
tvd:the b*tchy b*atch

what will happen if I bored gay teenager dies and meet God and reincarnate to tvd? Will he be entertained in what his new life offered??

imre_amon · TV
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After school was finished Bonnie and I went to the mystic grills with Matt, the human boy, and he keeps whining about Elena like gurl come on, stop being desperate

"How's Elena doing?" Matt the desperate asks with me replying "Her Parents are dead her brother is doing drugs she has traumas and an ex that makes her feel guilty....she's doing good Matt" I said to Matt and he looks stunned.

Bonnie, being the fixer quickly said "Matt her mom and dad died. She's trying to look good when she's not, but it's only been four moths. Give her some time" Bonnie said with a kind smile.

And Matt seems to look like he's mind is saying 'yeah,I should'..I look ay them like weirdos 'yupp Bonnie is literally those kind of friend who will agree with your delulu' I thought to myself. As Matt finally looks like he's fine, Elena comes in the grill with Stefan Salvawhore.

And just with that the smile in Matt face dissappear "More time huh" Matt said "Maybe it's a you problem" I said to Matt as I walk away towards Tyler and I could see that Matt was shock from what I said.

As I make my way to Tyler I could see his playing pool looking hot as always, I went and sit to watch him play as Caroline left, finally, to go to where Stefan the bunny eater was

As Tyler turn was done I went to him and said "Hey Tyler" and he replied with a cute smile!!! I saw his sweat going down from his hair to his face 'I want to lick that swear' I thought to myself and i get my handkerchief and wipe his sweat away "Thanks Emrys" he said to me with his adorable smile, "your welcome" I said to him as I gave him the handkerchief

"Go play with your friends we'll talk later" I said to Tyler as I can see ge doesn't want to leave me alone anymore "Okay we'll talk later, see ya" he said to me and goes back to playing with his friend 'he's now like a golden retriever' I thought to myself as I went over to where the future scoobitch gang is.

"Hey so what did I miss?" I asked with a smile as I sat down

"Oh we were just talking about the party tomorrow" Bonnie said to me and I just nodded and look at What's happening "are you going?" Stefan asked Elena "Ofcourse she's going!" Caroline said "it's the perfect time to get laid, though wouldn't go?" I Said

And with that Stefan agreed to go

Next day

It was now time for the party and Tyler is picking me up "Hey where are you?" I ask Tyler through the phone "I'm on my way" He told me through the phone "are you driving now or not yet?" I asked "I'm driving already" he replied to me "Okay then, don't make me wait longer!" I said though the phone as I end the call

A few minutes later Tyler arrived, he stepped out of his car and walked towards me "well don't you look hot" I Said with a mischievous smile"*chuckles*Yeah...yeah I know I am." He replied with his cocky grin and with that were off to the party

As we arrive at the party there are already tons of people that are there, I turn to Tyler and told him "don't drink too much, you still have to take me home" I said to him "Okay MOM" he said to me with a goofy smile "Good child" I said as I pat him In the head

As I pat him I. The head looked angry, so I asked him "why do you look angry??" He looked at me and told me "I'm not your child" 'oh my god!!! Is it happening!?' I panick in my head

"If you're not my child, tell me, what am I to you?" I asked him seriously, cause If he say he likes me, then that would be a dream come true, but if he runs away, I would literally not speak to him

I waited for his reply "i-i gotta go" he said to me leaving me In the car stunned like I mean I know that, that was a possibility but, did that really just happened!!

"Oh my god, am I ugly?" I said as I look at the mirror and check myself out "I'm so fucking handsome, what the fuck?" I said still disbelief, is it a me problem or a Tyler problem?

'Is Tyler dense?' I thought to myself 'cause I made it clear I want him' my mind was going everywhere else except the party. As I was thungking that I heard a scream, the scream took me back to reality and minutes later, ambulance arrived taking Vicky

'Wait, if the Vicky problem happened, does that mean Tyler tried to force himself to Vicky in the woods?' Realization hit me "oh my god HE CHOSE VICKY OVER ME!" I shouted in anger, and thank god I was inside the car so no one could hear me, if not they would have probably thought that I'm an attention seeker or something

"Is Tyler even a Virgin?" I ask to myself since I am still a virgin....it may be suprising but yes I only do blowjob and no anus...so yes infact I'm still a virgin, in ass not mouth

"GODD THIS IS SO COMPLICATED!!, UGHH I WISH I HAVE A WAY TO KNO--.....oh I di have a way to know tehee!" And with that I sued my power to make a projector to show me what happened in the woods and turns out it was just a random dude and not Tyler that tried to rape Vicky "phew thank God" and now to answer my question I ask ny magical artifact that I got somewhere in the void it grants an answer to one question

"Is Tyler a virgin, in ass, mouth and dick?" I ask the weird looking like thing, I shook it and look at the answer it gave me "Yes definetely"







