
true Eternal


Arty_Mark · Action
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1 Chs

chapter 1: the beginning of everything

what is eternity ?

is it living forever ? nothing can kill you ? having your memories forever ? or it's something else....


17/12/2021 : US , in California , certain high school .

" I should've listened to Snow. "

was it aliens colonise ? human expirement ? or just a nightmare because of his stress ? Ben didn't have much time to think in that moment because of the ugly creature who was standing on front him.

why ugly ? well, when you see a 80 cm, green , almost naked , 7 cm sharp nose forward, 3 cm ears left and right sides , yellow eyes without iris, with a bloodthirst smile on his creepy face in his almost hairless head , it would be definitely ugly from a normal human viewpoint.

that wasn't the problem, the real problem that there were 28 one of these things standing in this classroom ,by chance, according the number of students - and their teacher - those who were taking peacefully the boring class of history five minutes ago.

back to that period-

Ben, the 16 years old boy with black soft hair , black eyes white skin but not pure because of acne, 1,72 m , basically you can lose him easily in the horde , was looking to the window waiting the class to finish.

basically, he can focus very good with the teacher, but today he has that feel that something is not alright, why ? his cat , Snow was very noisy, she yelling and scratching every thing in his room, the problem that Snow is very lazy and calm normally, so this thing was abnormal for Bin.

Ben thinks with a frown : ' I wish she is not sick.'

he didn't have time to discover what's happening with her because of his school.

'I think I should take her to veterinary for a check. ' Ben thought.

it was in this moment-

rumble ~rumble~rumble

'huh?' Ben frowned.


the screams of his teammates waked him up and because of the horde effect he started screaming too, within the scream voices , A word that made its way into everyone's head.


Ben was basically calm, so he regained his composure faster than the others but he wasn't the first, and after that he instinctively took cover under his table , covering his head with his hands.

it was almost 30 seconds of shaking and after that, every thing stopped and everything regained calm , even the students.

Ben took his hands from the top of his head and raised his head, in that moment he saw "that ", a few 3D blue holographic tapes , handing these words .

[ origin is coming , the earth's will is spreading, target : surviving. ]

[ the will found an intelligent race : humanity. ]

[ the will decided to guide them into the right ways to survive. ]

[ the way detected : AI system. ]

" haaaaah????? " this time he did raised his voice in disbelief and shock.

but he didn't have time to absorb the shock, because at the back of the classroom, there was a noise like electric mass.

zip,zip,zip ( author: sorry this was the closest sound effect I can imagine. )

when he turned around and saw what happened in the back of the classroom, he couldn't believe his eyes.

it was a hole, in the middle of the air, a black one, like a little black hole but without the force of attraction.

Suddenly, a yellow lights turned in the black hole, two of them actually, in that moment ,a certain sentence came into Bin's head.

' When you stare much into the abyss, the abyss will stare at you too. '

back to main time-

staring, everyone were staring, catching their breaths for a moment, and after that-



the little ugly creatures screamed with bloodthirst and lust while the students screamed with fear and panic, after that, if Bin could've describ the picture, he would describe it with two words: chaos and massacre.

the students started to run into the door , but this was there biggest mistake , because the creatures just jumped on their back with sharp screams and bloody smiles ... and a weird look specially for girls .

despite all of that Ben was confused ,a half of him telling him that he should run and the other telling him it's just a nightmare and every thing will end when he open his eyes.

unfortunately for him , something happened and proved for him that this is ... not a dream ! because while he was lost in his thoughts, one of these creatures crept up behind him and, with a quick movement, stabbed him with his rusty knife.

When Ben finally felt the pain coming from his stomach, he looked below him, only to be met with the crazy smile of the creature, at that moment, he knew he was going to die, so he felt two things: horror and...anger, horror because he felt he would be erased from this world without achieving any Dreams or ambitions, at such a young age, in a small corner of this vast world, but anger? It was directed at the cause of his death, this despicable, disgusting, filthy thing, so he tried to summon up his last bit of strength and courage, he stretched out his hands toward the creature with eyes that could devour not only kill.

but unlucky for him, he lost a lot of blood so he didn't have strength to even move, when he felt that, his own regret was that he should've moved when he could , he could've take a chair to protect himself or anything to survive even run ! but , the time can't turn back and he is going to die ... or not ?

---one hour later---

in the classroom number 712 , there was a little hill of bodies, but what's interesting that there were no female body between them.


it was a hand, wide open, screams with a desire for life as someone who will drown in the depths of the ocean reaches out to the sun in a last attempt to catch it, fortunately it wasn't the ocean , just a little hill of corpses.

the hand pressed with all of her force , and after that the hill of corpses moved To reveal who is the owner of the hand.

he was Ben , but with a red blood stuck on his torn black jacket , and lightless eyes.

he came out from the little hill and fell to the ground slowly.

he looked around, Only then did his eyes regain some of their light, Only to be overwhelmed by a series of feelings, shock , doubts , panic and after that... a huge fear.


He's nauseous, his stomach trying to push the food out, only to swallow it again, and his tears don't want to stop flowing, with his on his mouth scared if the monsters can hear him, he's really describing a pitiful image.


he tried rapidly to catch his breaths, and after a while he got calm enough to think of the situation, but after that he realized something-

he was stabbed, in his stomach and after that, he fainted.

when he remembered what did happened him, he quickly looked at his black jacket and saw a hole, When he saw this, he took off his jacket to reveal a white shirt dyed red underneath with a hole in the same place as the jacket, but when he touched his skin, he found out that under the blood and pus ....there was no wound.

it was in that moment-


His stomach shrieked for the first time in his life, and after that , a huge sense of hunger attacked him ,So much so that he just wanted to scream out loud and roll on the ground, but by the force of will and the extreme fear he was feeling towards the creatures, he didn't scream, no, he didn't dare to scream.

after a while, When Ben recovered a little, he lay on the ground in heartbreaking fatigue, he just wanted to relax his body and drift to the land of dreams, but in this moment ,an old ,strong , and deep voice called with a familiar 3D holographic tape, came out of nowhere :

[ so? better now?. ]

Ben says " yes, tha-" didn't finishing his sentence.

[ ohohoh ? not surprised ?. ]

A bitter and mocking smile spread across Ben's face, "After everything that happened even if a dragon fell from the sky I wouldn't be surprised, what would a cheerful old voice be in front of this ?."

the voice was silent for a moment and Then he sighed heavily and said in a voice full of wisdom and calm [You did well to survive so far, my child.]

somehow when Ben heard the voice now, he wanted to start crying here and now, but once this idea came out, he remembered that, because he cried so much when he was little, he vowed that he would never cry in front of anyone again and from that day he stopped crying, except rarely.

so he caught his tears, took a long breath, then he asked "who are you? ,no, what are you ? "

like he the voice was waiting for this question [ the automatic intelligence 50013712296LB on your serv.]