
Tsundere President Daring wife

'Don't overthink it You are only back to work for the family' After 17 years of hoping and wishing to be acknowledged by her mother, Gisele finally is given the opportunity to join the Andres family but it's not for the purpose she thought. After three whole year wasted on slaving for the Andres family, she is Forced into a marriage her step-sister ran away from, a marriage to save the Andres family from their debts. With no option but to accept, she is thrown into a loveless marriage to a man who deeply resents her for separating him from his love. Would she find a way out of this forced marriage or would she spend her whole life with a man who resents her. ... "Mr Devin, we agreed to not interfere in each other's personal life so what is this you have done?" She asked with her hands akimbo and a frown on her face. "You're my wife, it's natural I interfere" The cold man said righteously, not even sparing her a look. "Your wife?" She snorted and declared "I'm filing for a divorce!" He looked up surprised then his eyes turned sharp and deadly "You wouldn't dare!" She smirked "Oh you know how much I dare"

unique2bliss · Urbain
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64 Chs

bane of my existence

Who ever knew the sun would seem more beautiful, the wind smell more fragrant and the trees more greener when you are happy. Walking to the parking lot with her Golden Card in her hand, her contract in her bag and her edited picture on her phone, Gisele couldn't be more happier than she was now.

Sigh. Why hasn't her life always been like this?

With a happy sigh, she placed the card back in her bag and brought out her key. She moved to open the door of her car but then she was called upon by Derrick.

Didn't he say they would be incognito? Then why was he suddenly showing up before her?

"Miss sorry to disturb you but you're attention is needed at the company"

The company?

Gisele was suspicious. Devon had asked her to not show relations to him, so there was no way he would be asking her presence at the company now.

"What is it? Is something wrong?" She asked back.

He shook his head "Someone is seeking to speak to you."

Gisele didn't need to ask to know who these someone would be. Apart from Devon and his family, there was only one other family that knew she was married to Devon.

The Andres family.

What could they want now?

"Okay send me the address, I'll head there now"

"Okay miss" Derrick answered and disappeared just the way he came. For security reasons they had asked for her number after she got her phone, although they wouldn't call her on normal grounds, it could come in handy on occasions like this. She hadn't even opened her car when a message popped in, she stopped and checked it, the address was for a Restaurant. It seems whosoever went to the company must have caused an uproar and they had to move the person out.

Gisele sighed.

If it was grandma Roxanne, she could already imagine the commotion she was bound to meet.

Gosh! Devon. He would want to settle scores with her because of this. He warned seriously about letting others know them being married and knowing Grandma Andres, she probably went there shouting 'i want to meet your Bosses wife! Your boss is married to my Granddaughter!.

Thinking about this dampened her mood and made her frown. When she thought this day couldn't get any better, the Andres family was there to make her happiness dwindle

She got into her car started it and drove away.

Following the GPS in her car, it didn't take her long to get to the restaurant. The restaurant wasn't far from MX company, it was just about a stone throw.

Gisele packed her car and walked in.

"I'm Miss Gisele" she told the receptionist. The girl's face immediately lit up, she brought out a key card and gave it to her.

"You're expected in room 832. It's on the the 21st floor, it's the room on your right when you get off the elevator."

Gisele nodded and collected the Key card. As she was instructed, she took the elevator and went to the 21st floor. It arrived with a Ding. She stepped out and turned to the right. There was the door.

She wouldn't have needed to look twice cause the two guards at the door were enough to tell her she was at the right place.

They nodded to her and stepped aside, Gisele didn't immediately walk in, she took a deep breath and arranged her facial expression.

'i refuse to be intimidated' she said to herself.

She was no longer the Gisele that was dependent on the Andres family so whatever they were going to say in the room, she would not let them intimidate her or push her around. They had done their worst by forcing her into a marriage she didn't want. That would be the last they ever do to her again! She would make sure of it!.

She scanned the Key card, the door unlocked, she turned the door knob, opened it and walked inside.

"Mom!" Gisele called out surprised.

Expecting Roxanne to come hassle her would have been far-fetched but She had expected to see Grandma Andres or perhaps her step-father but never did she expect that it would be her mom.

The woman looked unkempt, rumpled clothes and a hair she might have thought she made but it looked like a sponge on her head. Worn out sandals and a handbag that had visible holes in it.

'Did she always looked this miserable?' Gisele asked herself. Maybe because she had always been busy nursing her own suffering and trying to pleased her mother she never got to see that her mother was slowly fading away in the Andres house.

Suzy turned and looked at the figure standing at the door. Surprise fleeted into her eyes. The girl that just called her mom was not the same girl she knew to be here daughter few days ago. If she didn't distinctively know that pair of gorgeous ash eyes and that waist length burnt brown hair, she would have mistaken her for someone else.

'She changed so what? She can never change the fact she is the bane of my existence. She should have left the family and never come back but she had to go look for trouble for me' Suzy thought, her expression darkened after this came to her mind.

She snorted "So you know I'm your mother, yet you despite me so much to want to see my downfall"

Gisele frowned too, her mother's words or rather allegations made to sense to her. This wasn't new to her, Roxanne and Grandma Andres had a knick for laying up allegations against her and her mother would believe them every single time.

What was it they said she had done this time?

"Have you come to fight for your family again?" Gisele asked indifferently, she walked to couch in the room and took her sit. She was bothered to try defend herself. No matter what she says her mother would believe them anyway. It was the same everytime.

Suzy marched to Gisele and threw her palm across her cheeks. Gisele didn't avoid the slap, she let her slap her to remind herself that there was no saving grace for her mother.

Her head tilted to the side and her lip broke from the impact with the metal ring on one of Suzy's finger. Blood began sipping out but she didn't panic, she casually used her tongue to lick the blood of.

Suzy's heart skipped a beat. She had used all her strength and had forgotten she was putting on the ring that Raoul had bought for her on that hand. Regret surfaced but it didn't last for long. She justified her actions as disciplining her child.

"You know they are my Family so why do you keep butting into our lives. We were fine before you came till i let you into my life again, shouldn't you be paying me for giving birth to you? Why are you trying to jeopardize my family?"

Gisele chuckled slowly. Gradually the chuckle escalated into muffled laughs.