

Gun fire thats all I saw from my cockpit. Fighters were lost droid parts everywhere floating around. I was not as daring as Zephyr when it came to air fire, but live with the trigger happy fool long enough...You will pick up a few tricks. It looks like Anakin and I have the same idea. "Anakin Circle clockwise I'll follow." I said knowing whats coming. "Fire when I say so." I said as we sync up. "Rex you sure she isn't mine?" He asked joking. I see the cannon is almost ready. "Fire Now!" I yell it worked knocking out the stableizers for the  Ion cannon. Now side by side flying back to the resolute. When my hatch opens Anakin helps me out. "That was some impressive flying out there. Where did you pick it up?" He asked helping me to the floor. "Zephyr my brother is a nut for things like that. I picked up my flying habits from him" I said holding onto the star fighter. "You ok you look a little green." He chuckled "when the room stops spinning Ill be ok." I said trying not to puke. "I'll take her to Med bay. General Skywalker you are requested on the bridge. " Rex said taking me away.

Anakin pov

I step on the bridge to see Obi-Wan and little Satine.

"Master?" I asked "I hear stories about how you have been to Meadow. I don't take kindly to it. But I also heard what she did to you. I hope everything has smoothed out a bit." I nod and so dose he. "Whats the status on the ship?" He asked one of the clones said ther shields are down and the hyperdrive is shot. Obi-Wan order all fire be directed to the bridge.

Meadow came to the bridge in a panic. "Contact Padme now." She loonked frightened. Sure enough Padme was heading for the Separatist battle ship. "Why didn't you say something sooner Meadow." She looked stuned "I can't remember everything." She said running with Obi-Wan and me.