


All four cars came in front of Jackson's car and all the doors opened at once. Jackson saw 15 people coming out of those cars and all were Vampires. Jackson came out of the car and shouted, " Who are you Guys? " " You are Jackson, Right? " asked Vampire 1. "Yes you are right." said Jackson. "Guys, I think you have got the wrong guy." continued Jackson. " You said, you are Jackson then you are the right guy. " said Vampire 1.

Vampire 1 ordered, " The 1st one of you guys who will bring me Jackson King's heart will have a witch at his service. " After hearing all this, vampires got tempted and stepped forward to kill him. The first Vampire who attacked Jackson got his heart removed by Jackson immediately. Two more Vampires attacked Jackson and one of them got their head chopped off, and the second one was successfull to land a punch at Jackson, so that Vampire got his hands removed and then his head chopped off.

All other Vampires got scared of that teenager who was a new Vampire. Vampire 1 said, " Impossible ! These Vampires you killed were triple your age. How could you kill them its not possible." "Well, that's not true clearly as you saw me killing them right now." said Jackson. Now at that time Jackson's self confidence was on the high ground. Jackson started walking forward and killing each Vampire who stood in his way until he reached to Vampire 1. Only Jackson and Vampire 1 were alive there, all others were killed by Jackson even when they tried to run away.

Vampire 1 confronted Jackson by saying, " How could you kill them. " Jackson simply replied, " I think because they were not powerfull enough or I am more powerfull then any of you." Just after saying that Jackson punched Vampire 1 and he flew far away. Vampire 1 was trying to run away but Jackson came right in front of him and was going to punch him but suddenly Vampire 1 punched right in his chest and Jackson died because of that full fletched punch.

Vampire 1 had the chance to kill him but he choosed to run away instead. Jackson woke up after 4 hours at night. He was right there in the middle of the road. He woke up and came to his senses and quitly said, " I gotta learn that. No overconfidence ever. " and was groaning in pain as his chest was still recovering. He sat in the car and checked his phone. Jackson had 3 missed calls from Alden, 2 from Gavin and 14 from Hunter with 25 messages. Jackson drived his not so okay car and drove straight to home.

Jackson entered his house groaning and as Gavin saw him he said," What happened Jackson? I called you, what took you so long man? We were worried. " Jackson couldn't see Alden anywhere in the house so he asked, " Where is Alden? " Gavin said," He had some work to do." Jackson nodded and then explained what happened to Gavin. Jackson explained how he fought the Vampires. After listening to this story Gavin said, " Who were those Vamps? Did you hear any names they spoken? " "No , none they just came right at me and my car." said Jackson. "Forget the car man, I will bring you a new one. " Said Gavin. Jackson went to his room and took a bath got freshed. Gavin was still fixing the wall.

On the other hand Alden was looking at some properties all day long. He was searching for Houses to buy, but he came accross a truck which he liked very much. Then a teenager came out of that car outside of that teenager's home. Before that teenaager went inside his house Alden came right in front of him and compelled him by saying, " forget your car, now its mine." That teenager gave him the keys to his car and as soon as Alden was walking towards the car that teenager removed a gun with wooden bullets and shot Alden; But Alden dodged the bullet and said, " What the heck. " "My name is Matt" said that teenager and shot Alden again and again.

Alden dodged the bullets and snatched the gun from Matt's hands and then throwed the gun at Matt's face making Matt unconcious.

Alden then left the car and throwed the keys at Matt and walked away. Alden came home and was very much angry. Gavin said, "Atlast the wall is fixed. " Alden said ," I don't believe it." "You can see it for yourself." said Gavin. " See what ? " said Alden. "The wall " said Gavin. "No, I am not talking about the wall. I am talking about a normal teenager who carried a gun " said Alden. " So what, That's not interesting. I have seen teenagers killing with that gun. I think that teenager's hand is severed." "No I let him go. But the interesting thing is that gun had Wooden bullets in it." Gavin got shocked. "Plus, I compelled him and he wasn't compelled. " continued Alden. " Vervain " said Gavin.

" They know about the Vampire's, Don't they?" Said Gavin. " We have to do something about these people knowing about us. There's something happening in Mystic Falls we don't know about. I want to know that. From tommorrow onwards Gavin you will get me information about what's happening. " said Alden.