
Tutorial Finished: India

The story is about a world where people have been given special skills based on their lives. Suddenly, monsters start coming to Earth, and everyone's main goal becomes just surviving. The monsters are real, but the real danger comes from humans turning against each other. We follow a guy who just wants to make sure his family stays safe in this chaotic world where people are fighting each other more than the monsters. It's a story about how far someone will go to protect their loved ones and how tough it is to stay human when the world feels like it's falling apart.

KH_R · Fantaisie
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41 Chs

The Collapse of the Force Field

Khush:'' now let us delve into the subject of the monstrous territory and the remaining creatures residing within it,"

"Very well," responded the father. "What course of action do you propose? Should we simply allow them to continue existing?"

"We cannot afford to be so complacent," declared Shrasti. "If we allow them to roam freely, they will most certainly seek vengeance for the death of their kin and their masters."

Khush:"Indeed, she is correct, Father.'' Khush continues '' We cannot simply allow them to exist. Their power will only continue to grow, and they will persist in attacking us."

Father:"I acknowledge that, but how do we plan on eliminating them? Breaking through that formidable barrier seems impossible."

"I have a solution, Father," Khush interjects, rising from his seat and approaching the center of the room. "Open info system window," he commands.

*A window materializes, displaying his various attributes.*

"I would like to invest 5,000 coins in my Mana," Khush declares confidently.

*Are you certain you wish to utilize 5k coins for mana?*

*The window inquires*

"Yes," answers Khush confidently.

"What are you planning, Khush?" Father questions.

"Just be patient, Father. You'll see," replies Khush as he forms a gun with his hand, causing a Turret to materialize above their house, with a window displaying its point-of-view appearing on his left. "Use 0.01 mana per bullet," he says.

"That won't even faze the force field," says Shrasti.

"It's just a test shot to see if the force field is present. Now, let me concentrate," Khush declares as he squints his eye, causing the window to move in front of his eye and zoom. "Bang," he announces as the Turret fires.

[SFX: The Turret produces a swooshing sound as it fires].

The unmistakable sound of shimmering clinks filled the air as the mana bullet collided with the force field.

"It appears that the force field still stands," Khush stated, his left hand resting on the makeshift 'handgun'. "Use 0.5 mana per bullet," he advised.

A deafening "Bang" echoed through the room as the bullet launched towards its target.

[SFX- Swooooosh]

Followed by a resonating impact as the bullet collided with the force field, causing a relentless clash of magical energy. Each passing moment gradually drained the mana of its strength.

"Was that enough? Did it break?" Father questioned, looking on with anticipation.

"Unfortunately not," Khush replied. "It was close, but not enough to break through." Determined, he declared, "This time I will use 1 mana per bullet." Preparing his stance, he announced, "BANG!"

[SFX- swooooooooooosh]

*15 minutes before khush fired the shot*

The entire monster base was thrown into chaos. With the fear of an impending attack from the softskins, the monsters frantically gathered their belongings and attempted to flee. Amidst this frenzy, a single goblin by the name of Zigglewump stood steadfast, trying to calm his fellow monsters.

"Brothers, do not panic," he spoke with conviction. "Even if we lost the battle against the softskins, we haven't lost the war."

One goblin scoffed at Zigglewump's words. "Haven't lost the war? Are you daft? Our entire army, including our masters, lie dead. How do you propose we survive another battle against the softskins? We were lucky to survive the massacre before, but do you honestly believe they will let us live peacefully now?"

Some goblins nodded in agreement while others continued to scramble in search of their loved ones, unaware of the chaos around them.

"I understand your concerns," Zigglewump responded calmly. "But we cannot simply run away from our home. And even if we do, where will we go? Who will take us in? We will only end up as slaves or get killed. Here, together, we have a chance at survival. We must stay and fight."

Some of the goblins stopped their frantic activities and looked at Zigglewump, considering his words. For them, living together in their home was the best option, even in the face of danger.

Goblin 2: "Zigglewump, what is your suggestion? Shall we remain here and await our inevitable demise?"

Zigglewump: "Indeed, we must reside within this base, but not solely await our end. As long as we safeguard the crystal, the force field protecting our camp will not dissipate. And as long as the force field remains intact, we can live in tranquility and not fret about the softskins attacking us."


Goblin 3: "Zigglewump speaks the truth. The softskins are incapable of breaching our force field. We must stay within its confines and gather our strength."

[Bg- an increasing number of goblins are settling down and concurring with Zigglewump's statements. Suddenly, the second Mana shot impacts the force field.]

Goblin 1: "What is that noise? Where is it originating from?"

Goblin 2: "Look up there, something is colliding with the force field."

Goblin 3: "Did the softskins manage to launch that projectile? It cannot possibly penetrate the protective barrier, can it?"

Zigglewump: "Naturally not, the softskins lack the necessary strength to disrupt the force field. Listen closely, goblins. We do not know the source of this attack, but it is imperative that we fortify the force field. All of you, proceed to feed the captive softskins to the power source."

[10-15 goblins scurry towards the prison where the softskins are held, ready to sacrifice them to the power source.]

Goblin 2: "It has come to a halt. The force field remains unscathed."

Zigglewump: "You see? I told all of you, there is no way the force field can be br-"

[Before Zigglewump can complete his statement, a third burst of energy collides with the force field. Initially, the barrier holds its own against the intense power, but after 10 seconds of relentless impact, the mana crystal sustaining the force field begins to show signs of weakness. Slowly, cracks form and then the crystal shatters, unleashing a powerful shockwave. Miraculously, every goblin is vaporized, yet no harm comes to any human or structure.]