
True Copy

After awkwardly dying in a heart attack, he found himself reincarnated as himself?! But with an additional twist! Is this the Shadow Clone Jutsu? ----- Author here! I don't own anything! Just saying!

DadhieBear · Anime et bandes dessinées
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63 Chs


Inside the guesthouses of the Hephaestus Familia, David was pondering about his current problem.

He could no longer grind at night.

There's a chance for his clone to be caught if he is not careful and even if he could prevent it Hephaestus Familia would tighten their security to prevent intruders.

He can't even use his clone to help him in forging because the sound of five people hammering would bring suspicion.

But he can't just do nothing, a month without doing anything is equivalent to 6 months for him.

David looks at his reflection in the mirror and can't help but to show a helpless smile when he recalls the huge change in him last night.

He was grateful that his face was not masculine in the past, he could even be called cute back then too, but now except for his eyebrow and eyes that are sharper, everything almost completely changed.

He looks like a pretty cute girl that decided to cosplay that heroic Mulan.

But the most noticeable change in him is his body.

'I know that big bulky muscle doesn't mean more strength, but this is ridiculous.'

He grew almost a full head after leveling up to adjust his body for his new strength but after activating Correxion it forcefully modifies his body only for full-blown performance, any blemishes he had were also thoroughly removed.

It was like his body was condensed and any useless parts of him were removed, even the unnecessary difference between gender was not exempted.

'I don't know if Adam's apple is necessary, but it seems Adam is also gone.'

Thankfully he barely goes outside as a blacksmith and only dives at night or else anyone could notice his big change.

Except for my god which I don't care about, there's only miss Rose and Tsundere Marco that knows me. I could just say that I'm hitting puberty as an excuse, but in the wrong way.

Anyway, I don't really care as long I have my brother, thankfully Correxion considers him useful, or else I would already dive into the dungeon for another transmigration.

Now that I remember Yasou had completed the required items for Myriad Manifestation Umbrella.

He almost died tho but what surprised me is the emergence of the real "The Unforgiven".

Yasuo was summoned when my clone was in danger, achieving the required Situation while his Authority is already covered after his recent level up, along with the skill Correxion,

Yasou can perfectly convene himself without any mistakes, if only he didn't expand his mind maybe I could even meet him.

Correxion is broken, too bad the mind requirements are ridiculous, even every breath was calculated and consumes my mind.

I couldn't even use any clone if I activate it the whole day but the best thing about it is that any mistake I corrected was retained. It means even if I deactivated the skill whatever I did that was corrected is permanently perfected.

Perhaps I should just abuse this while I can't use any clone. I should also ask someone to help me train every night after forging.

He activated his skill Correxion, and he can instantly feel the continuous consumption.

'I wonder if even my blood flow also consumes my mind, what a perfectionist like me.'

Lying on bed he decided to retire for the night.

'It's still early in the night, but goddess Hephaestus told me that she would start her lesson tomorrow, so I should retire early tonight.'


(Hephaestus POV)

After clearing my workshop and looking at the clock, I notice that it was already 6 in the morning.

It is also the first day of teaching Goibniu children in forging as a part of our agreement.

David told me yesterday that he already acquired the Blacksmith Development Ability which is impressive at his age, there are only half of the adventurers that reach level 2 and only a few of them have this development ability.

'Maybe he is a talent worth teaching'

She thought while looking outside at a young man walking toward her manor while holding an umbrella.

'What's more impressive is his urge to learn, there are only a few Blacksmiths and there are even fewer at his age that likes it, most of them rather be a full-time adventurer.'

She went to her room to clean herself after a whole night of forging, she shakes her head after glancing at her bed and remembered her friend that she kicked out after 3 months of just lazing.

'I wonder how she is, it's been weeks since I left her in that church, maybe I should visit her someday.'

Entering the bathroom after undressing she glanced at her reflection and looked at her cursed eye.

Her right eye has a defect so horrible that almost everyone who sees it runs away in horror, except for her friend Hestia.

'That young man reminds me of Hestia, I heard he is very talented that he could level up in just two years but refrained to reach an all S in his status, if Hestia descended together with me, I wonder how big her Familia would already be as a goddess of the hearth.'

God and goddesses have a vow to never use their Arcanum on the mortal world, but their divinity is not restricted.

Similar to her, Goibniu is a god of forging that their creation would be considered the best.

'Hestia as one of the oldest gods and a Goddess of Home, Architecture, domesticity, hearth, state, and family, I wonder how would she progress when building her Familia.'

Looking at her supple body and flawless skin she can only sigh in dismay.

'And similar to her, I also don't have any experience in that area '

Closing the shower she proceeded to dress up and exit her room.

Hephaestus has a crimson eyes and red hair reaching to the neck. She has a rather sharp face and slender body with an eye patch over her right eye.

Looking at the young man waiting for her outside her office, she smiled while looking at his face.

'What a fine young man, if I'm not a god I would also mistake her as a girl'

"Good morning David, are you well rested?"


Author here!

Just saying!

DadhieBearcreators' thoughts