

THIS NOVEL IS DROPPED!!! I decided to redo the novel as a whole and is now under the name of Nozim's Legacy: A Shattered Heritage

Neqtrix · Fantaisie
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Novel Restart

Hello all, I have decided to restart this novel under the name of Nozim Legacy: A Shattered Heritage.

If you are still willing to give it a try, you may check it out there.

Over the past few months, I have written on and off, and gave up multiple times in between.

Now however, I think I have grown enough as a person and as an author as to not waste your time with pointless chapters and an unsatisfying novel. I will try and, hopefully this time, keep cranking out chapters and provide you with a good story.

Thank you for your patience, and sorry for those who wanted to see this novel come to fruition.