
Turning Lives (On Hiatus)

Steve is a middle-aged man with a decent paying job, but he works tirelessly everyday just to get by. One morning on his way to work his life takes a turn and his life ends in an accident. However, he wakes up. Not only does he wake up but he is now a baby in completely new world. How will his new life be in this world? Will he be able to live in a new world at all?

Cylo227 · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
4 Chs

Chapter 1

Steve woke up after a tiring shift the previous day. He worked for eighteen hours and his shift had ended at 3:00 AM. He got up, showered and dressed then headed downstairs to the kitchen.

He looked out the kitchen window and said, "Ah, another beautiful morning, but man am I tired..at this rate I'll doze off and wake up as a kid again, Heh!"

Steve made some eggs and bacon, ate it and prepared to leave. He walked out his door and down the street. He turned the corner to head towards the train to take to work. Once he rounded the corner a speeding car came out of no where. He felt a pain and instantly everything went black.

Steve woke up and looked around, he was in an odd building and had a terrible headache. Then noticed he had baby-like hands. He looked at himself, he was a baby. He screamed in shock and confusion.

Steve's past memories slowly grew distant and new ones started to overtake them. He slowly began to understand his situation. He was the second son of the Noble Leone family, his name was Semone De Leone. He had an elder brother whom was eight years older, Jaques De Leone II, named after his father, whom was son of a Baron. He had a twin sister as well, Sierra De Leone. His mother was named, Julianne Von Leone, and was the daughter of an Earl.

He slowly came to accept this new world and identity and worked hard to pursue a good future in this life. At the age of three, Semone began using a sword, he learned from his older brother and father, meanwhile Sierra focused on housework and took up archery as a side hobby. At the age of five, Semone had become a well known swordsman around his town and worked to get better. His mother tried to convince him to focus on his studies to get a high education, but was not very successful.

"Semone, please at least finish your studies before going out!" Pleaded his mother.

"I'll get to my study when I'm satisfied with my sword." Responded Semone.

His father smirked and said, "Let the kid pursue his dream! Besides, once he becomes a great swordsman he won't need more than a basic education. And when he's ten he will undergo the tournament to be granted Knighthood by the Royal Family! I have no doubt he will make it into the few selected."

"I'd still like if he at least had an above average education.." said Semone's mother, but was completely ignored.

She sighed and gave up, and resumed her housework. Semone worked hard everyday and decided that he would challenge his older brother to a duel after he turned six, which would be in four months. He trained everyday and even went hunting by himself to practice field combat. His brother, Jaques, was intelligent but had an average handling of weapons despite training since a young age, and he preferred to stay far away from enemies but wasn't very good with a bow, so he used a crossbow. He wished to one day get the newly developed weapon called the "gun" it was extremely expensive, low stock, and hard to find. Typically, only the richest nobles had access to one.