This is my first time writing! It is purely to stave my boredom and give me an outlet for my overactive mind! Warning: Everyone in this novel is of legal age! This will contain sexual content(Not that I can guarantee its quality) A young man dies in the prime of his life with no notable achievements to his name. Now he sits in an endless void faced with an entity without any features. Some may say he's extremely lucky while others may say he drew the short straw.
Ark was currently by himself. He had messaged Jessie in the morning, asking what she planned to do for the day and it seemed she had something planned so they could not meet until the evening. As a result, Ark moved forward one of his original plans he had for Cerulean City, that being the gym.
Of course, the gym was one of the main reasons Ark was in the city at the moment, however his intent for today was not to challenge it. Instead, he wanted to check out the various sights of the gym.
He strolled down the busy walkway, with his hands in his pockets. His attire was a smart casual with a collared polo shirt and jeans. When compared with his natural good looks, Ark ended up receiving quite a few appreciative gazes. This was a pretty new experience to him, since he was often walking with a beautiful girl, he only really was given glares of jealousy. Not that he was complaining.
Moving along the pathway, he eventually saw a large building similar to an indoor swimming pool attraction. Huge panes of glass formed the roof of the gym, with a large metal sign outside. Strangely enough, the logo was the same as the original, a Dewgong in water.
'This is strange... the gym seems to be a mixture of all of the adaptions. While the Pewter Gym was mostly the same, it was also different in some ways...'
Ark thought to himself as he made sure to keep reminding himself that his knowledge was not completely accurate. For example, Sylphs move set, would require her to be of a certain level, yet from what he had seen, the Pokemon of this world can learn moves at any point as long as they fulfil its criteria's.
Ark walked up to the door and noticed a small line had formed in front of the reception desk. Scanning the surroundings, his eyes fell upon a timetable, showcasing the various timings of shows and gym battles in the gym.
Since the Cerulean Gym Leaders were also celebrities, they had to balance out their timetables to accommodate this. Therefore, Ark could not challenge them right now even if he wanted to.
From what he could read, it seemed that in 20 minutes time, a water display show will be running with all of the three sisters starring in it. Consequently, Ark could not pass up this opportunity to get front row seats.
It took roughly 10 minutes, but Ark managed to secure a single ticket for the front row of the show. Due to its popularity, the front row section was quite a bit more expensive, thus he was able to secure it. Otherwise, there would be no doubt that he would have had to sit at the back.
Deciding there was no point going elsewhere, Ark went into the venue, making sure he bought a couple of snacks on the way.
Ark was sat on the front row, eating a bag of crisps with a slightly annoyed expression. The source of his annoyance was in fact the limited choice for snacks. He had noticed this in Pewter but assumed it was due to Pewter City being so far out of the way, however his experience in this venue had shown him that his worries were not unfounded. It seems that currently in Kanto at least, there was a severe deficiency in confectioneries available for the public. There were many cake shops as well as bakers, however sweets such as Gummys were non-existent.
'This issue needs to be addressed fast... I used to eat Gummys every time I watched the show...'
As he was contemplating this serious issue, he noticed the whispers around him had quietened down. Looking up, he saw that all of the other customers had their eyes locked on a doorway on the opposite side of the stage.
The stage in question was a large elevated platform at the back of the hall, with a large swimming pool situated a couple of meters in front of it. Had he not known it was a gym, Ark would have likely mistaken it for some sort of sports center.
As he was sitting patiently with everyone else, the lights dimmed, as a bright pink spotlight shone on the doorway. Anticipation filled the air as the viewers watched a thin layer of fog start to fill the room.
From the doorway, Ark noticed three figures slowly walk out, accompanied by various smaller forms.
'It's them'
A small smile sat upon his lips as he waited for the next part.
He didn't have to wait long as music started playing and more spotlights turned on, revealing three beautiful woman, each in their prime. Immediately, Arks eyes glowed in happiness when he saw them, after all, they were truly worthy of the name 'The Sensational Sisters'.
On the left was a lively looking young adult, with bright pink hair, wearing a simplistic golden swimdress. From afar, he could discern her facial features too well, however his improved eyesight allowed him to admire her beauty a lot more than the other viewers.
On the right side, a beautiful lady with a similar red swimdress. Her fair skin sparkled in the spotlight, attracting the gaze of both the men and women of the audience. Confidence radiated from her as she posed and waited for the applause to settle down.
Last but not least, in the center of the spotlights was an equally attractive lady with stunning indigo hair. Her dark green swimdress accentuated her figure, causing Ark to gulp when he first saw her. She waved to the crowd as the applause continued on, her smile was infectious to the crowd as whistles and catcalls increased in quantity.
After the applause died down, the show officially started.
Ark left the venue feeling invigorated. For the entire show, his attention had been captured by the beauty of the co-ordination, the story as well as all of the actors. While it was true that it was a visually appealing sight, it had actually given Ark a couple of ideas for training with his Shellder.
'I am definitely going to get to know those sisters, although running that idea by Misty is going to be rough...'
He thought back to the behaviour of the tomboyish girl who he was still waiting for. While she had not really shown him any distressing sides of herself, he knew that her temper could easily show itself when her sisters were involved.
'Whatever, that's a problem for future me to sort out'
Deciding worrying about it was pointless, Ark started to think about ways to get close to the fated 'Sensational Sisters'. His body was on auto-pilot, carrying himself to the closest coffee shop so he could contemplate with a fresh cup of tea.
'Now then, from what I remember, the sisters have quite the strange relationship with Misty, however all in all, it is positive. This could allow me to get to know them better, but there is a high chance that in doing so, he may close off the option of taking any further steps with them until later on...'
Ark sipped his cup of tea as he mulled over his options. usually, he acted a lot more impulsively than this and would use his natural charm to get closer, however this situation was completely different. After all, not only was he trying to get closer to his soon-to-be lovers sister, there was three of them that he was trying to get closer to. As a man well versed with ladies, he knew to never underestimate the power of ladies communication networks.
'If that is the case, I might as well get closer to the sisters now, but keep a certain distance until I explain everything to Misty. She seemed to be up for the harem plan at least, so there is some hope that she won't be too angry'
A wry smile rested upon his lips as he thought through all of the potential scenarios.
In the end, he decided to get close with the ladies and see how it went, but for now, he had to meet up with Jessie. It seemed she had a plan of her own for the two of them tonight.
Cheers guys for sticking around.
Pokemon Fanfics are seriously hard to write for some reason, so I do appreciate those who ceck for updates on the regular.
Anyways, just wanted to say thanks!