

Is the world really how it seems? . . . Are we sure that everything can be explained eventually? . . . . What if there is a hidden world that can’t be explained? . . . How would you react if you found out the secrets that are hidden behind the curtain of uncertainty? . . . Would your curiosity bring you to unfathomable heights or would it forsake you and everyone around you?

Khons · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

[Prologue - Volume 1: ???]

Welcome readers to my first novel. I would like some constructive criticism or feedback in order for me to make this novel that best it can be. Without further ado, enjoy.


<First POV>


I looked out the window of the air plane at the flight crew who was preparing for our take-off. I was silently celebrating having the window seat when my mom asked me something.

"Dear, do you have everything you want in your cinch pack?" My mom said.

"Yes, Mom. I have everything I want in the bag." I replied.

We sat their in silence for awhile before she picked up her phone to get ready to watch her shows. I looked out the window again and saw the ground crew leaving. Soon after, we heard an announcement that we were clear for take-off and to buckle our seatbelts.

As we were flying through the air, I saw particles of light forming. The particles of light condensed and formed into sparks. The sparks stampeded around the airspace of the plane. However, this event seemed to go unnoticed by everyone except me. These sparks changed into shards and became faster. They turned into lightning and the skies changed into storms. The dark grey clouds covered the sky and released their wrath upon the earth. In the middle of the clouds, there was a gap which revealed a full moon. Its ethereal beauty lighting up the sky providing a sense of comfort during the storm's assault. I began to wonder why nobody was reacting to this metaphysical phenomena, and why the moon was out while it was still daytime. But, none of these otherworldly events could compare to what I was seeing at the horizon. A crimson sun about 30 times larger than Sol, the normal sun, descended onto the mortal plane. It shined its light upon the landmass below as if blessing the island with its celestial rays.

Suddenly, All supernatural events made sense as I gazed down on the land below. The origin of all the transcendental incident. The Land of The Rising Sun… Japan


Hello readers, This was just a teaser of this novel. I hope you enjoyed and if you have any technical terms of anything used in this chapter I would appreciate it if you guys would comment them. I hope all of you have a wonderful day.