

In a world where the boundaries between reality and fantasy are already blurred, the revelation that a game is becoming a reality shakes the very foundations of existence. Cultivators, magical girls, espers, ancient mage hunger games, Them, and extraterrestrial beings coexist in this intricate tapestry of a world. A college student caught up in all of this after an encounter with a girl claiming herself to be his wife from the future, coming back to prevent his death.

Anotoki · Urbain
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59 Chs

Apostle of the Abyss Priest

The sword went through him. He raised his torso and with an uncanny agility, he launched a barrage of fists, each blow precisely aimed at my vital spots.

I moved around his fists, avoiding each attack. It looked like a graceful dance. Nevertheless, his fists a blur of motion as he relentlessly pressed me. His attack speed slowly increased.

I couldn't follow his movements and he hit my left chest. Pain spread throughout my body. Because of that, my body slowed considerably. I saw more than ten punches, probably after images, coming at me. My brain went full gear as I wondered my next move.

My eyes sharpened as I got an idea. Without hesitation, I placed two cobblestone blocks in front of me and retreated a few steps back. Replacing me, he struck the cobblestone blocks with his powerful blows and destroyed them.

They turned into debris as they spread out and dust filled the air, just like how cobblestone would do normally.

I stopped retreating, take a sword stance with the sword facing him with my hands holding the hilt.

"What a strange ability you have there, worm. Who blessed you with such an ability?" He asked with a sneer.

"Does that even matter? Tell me, what and who are you?" I wondered, still keeping my guard up while at the same time, making a plan to defeat him.

"I am Rangda. An Apostle of the Abyss Priest, the greatest and most benevolent god. Bow before the Apostle and worship the Abyss Priest, worm." Sinister aura burst out of his body, spreading to every corner of the building.

Chill covered my body to the bone. My body shook under the overwhelming aura and my legs shook.

What's with the terrifying sinister aura I've been encountering lately? I thought to myself, feeling the repetitiveness of the situation somewhat troubling. The black humanoid figure in the cave and now him.

With this line of thought, he couldn't help but added, do sinister and evil creatures attracted to me? Do I need to go to a shrine to purify myself?

"There's only one God." I tightened the grip on the hilt.

"Then die!" He jumped towards me and swung down a kick from the air. I parried with the sword. When they clashed, the floor below caved in and sparks flew everywhere.

His kick carried a heavy and powerful momentum and it numbed my hand slightly. I pushed him and he performed a backflip, landing on the ground.

I looked at him for a brief second before touching the ground. Everything turned into blocks in an instant.

He frowned as he shifted his attention to his surroundings. He became distracted and I immediately rushed at him with my left hand carried a cobblestone block.

He immediately returned his focus to me and raise his fists. When we were five meters away from each other, I instantly placed five blocks, stacked one on another, on where he was.

It sent him flying upward. In the air, he had disbelief in his expression and his expression returned to normal. He looked at me and ready his fists.

Being in the middle of the air didn't turn him into a salt fish that couldn't do anything.

I take a stance. Light reflected on the black blade. I closed my eyes and focused. My muscles bulged a bit. I poured chaos energy into the sword. It let out a dark glow.

I jumped at him and swung the sword across his body. His expression stiffened as I got closer. I moved at a breakneck speed that to ordinary people, my body abruptly appeared above him.

His eyes widened as a deep wound across his chest took form. Blood spurt out, raining down the ground.

Mid air, I spun my body and face him. The jumping momentum vanished and I fell towards him.

I assumed a sword stance in the air and performed a technique Zero taught me. I swung the sword at him as powerful as possible for a few times and a transparent arc shot out of the sword.

An X, deep cut wound appeared on his back and blood flowed down. His clothes were torn to shreds as a result too.

He crashed into the ground after receiving powerful attacks. To be exact, he crashed the cube on a pillar.

The pillar became rubbles and the cube fell as it bounced a few times, stopping next to him. Dust covered the area when he hit the ground.

I landed with a crouch and raise myself up, standing not far from him. My eyes fixed on the dust.

[You didn't take enough momentum for that attack. Your breathing is slightly rapid. Your attacks will be more powerful if you're more calm.] Zero's voice filled my mind. I felt slightly exasperated as the corners of my lips twitched.

You didn't help at all and lectured me. Please be quiet if you don't help with anything, I wanted to say those words, but they stuck in my throat and I canceled saying them. He said those words out because he cared about me.

"Yes. I will take that in mind." I grunted in acknowledgement.

The dust slowly settled and his figure slowly revealed itself. When I saw him, he had already broken the box containing the item and was unwrapping the seal covering it.

I rushed at him. However, something hold my legs. I looked down. My legs had sunk and I failed to notice it! I pulled out my leg, but it won't budge as though they were inside a cement.

"You should always scan your surroundings first for traps, rodent." He chuckled, unwrapping the seal for the last time.

The seal was quite long that after unwrapping it, a clump of the seal was laying on the ground. To be exact, like you pulled a tissue roll as long as possible and tore it, then left it on the floor.

Hidden beneath the seal was a jar with a fetus inside it, floating in a blue liquid. He cut the jar with his right hand, opened his mouth and threw the fetus inside his mouth.




Men of different ages laying on the ground, unconscious. In the middle, stood a beautiful girl with a white hair. She had a bored expression looking at the unconscious men around her. The magic circle slowly vanished.

As soon as that happened, a raven flame flew into the hall through the window and changed into a girl with red hair in twin tails. She wore casual clothes of white shirt with a jacket and navy jeans.

She turned her head to Airi, displeased as she said, "Can't you pick a different day doing this?"

She was hanging out with her friends until ETC called her as she was the only powerful esper in the area.

"Not a very nice thing to say to someone new. What's your name?" Airi commented, observing the new enemy. She exude a pretty pure spiritual energy and is vibrant.

She reminded Airi about someone she used as an ingredient to make her stronger when she became the last boss. Not a good memory and she regret doing that in the past. She put the thought at the corner of her mind.

"I'm Kana and don't you dare to lecture me. You just barged into a government facility." She flung her hand. Flame arrows materialized behind her and launched forward.

Airi cast a spell where water arrows appeared out of the thin air and shot out. Both arrows clashed and formed a mist.

"You can call me Scarlet. By the way, what is this facility called?" Airi wondered casually, not seeing Kana as a threat. At the same time, Airi had no recollection about this place because in her timeline, this organization never existed.

"You barged into this place without knowing what this place is called?" She looked at Airi, slightly shocked.

"Yeah. What's wrong with it? I came here only for a short period of time, don't worry I will go once we get what we want." Airi comes out honestly with a shrug.

"You must be joking! This place is External Threat Container HQ! Don't you think you can just go and out as though this is your backyard! I won't let you go easily." She said, a bit enraged by her cluelessness of ETC's strength.

Simultaneously, Kana was preparing for the next attack. Her mind was also cooking up a plan to defeat her. The woman before her looked average, yet Kana's instinct screamed at her to run away. She resisted.

"An HQ? Then you guys need more powerful henchmen. Your guys are easily defeated and need more powerful people like you on standby.

"You guys are lucky it's me coming here, instead of someone with malicious intent." She remarked casually, putting her hands into her pants pocket. Airi's casual behavior annoyed her.

"Well thanks for the input. I will surely tell this to the council." She emphasized the word 'surely.'

"You take my words more easily than I expected. I like you now. Would you be my subordinate? I need someone keeping an eye on this organization. I don't trust them.

"I am curious what the government is planning to do with an organization full of superpower people. What are you called?" Airi asked curiously.

"No, I will not be your subordinate and we are espers." Kana responded.