
Escape (2)

Escape (2)

Anna wondered, "Why don't you do it anymore? Do you want to avoid me because you hate me and want to run away from me?"

Alexander looked at Anna with pity: "I hated you once, I hated you for giving me the hope of love and then killing it with your own hands. I hated you for marrying someone else. I was so despondent that I had no desire to work. Later, Sister Mary told me everything. She said that you did not want to refuse the Count because you were afraid I would lose my job in the rose garden, and when I found out the truth, I hated you even more. I hate you for thinking too much of me and not of yourself. I hate you for marrying a man you did not love against your will in order to save my job. I hate that fate has played tricks on us, making it impossible for us to stay together when we love each other. But I hated myself more for continuing to make ends meet with a job that I had gotten in exchange for the marriage of the woman I loved. In the end, I told myself that I could no longer be a coward. So I decided to quit the job even if I starved to death ... But why didn't you tell me earlier? You knew I wouldn't let you marry someone you didn't love for me ..."

"It's because I know you that I didn't want you to know, I just wanted you to have a quiet life ... I would have done anything to make you happy, let alone marry someone!" Anna lowered her eyelids, not daring to look Alexander in the eye, for his eyes seemed to burst with anger in an instant.

Alexander squeezed Anna's shoulders and said angrily, "But do you know how my life can be peaceful without you? How can I still be happy? You are the source of all my happiness, do you know that? Anna, my love for you is more important than anything else ... Even if you marry someone else, my love for you will not change ..."

"Are you telling the truth? Even if I became someone else's wife in name only, you ... would still love me?" Anna raised her eyes and looked at Alexandre, as if there was a glimmer of hope in them.

Alexander said with certainty, "Yes, Anna, I have loved you since I saw you and my love will never change, no matter if you become old, ugly or someone else's wife, I don't care, Anna, leave him and live with me, I will love you forever ... "

"I've decided to leave him, that's why I'm here. The truth is that he and I should never have married. ... " Anna said as she presented the diary and the note in the basket to Alexandre's eyes.

Silence, silence. The only sound in the air was the turning of a book. The sound of their breathing was audible.

After a while. Alexandre finished reading the diary, looked at the note, and at the missing page that Anna had opened to show him. Suddenly, Alexander understood everything. He held Anna close to him and let her rest in his arms. He didn't ask or say anything. He just held Anna tightly in his arms. He wanted to take her into his body, mind and soul, into the marrow of his bones. It was as if he wanted to hold Anna's sorrows and griefs in his arms.

Anna leaned into his arms. The warmth of his embrace spread throughout Anna's body and the ice inside her seemed to melt. Anna's heart was now wrapped in something called the warmth of love and she did not feel the slightest bit of cold.

Only, the ice in her heart gradually melted away and melted away. At the corners of her eyes, they turned into crystal tears. One by one, they slowly dripped from the corners of her eyes to the ground. They fell on Anna's heart and on Alexandra's heart. ...


After a few moments, I don't know how long it took. Anna looked at Alexandre with tears in her eyes and said, "Alexandre, take me away from here, if you don't mind, I will always belong to you. ..."

Alexander said in astonishment, "Anna, what are you talking about? How could I ever dislike you? I am more than happy to be with you ... only, if you go away like this, will the Count come after us and where will we go?"

Anna seemed determined and said firmly, "Alexandre, I just want to get out of here, just to be with you, to the ends of the earth, anywhere. and live a quiet life ..."