
True Confessions (1)

Alexandra thought that Black Shadow couldn't sleep and wanted to talk to him again, so she said, "Black Shadow, go to sleep, don't make a fuss, we'll talk about it tomorrow ..."

Black Shadow gathered his thoughts and said straight away, "Anna, I'm dating someone ..."

Alexander suppressed his disappointment and said indifferently, "It's her freedom to date someone else, she told me today that I have no right to interfere with her personal business, I'm just her teacher ..."

Knowing that he was still angry, the dark figure said, "Don't be angry, Anna has been cheated, the man is betting with someone else to play with her, he doesn't love her at all, and now he has Anna in a room and is going to take her ..."

Alexandra jumped up, "What, how could this happen, where are they ..."

The dark figure said, "At the place called the Dragon Lodge, the man has the whole lodge under wraps and is going to do it to Anna ..."

Alexander quickly dressed and grabbed the keys to his car as he prepared to leave the house, he looked like an ant on a hot pan, he could only be heard saying to himself, "What can we do, it's a two hour drive to the Dragon Lodge ..."

The dark figure cut him off and said, "We don't have much time, if we drive there, the rice will be cooked and we won't be able to save Anna, close your eyes and I'll take you there ..."

Alexander looked at the dark figure in confusion, but saw that it had a serious expression, not like a joke. So he obediently closed his eyes. He felt the wind whistling in his ears and his feet flying up in the air, and before he knew what was happening, he was standing on a soft carpet.

The Dragon Lodge is a high class mountain villa, a place where the rich and famous often come to spend their summer holidays. The place where Alexandra was standing was a luxurious suite, a bit like the presidential suite of a five-star hotel. Room after room, the luxurious decor is straightforward to the eye.

As he walked through the two rooms, his heart ached at the sight of Anna Jade, almost naked, pinned under a man, alone and helpless. The image reminded him of the pain he had experienced in his previous life and he froze there, motionless.

When the dark figure saw that he was not responding at the critical moment, he shouted his name, albeit not loud enough for Qiu Yuanlin to discover their presence. He looked angrily at the intruder who had ruined his day and threw a punch at Alexandra's face.

It was too late. Ouch! A miserable scream was heard. The person who screamed was no other than Qiu Yuanlin himself. The black shadow was in front of Alexandra's face as fast as it could be, and gave him a tooth mark with its sharp teeth. Then it stared at him and said, "You want to hurt my master when he's not looking, no way!"

Qiu Yuanlin looked incredulously at the talking snake and was scared out of his wits. He ran out of the room and shouted, "Oh my God, someone come quickly, there's a demon, there's a demon ..."

Alexandre was awakened by the shouting and finally snapped out of his trance. He went to Anna's side, grabbed her clothes that were scattered on the bed with trembling hands, wrapped a sheet-like object around her and picked her up. Anna did not know whether she was stunned, or whether she had fallen asleep after a long struggle, but she was like a tired and helpless child at the moment.


A white mist brought the three of them back to Alexandre's room in an instant.

After placing Anna on her bed in his bedroom, Alexandra covered her with the blanket and gently closed the door to her bedroom ...

The early morning sun shone through the window. It fell on Anna's long, dark, curly hair. Her shoulders were languidly bare and she was in good spirits as she had slept so well after a dreamless night.

When she found herself in an unfamiliar bed and her almost completely naked body, she screamed in horror at herself. She hurriedly grabbed her bedside clothes and put them on, then quickly ran out of the bedroom and into the living room, where she saw Alexander, who was playing calmly at the piano, and asked sternly, "What the hell did you ... do to me, and why am I sleeping naked in your bed?"

"Anna, don't you remember, last night you were almost trampled by Qiu Yuanlin ... and thankfully the dark shadow ..." Alexander explained in detail.

"What kind of nonsense are you making up? I don't understand any of it ... Black Shadow, who is Black Shadow ...," Anna asked angrily, cutting him off.

"The Black Shadow is a snake that we once met together in the underworld, don't you remember, because of him we were able to return to the human world ..." Alexander carefully stated the truth.

"You can tell me what you want to do and what your intentions are. ..." Anna said hysterically.

"Yes, if you ask me what my intentions are, then I will tell you that I want you to fall in love with me, the same way I did in my previous life, when we were separated, you said that I must come to you, that I must wait for you, but I waited for you, I came all the way to you, what was the use, I waited for thirty years, for thirty years I never cared for any other I have never cared for any other woman. And you, have you ever had even the slightest shadow of me in your heart! I had an intention, I searched all over the world, I met you with great difficulty, so I put down my dignity and approached you, even though you had lost your memory, I thought that I only had to pursue you with my heart, to touch you, thinking that you would gradually fall in love with me, but, except for disappointment again and again, you did not give me anything ... "I'm sorry," said Alexandra bitterly.

"..." Anna was dumbfounded to hear his true confession and wondered if it was all true or not. Was this romantic, story-like love really coming from this mysterious, volatile man, did he really mean what he said to her, did he not change his face when he said anything, even if it seemed like a lie, was it because he was being hypocritical or was it all true? But if I were to believe these strange stories of past and present lives, I could not believe him in any way. Could it be that I had lost my memory?

"You say we were once in love ..." Anna asked doubtfully, "what about the proof ..."

"What proof ..." she asked, confused by Alexander's question.

"If we loved each other, there must be some token of our love apart from our memories. Since I don't have any memories of our love, do you have any evidence to remind me that we were in love ..." Anna pressed.

"I love you with all my heart. ..." said Alexandra loudly.

"How can I believe that? You said that people are unpredictable and that I should not trust people easily ..." Anna began to take the bull by the horns.

Alexander was dumbfounded, he couldn't produce any evidence, it was the truth, but what he didn't expect was that Anna was so distrustful of him, this completely disappointed him, he said angrily, "Since you don't believe me, forget it, I didn't say anything, you go away, from now on everything about you is none of my business ... "