
Chapter 34

Gena swallowed. “He just stopped to help them. These two guys. We didn’t know who they were, but it looked like one was hurt, so Dad made me stay in the car while he checked it out.” A night so like this one, like so many since. “They didn’t know I was there until after they shot him. I didn’t have a choice. I had to run. I shifted to get away, and because I was so terrified they were going to find me, I stayed that way.”

Dylan winced. “So they weren’t shifters?”

“I don’t think so. They never found me. If they’d been shifters, I would have been easy to track.” She snorted in mocking deprecation of her younger self. “I thought I was so clever, and really, I was just lucky. I found out later they’d stolen our car, that they were never even caught. But I didn’t know that then. All I knew was they knew I’d seen them. So I hid. I shifted and stayed that way, because I couldn’t risk getting discovered.”

“Why did you finally decide to return to Delta?”