

Meadow Tanooki

Age 16

Hair color chocolate brown that she keeps in a ponytail with a white flower on the side.

Eye color bright Hazle.

5ft 8 1/2"


Skin tone tan

Meadow is calm for the most part. Like her mother she will put you in a grave when it comes to the safty of the people she loves.

Strong with the force trained by her step father Obi-Wan.


JD older brother

Zephyr younger twin brother.

Satine baby half sister.

Meadow carries two lightsabers the one she constructed and her grandfathers.


Looks like rex only with red hair.

Turned to the dark side when he thought his mother was dead. Although he knows his actions are wrong, he blames Meadow and Zephyr feeling they are weak. They held him back from saving his mother. Later feeling betrayed finding out about his half sister Satine.

JD has a intimidating presence but has a gentle heart. He loves his family and feels conflicted in the battles against Meadow.

JD was trained by Vander aka Anakin.


Looks like rex only with pail skin

Not as sensitive to the force like his siblings, he makes up for it with combat skills. Like his father he prefers to use hand pistols will use a rifle if necessary.

He never understood why his father would hurt his mother by leaving her. When they meet again Zephyr losses his gentle spirit and tries to beat the mess out of Rex. From that point when Zephyr was in the room with Rex the two stairs the other down.

Satine Kanobi

Looks like Iris only with brown hair.

5 ft 9"


Though she is the baby of the four, she is the only one that came from two force sensitive parents.

Satine is a timmid and sensitive but come between her and the people she loves, May the force be with you.

When she first met JD he tried to kill her. That was the first time she saw Meadow draw her Lightsaber. Since then she had a grate respect for her big sister.

______ Chapter 1 _______

It was a cold wet day on Seelos. My mother and the man for years that I thought was my father walked up to me. My mom hands me my grandfather's lightsaber. "Use this when you need too. Not many Jedi were dule skilled. I know you can do this. Please go and right the wrong we could not see. Oh and another thing don't do anything to mess up the time line to much. I know sending you back to change some things will cause some change." She said taking the white flower from her hair and placing it in mine. "The crownd princess of Yatoosa should always have the moonlilly in her hair. That thing is older than me so be careful with it. " she said stepping aside so Obi-Wan could hug me. "I'm proud of you little star. Be careful and try not to be reckless. I love you Meadow " He said giving me a tight squeeze. "I love you to baba." I said before someone from behind me cleared their throat. I turned to see Rex looking a bit uncomfortable. I walked over to him before he could say anything my arms were around him. "Dinuir those clangkers haran. Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum or'atu than Ni liser sirbur, prouder than Ni liser tengaanar.

Ni may not cuyir te jatne buir, a Ni cuy' proud at Jor'chaajir myself yours." He said before leting go. His eyes held sadness and worry. I place my hand on his cheek. "I will make it back. Yeah your not father of the year,but without you I wouldn't be here." I saw the tears in his eyes. "Right then you better get ready. You guys depart in an hour." He said before walking away. After packing my bag I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. "You better come back Cyar'ika." I turned in his arms and kissed him. "I will make it back. We made it threw worse before." I said as he rest his forehead on mine. "Try not to be so irresistible to me. I do have work to do then. " he joked making me chuckle. "I can't make promises but I will try." I said resting in his warm embrace. That was till someone knocked on the door. "Sis it's time" Satine said I sigh giving him Cody one last kiss. Satine and Zephyr on either side of me on the platform. The grab my hands in there's. "Alright as a reminder you are to stop Palpatine at all cost. You must prevent this from transpiering." My mother said. "You will land in the middle of the Jedi council room. It will be fine to reval who you are you must not lie. We will know and not trust you." Obi-Wan said then Rex steps onto the platform giving us the holo comlinc. "You will need these and be careful." He said steping to my mother's side. "May the force be with you my children." My mother said trying not to cry. "And also with you we said." But as she was about to send us the door bust open storm troopers rushed in followed by JD. Without thinking about it mother pushed the button only to be struck down by JD. "Mom No!" I scream as a wave of white light over takes my vision.