

In a world where the boundaries between reality and fantasy are already blurred, the revelation that a game is becoming a reality shakes the very foundations of existence. Cultivators, magical girls, espers, ancient mage hunger games, Them, and extraterrestrial beings coexist in this intricate tapestry of a world. A college student caught up in all of this after an encounter with a girl claiming herself to be his wife from the future, coming back to prevent his death.

Anotoki · Urbain
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59 Chs

Comes Around Goes Around

It weakened his clutch and she fell to the ground with both feet. He, on the other hand, collapsed with expression in excruciating pain. The vessels on his hand bulged out.

"What... Did you do it?" He looked at her with confusion.

"Take a guess yourself. You shouldn't touch people carelessly, take this as a lesson." She smiled at him. She walked away to the bushes, grab something and returned with the lamp. She put it next to him.

"We're truly sorry for your disciples, but it is the truth that we harbor no malicious intent. If you let the matter aside, I will make your pain go away and leave you. But, if you don't, the pain will come at you at an unexpected moment. So, which choice will you pick?"

"I will let the... matters aside." He stopped in the middle in his line to take a breath from holding the pain. If not, he might faint!

"Good, good." She patted his cheek for unknown reasons. Quickly afterward, something reliving spread from his cheek to all over his body, removing the excruciating pain.

The pain vanished like a dream. The man got no energy to be happy though, he felt quite tired after holding that pain. His muscles relaxed and he rested his head on the ground with hasty breaths, but gradually slow down. He looked at the night decorated with stars.

While looking at them, she walked up to him. Her face entered his vision, still with a natural smile that flowed naturally and friendly.

"What?" He frowned.

"I want to know more about cultivation."

"Aren't you from the Under Realm? How come you don't know about cultivation? Are you joking with me?" He felt exasperated.

"I'm not a cultivator." She shook her head.

"Then what are you? You seem to be following the sorcerer system." He asked in doubt.

"Sorcerer system?" One of her brows raised in confusion, "that sounds interesting. Unfortunately, I follow no system."

He raised his torso and turned his body at her, "You truly don't know about cultivation?"

"That's what I've been telling you." She shook her head.

He observed her expression, she didn't seem to be lying.

"Cultivation has many systems like different religions, but they still have the same meaning. While religion is to worship God and be a better person in different methods, we approach immortality in different ways too," he explained calmly.

"Why do you people want immortality? It feels like a curse." She asked.

"In the cultivation world, being weak is a sin. So one has to be powerful if one wants to live the way they want." Determination filled his tone.

She turned her gaze to the stars, "The great white shark survives extinction a few times while megalodon, the most powerful shark at the time, gets wiped out.

"Being powerful is great, but that doesn't mean one is guaranteed to survive. My point being is to not focus on getting powerful. There are more to it in life than that." She reached out her hand to the star, clench it tightly as though she caught one and retract her hand. She opened her palm, a tiny light come out, flying away.

He looked at her from she 'caught' a star and release it. In this time of period he was processing her words and his eyes widened briefly, enlightened.

His eyes returned to normal as he shifted his eyes to the ground, "What do you know? You are powerful and not anyone wants to make an enemy out of you."

She chuckled, "You just have to find a balance, like work and personal life. Becoming stronger is good, but don't get too focus on it and forget other things."

He thought about it for a moment, "Maybe you're right."

Silence fell after he said those words. He broke it in the next instant, "The cultivation world has a ruler to keep it in peace. The ruler of Celestial Heaven, His Majesty, the Sovereign of Realms," he explained, getting up and sway his left arm up and down. Although the pain had vanished, he felt sore.

He continued, "It might be none of your business, but in case you met one of us, know that His Majesty is dead and His palace has been destroyed by someone.

"The cultivation world is in shambles right now with the dead of the royal family and everyone is confused about who should ascend the throne. However, with her here, all problems are gone." He shifted his gaze to the kerosene lamp.

"So, she's a princess." Airi came to the conclusion, "How did she get sealed?" She asked, finding the situation quite bizarre.

A princess should be tightly protected and watched over. How come His Majesty let his daughter get sealed? Could it be he is heartless and showed no love to her?

"For a situation like this, I suppose." He grabbed the lamp.

Airi munched his words and thought it made sense. The princess would come in handy if the royal family got exterminated. His Majesty possessed a meticulous and thorough personality.

"If you want to know more about cultivation world, you can contact me." He gave her a card with his name carved on it. She received it with a nod.

"Well then." He cupped his fists and looked at the sky. Next, his body turned light and soar into the sky. In a flash, his body became a dot of light in the sky with a trail of light. He looked like a comet from the ground.

After some time, the comet disappeared and she averted her eyes to the bushes, a different one from where she hid the lamp.

"You can come out now. I'm not going to hurt you," she said to the bush, or someone behind it.

The bush make rustling noises and a rat come out. It looked at her with its dark bead of eyes. She looked at it, surprised.

"How did you know I'm hiding there? Even the famous Honored One failed to notice me." A voice came from the rat, but the rat's lips remained the same, and didn't move at all.

She moved her eyes to the bushes and a man come out, "You surely didn't think a rat spoke to you. Even in the cultivation world, a talking animal is rare."

"What are you?" Her brows furrowed deeper as she raised her guard and took a few steps back. She felt something was wrong with the rat and the man. It made her unsettled.

"You don't have to worry. Your friend saved me. I'm here when I sensed a familiar presence and curious what he is doing in this realm, I never thought he was here for her," he said calmly with his hands on his back.

"A friend saved you…?" She thought for a moment and remembered. "You must be the man Ryuta talking about. He said you come out of the portal with tentacles trying to pull you back. What did you do a monster coming after you? And how did you know I'm related to him?"

"So his name is Ryuta." He carved Ryuta's name into his mind and added, "It's my magical technique, I can find those related to the person I casted. I can't harm them in any way and won't know their current location, just their names and faces." He shifted his eyes to the rat, the latter ran up to him and rest on his right shoulder.

"That rat is certainly... unique." She found it hard to get the right word for the rat. The latter was indeed unique after closer look.

"Yes, it certainly is." He smiled. Following that, he grabbed something from a tiny cloth pouch tied on his waist and pulled out a glass potion filled with red liquid.

"Here you go. It's a potion that can cure any disease, well, only for this realm," he informed.

"How did you know we need it?" She received the glass potion cautiously and looked at him warily.

"This exact scene appeared in my dream. I simply follow it." He then sealed the pouch with a tight knot on its head.

She tried to find something wrong on his expression, yet his face seemed genuine and had nothing malicious.

"Where is my benefactor? I want to thank him personally before going." He pondered. He genuinely wanted to thank him.

"He is resting. He fought with cultivators earlier," she responded, stealing glances at the red potion on her other hand. She got indescribable urge to drink it, like a thirsty man with water in his hands, wanting to remove the extreme discomfort in his throat. Thankfully, countless battles and hardships forged her mentality, so enduring it was easy.

"That is too bad. Well, since we're fated to meet, we are probably going to meet again. See you later. Send my very best regards to the benefactor." He smiled brightly and just like the Honored One, his body turned into light and soar into the sky light a comet with blinding light trail.