle technique to punch it or their hand might blow up upon impact.

When he noticed the youth, the man stopped whatever he was doing and looked up.

"You went back early, is the mission successful? The elder won't be mad at you if you fail since the chance of success is lower than marrying Fairy Nine Fox," he said with a smile and his hands on his waist.

The youth landed. As soon he did so, he collapsed with all four on the ground. His breathing grew rapidly. Sweat flowed down, moisturizing the training field.

The people he carried also fell from his shoulders and crashed to the ground with a rough thud.

The man had silver hair and red eyes. He wore black shirt which accentuated his muscles and white long pants. He approached them calmly.

He bent down and checked the pulses on Chang De's neck. He grunted as he understood something and moved his attention to his abdomen. He pressed Chang De's stomach with two fingers, this lasted for a few seconds. He released the pressure.

"I never imagined I could meet this kind of energy again. I thought it would take a long time," he said with a smile. Excitement flashed through his eyes.

"Honored One, do you know what is happening to us?" The youth asked. He still has a bit of energy to make a conversation, but weakness slowly spreads.