
True Inherithor Of The Rinnegan

First time Writing a fanfic, so if you find some errors in the chapter, please don't hesitate to tell me. Read the prologue first , and then read the Auxiliary chapter (volume 0) to knows what you're getting into and not waste your time if it's not to your liking. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis A boy with suicidal agenda get saved by a dying entity ( you'll probably be surprised ;D) and got a chance to live in Another world. What he didn't know though, was how his fate will bring him to face unimaginable circumstances. ---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ This is a two worlds fanfic Meaning that the mc will go to two worlds kind of like a multiverse fanfic. The first World is MHA (My hero academia) and the second one will be revealed only when i'm almost finished with the first. This is for me to concentrate more on the first world. This is a Fanfic with an actual Plot . Read the prologue, it's important. disclaimer : i don't own My hero Academia and it's characters. I only own my Mc and my original plots.

I_Am_L_72 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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14 Chs

Improvement and Realisation

7 years later…

With the sun just starting to rise in the sky, its light might not have reached the majority of houses in Musutafu City, but it shined nicely enough on one particularly traditional Japanese house, and a certain Dojo.

And while the house might've been empty, the door of the Dojo was fully opened , allowing some of the sunlight to reach its inside and highlight the form of two individuals facing each other.

A taller Yahiko, now 5' 1'' (1.5 meters), was in an improved taijutsu stance similar to the gentle fist. With both legs slightly crouched; his left leg in front of his right one, his left hand slightly stretched outward with his palm open, while his right one positioned a little lower in height than his left one , in the form of a fist. (A/N : Basic stance of the mc fighting style.. Will probably never change or describe again)

With a feeling close to helplessness, he was facing his own grandfather in a practice spar.

The Old man in question was all smiles, having barely changed in 7 years.

" You brat.. Are you afraid of hurting this old man? This is just a spar with pure martial art to test our skills, no need to hold back."

" *sigh*.. ..Alright.." ' I should probably hold back as much as possible though..'

With a quick step ahead, Yahiko launched himself, throwing a quick palm strike toward the abdomen of his opponent.

" Good speed! But!"


In an equally swift motion, Yahiko's palm was deflected , while Old Jing used the small window created and Yahiko's slightly broken balance to launch a punch of his own; which Yahiko dodged with a smooth spinning flip while using his leg to retaliate in mid air.


" *Kuh*! How heavy!" While Old Jing managed to quickly put up his guard with one arm, the force behind the kick sent him flying and crashing into the opposite wall .


" Ah.. ..Sh*t.." said Yahiko after smoothly landing.

"*Ugh*! It seems this Old man has lost his edge *ugh*" Having still managed to at least avoid direct impact, Old Jing picked himself up while groaning , slightly disappointed at his own performance.

" Sorry Gramps.. "

" Hahaha! Don't sweat it, this is nothing. But still, your physical strength is really ridiculous… Almost feels like a normal strengthening quirk "

" Yeah , I'm also surprised.. .But I think it would have gone differently if you used that unique skill you always talk about ." The sudden increase in his physical strength from the past two years truly took him by surprise. While intense training could make someone stronger as it increased their muscles, the strength gain he obtained was far from what merely training hard could do. ' Is that also the effect of Kaguya's core?'

His base physical abilities weren't elevated to the level of strength gained by using chakra enhancement two years ago, but it didn't look too far off.

"Also, you're in your 60s Gramps … ..you were probably far stronger in your prime than you are now right?"

" Heh! Stop trying to butter me up ! Let's just eat that breakfast already " Despite saying this, the corner of his mouth was still rising in contentment at the compliment .

" What a tsundere.." muttered Yahiko with a smile.

" What did you say just now?"

" 'What a good sunrise!' is what i said."

Now in their house over a basic breakfast while watching the news, Yahiko asked " Ah.. Is sir Nighteye available today, gramps?"

" Sasaki? Hmmm.. ..I don't think you'll be able to find him today. What do you need him for?"

After living all this time at the side of his grandfather , Yahiko had never seen him teach martial arts to disciples or any apprentices for that matter. The only exception were a small group of individuals in which Mirai Sasaki, who goes by the hero's name of Sir Nighteye, was part of. His rare and bref visits were enough for them to get acquainted.

" I need more Hyper-density-seals for my legs again.. "

"Tsk! Even this Old man wasn't as crazy as you in his youth.."

" Hahaha… .. There are actually crazier people" ' Like training under 50 times gravity…'

It's been two years since he began using the hyper-density-seals on his ankles to increase his speed, attempting to imitate a certain individual, but also for his own development. The first time had definitely been challenging, but as time passed, he got used to it.

" I wouldn't be surprised. Some people are capable of unspeakable things just to get more powerful. Never satisfied with what they have, only seeking more and more by any means necessary… *Sigh* "

".. .."

" .. ..Why aren't you asking anything? That's not like you."

" I figured that gramps will tell me about it when he thinks I'm ready for it. So I don't have any questions to ask… for now. *Sip* " Answered Yahiko as he took the last sip of his tea. ' Ahhh.. this is so calming..'

"Heh!! Growing wiser already? But you're right about that. When you'll finally show me what your quirk is, I'll be able to show you my country's unique skill.. ..or rather my version of it. It's next week , right? Your entrance to middle school "

" That's right."

" Then I'm looking forward to it. Hohoho, I wonder what you will show me for you to decide to only do so after having refined it enough"

" You can certainly look forward to it" ' though i won't show you everything..'

After quickly washing the dishes and tidying everything up, Yahiko was now in his room sitting cross legged on his bed, seemingly in deep thought.

" I didn't know it would be so complicated… ..but at the same time i can't say i didn't expect it. "

During those 7 seven years, aside from his chakra reserves increasing to the point where he couldn't accurately quantify it, Yahiko had mastered all the basic skills of a shinobi, several jutsus from all five nature transformations and others, the Rasengan and his own variations of it, as well as most of his Six path techniques. As some of the jutsus were particularly dangerous and destructive , it was almost impossible to test them.

Upon refinement and continual use of his ocular powers , his Rinnegan's 360° field of vision has increased to 8 km. A truly ridiculous range.

But the jutsu that occupied his mind now was one with many requirements; requirements that he finally met today.

" The Flying Thunder God Technique (Hiraishin) ... This is a jutsu that anyone in my situation would probably want to learn… I wouldn't have dreamed of it without my Rinnegan though *sigh* "

The Flying Thunder God Technique was one of the most difficult and complicated techniques of Kaguya's reality. So much that only two people had been able to use it individually based on what he knew.

A deep understanding of jutsu-formula or inscription was needed. And as the only type of jutsus in the Narutoverse involving inscriptions or formulas were Fuinjutsu (Sealing techniques) and Summoning jutsu, Yahiko's only choices was to delve deeper into the inner workings of these two types of jutsu. Being a sensor was also importants , as the more markings there were in different places, the more accurate the user's sensory's ability has to be in order to teleport to a specific marking.

" Let's start then "

The entire day was spent just like that, with Yahiko completely immersed in his "study". By the time he'd finished , the sun had already settled long ago .

" *Huff*.. .. I think I got the gist of it."

" Hmmm? Finally out ? You've been locked up for so long I thought you were doing something fishy …Going somewhere ?

" I was studying… kinda. But yeah I'm gonna buy the next volume of Jujutsu Kaisen. Need anything? "

" That manga again? In that case buy me the usual magazine"

"The usual, huh? Got it"


'It's dark so nobody should be able to see me.. ' after getting out of his house, Yahiko channeled chakra to his legs , and with one jump , appeared on the top of a nearby building.

Despite having a considerable amount of hyper-density-seals attached to his ankle, his figure quickly shifted from one building to another in a single motion, making his appearance almost impossible to catch for any normal person.

" Hmm? What's this? " Stopping his mid air trip, he landed on a particular building and directed his gaze to the dark alley directly below.

" Hey, hey ,hey! I saved you right ? Shouldn't you repay me somehow?"

" Don't touch me! O..Or i'll report you…"

" Hehehe , You can try it if you want. But who do you think people will believe? You, a normal citizen who was attacked by a villain? Or me, the hero who saved you? "

" Please.. ..don't come any closer .."

The scene before his eyes was that of a man who seemed to be a pro hero based on his costume, and a young woman shaking in fear.

" I can't believe what I'm seeing right now.. .. Or rather, should I have expected it?"

The Hero quickly looked behind him after hearing such a sudden voice out of nowhere.

"You.. Who are you?" ' Who is this kid? With my quirk being able to alert me of any quirk user approaching within 7 meters of me, I should've detected him.. ..Unless.. Is this kid quirkless?'

" I thought the heroes in this world took their jobs seriously and were dedicated to their duty.. .. But I guess bad apples exist everywhere." With slow steps , Yahiko approached the Hero, as his eyes took the shape of his unique Rinnegan.

" Acting all hero-like in public, while doing all kinds of shits in the dark.. Is that how you do things? Man, I'm really tired of people like you. Especially since you remind me of myself."

"I don't get what you're saying but, too bad for you kid. You saw something you shouldn't have. It's nothing personal, now die!" ' After disposing of this kid, I guess I'll have to silence that woman once I finish having my fun. Tsk! Even if he's quirkless, i should've sensed his presence..'

After pulling out a short sword at his wrist, the Hero quickly reduced the distance between them and thrusted weapon , seemingly piercing Yahiko.

" Hehe! You should've never come her- What?!? Nothing? Where is h-! *Gah!*"

" Body Flicker, ever heard of it?"

His blade only pierced what was visibly Yahiko's afterimage, while a punch from behind at the waist immobilized him completely.

Slowly dropping to the ground, the Hero attempted to look up at the kid, only to find himself in a dark space when he managed to do so.

" *Ugh* Where am i?.. ..what's happening?!? Wha-*Gaaaahhh*"

His hands and feets were suddenly pierced by multiple shadows spikes , with a level of pain he hadn't felt in his whole life. Such an experience repeated itself multiples times until he lost consciousness.

" So that's how it feels to use a genjutsu on a human… There's a lot of things I wanted to test." Yahiko quickly erased the memory of his appearance from the mind of the corrupt hero on the ground and did the same to the woman attacked, leaving both of them unconscious while he silently left the place.

With the rumbling of thunder from the dark clouds in the sky, it began raining heavily.

" A rain after all that? Sh*t! This is making my mood even worse than it already is *sigh*.. ..When will I get my PS7? It was out of stock last time I checked.. *Sighhhhh*"


Additional Information:

The Flying Thunder God Technique (Hiraishin) : A Space-time ninjutsu that basically consists of placing a special jutsu-formula / Hiraishin's mark on any solid surface (clothes,walls, a body, or anything that can be touched). As he activates the technique, the user will enter a dimensional void/space that will instantaneously teleport him to the marking's location, no matter the distance. The hiraishin's seal is known to never disappear, even after the user's death ( Of course some high tier beings way later in the fanfic are capable of removing it). It's also possible to teleport anything the user wishes to teleport with or without him, but it will cost more chakra to do so.

Shushin no jutsu (the Body Flicker technique) : By channeling a certain amount of chakra in the whole body but more so on the legs, the user can achieve a very high speed movement that makes him appear as if he teleported. But it is just high speed movement. Shushin is very similar to "Shunpo" from bleach.

Chakra Enhancement : Using chakra to strengthen your physical abilities. But there's a limit to how much you can strengthen your body. With it, taijutsu experts can use punches capable of destroying walls and other inhuman things. The stronger your base body is, the greater the strength you gain by using chakra enhancement.