
Trying To Take My Mask Off

My dream came true but I'm not happy. I became a legend in the entertainment world, and everybody knows me. But I sacrificed too much to stand here. I don't even know myself anymore. If you ask me what my biggest regrets are. It is that I don't know myself anymore, that I don't feel what I used to feel, that I don't know what makes me happy, that I'm now almost like a robot. It would be nice if I could change myself. If I could just turn back the time or go to another world, it doesn't matter what, if I could do it I would. And then I would change myself and search for what I want and become a person again. The girl smiled and said: "I'll give you a change." [Will you take this change and change yourself or will you stay the same? I really hope you'll change and be happy this time.] ---------------------------------------------- A boy who achieved his dream but felt alone met a girl who gave him a second chance. Will he be happy this life? ____________________________________________ THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW: English is not the language that I speak normally. So, my novel will have a lot of mistakes here and there so be prepared if you are going to read this. But it will be an honor if you will be reading my first novel. You can contact me by my e-mail MightyMiruLin@gmail.com or on instagram MightyMiruLin. Updates on days when I have time. Disclaimer: _Cover art belongs to the rightful owner_ Started: somewhere around April 2021 Ended:

MightyMiruLin · LGBT+
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83 Chs

Extra 4.2_POV Melissa

Let's not get off topic! So, I was talking about how beautiful my friend Lilyann was, wasn't I? She always looks like she doesn't give a f*ck, but in reality she is a softy. She feels bad fast and always (most of the time) says yes when you ask something. She doesn't like to wear shorts, skirts or dresses. She thinks her legs are ugly, but please. She has beautiful long legs. They will totally suit her! I won't force her, but it's just kind of a waste, you know?

So, at school she wears pants and at first they thought she was a boy! That was so funny! When they heard her talking or introducing her they all had a dumbfounded face. I always laughed so hard that she became violent. If I'm honest she doesn't look like a boy at all. Like look at her! She looks one hundred percent girl.

I think she's going to cry if everyone thinks she's a girl. But maybe she likes the attention she gets from the girls. You know why? She is lesbian!

I was kidding you know. Not that she was lesbian but about the attention. She gets shy from getting all that attention, but thankfully it stopped after a month if not she would die from always becoming a tomato.

So yeah, Lily is nice, beautiful, kind, amazing,-


I got a message.

Amazing Bitchu (Lilyann)

> Video

Hmmm…a video. Let's watch.

How long does a short person live? > 12-15 years

Did- Did she just tag me here! She's so mean! I'm not short! I just happen to be shorter than her!


> You're short too!

Amazing Bitchu

> I'm taller thank you! *rolling eyes*

Hump! She's so childish, I won't react anymore.

Five seconds later…


> You know what I found! This Video

How long does a tall person live? > 12-18 years


> We are going to die together! You won't be able to escape me!

Amazing Bitchy

> Yeah, let's meet again in the underworld.

That comment deserves a like.


A/N: This time it's a super short chapter! The reason is because I'm going to write for the main story of I'll change, so do wait for it if you're interested. And if I have time I'll write the next part of the extra.

I forgot to tell you that I call it a POV, but most of the time you'll read the thoughts of Melissa about others. There will be dialogue, but most of the time it would be her thinking that you'll read int the extras. It's more like a diary but not at the same time.

Love to Corninha_69_106_ and wolf134566 for the Power Stones!

Thank you for reading!