I was once human, ignorant like the everybody else of what lurked around us, the world is not as you think there are creature who live among us they are the supernaturals vampires, werewolf's witches and everything inbetween and not only have i discovered about them but i have become one of them and a target at that because of the potential power i possess. I must get stronger to protect myself and loved ones i must Evolve and Awaken the True Alpha in me.
Classes started for the day, it was the last period before break time, the bell was yet to ring
"and we are almost done for today's class, but before I go am I would like to announce to you all about you're projects, you're going to be forming groups of four according to the register there should be even number of students in this class, each group would research and submit a history documentation, could be on a person, an event, or place of significant meaning" just then the bell went off
"That would be all for today" the teacher said as she got up and left the class
People could be seen grouping together with their friends and click's
It wasn't hard before almost everyone was paired up Isaac and mike were paired up together but were still short of two members
Out of the whole class there were only two individual who had yet to join any groups due to certain circumstances which were Isabel and amber
"Hey do you mind if I join you guys" amber asked out of the blue
"I guess so" Isaac replied
"I'll be right back" Isaac told mike as he got up and approached Isabel
"Hey we are short by a member and there aren't any more groups available"
"Firstly who told you, you could talk to me and secondly I don't really care" Isabel said before walking out, only for Isaac to look up and find the whole class staring
"come on let's go you tried your best, she always solo's projects before you came and she doesn't participate even when she is in a group, even though back then the grouping was usually off due to the odd number of students, but you balance things out and that still doesn't change shit " mike said trying to console Isaac
"I guess I'll text you to discuss about the project and by the way it looks good on you" amber said
"What looks good" Isaac asked a bit confused
"Your hair" amber said before leaving
"I think she has a crush on you" mike said
"Nah it's probably just a complement, come on lets head out"
Isaac and mike head off to the canteen on getting to their destination mike went off to find a table for them since he came with a packed lunch while Isaac took a serving tray and stood in line waiting for his turn to get served when it got to his turn Isaac found himself salivating over the roasted chicken in the showcase
Until he was brought back to his senses by the lunch lady
"Excuse me but if you aren't picking anything there are still others in the line"
"Oh erhhm am sorry, can I have some of that chicken" Isaac asked with his eyes still fixated on it
"Ha, sorry dear but that's for staff only, can I help you with something else"
"There are still people back here you know"
"Yeah hurry it up"
Some people who were at the back of the line yelled
"No I think I will be on my way now" Isaac said as he dropped the tray and left the line
"Jeez what is wrong with me?"
"Hey man what's wrong" mike asked Isaac whose face wasn't looking the best
"It's nothing, just forget about it"
"So what else can you do" mike asked in a low tone as he
"You know apart from running very fast"
"Oh about that I can smell things, things you couldn't possibly imagine"
"You had bread and peanut butter jam this morning, and you're probably wearing your underwear from yesterday because it stinks"
"Could you not say that out loud, although that's impressive what else?"
"I can hear and see things that are pretty far, am stronger and faster, that's pretty much all I know for know"
"I don't know if you know this but there is a full moon coming and as it is, in every werewolf movie, fact and story I've heard werewolves are supposed to go crazy during the full moon"
"Full moon, she did say something about it" Isaac said
"Who said what, about what?"
"I will be right back" said Isaac as he stood up and headed towards Isabel, who was once again sitting alone at the far edge, there were a few stares here and there but, they were unlike the last time
"What are you doing here?" Isabel asked Isaac as he sat down at the table
"Look I just want to talk; I don't want a commotion or anything"
Considering his request
"Okay what do you want, make it fast?"
"It's about the full moon I don't know what to do, will I lose control?"
"Oh now your crying to me for answers" Isabel said in an annoying tone
"I told him about you, he wants to meet you" Isabel said avoiding eye contact with Isaac
"What you told, who about me" Isaac said obviously shocked
"No need to panic it's just Andrew" Isabel replied
"Andrew, am I supposed to know anybody by that name" Isaac asked
"The sheriff, the supernatural hunter"
"Oh wow and that's supposed to make me feel much happier he could literally kill me" Isaac said
"Don't worry he only kills super naturals who pose a threat to humans" Isabel said as she took a sip of her juice
"Oh so he only kills supernatural's who pose a threat to humans, like an out of control werewolf on a full moon"
"Oops you're right he might end up killing you, just do what the other's do cage yourself up, you know chains and stuff although there are those capable of controlling their impulse but you would probably go on a rampage"
"Okay, and what about this Andrew guy I don't think I can meet him" Isaac said thinking 'it could all be an elaborate plan to capture and experiment on me, or maybe not am just too tired to go'
"Am sorry but you don't have a choice" Isabel said as she looked Isaac directly in the eyes as she leaned closer to him her eyes lit a dim red light as she said "you will do as I say"
Isaac was just staring at her intently wondering what she was trying to do until it finally clicked in his mind
"Wait are you trying to mind control me, like the thing they do in the movies" Isaac asked looking
Isabel recalling Isaac was a werewolf "oh right that won't work on you" Isabel said smacking her fore head
"I need you to meet him, I'll do whatever it is I can to help you in return" Isabel said looking defeated
"Okay I'll do it but you're joining my research team" Isaac said hiding his smirk
"What am sorry but I can't do that"
"And why is that
"It's just easier that way" Isabel said looking a bit sad
"People think you prefer to stay alone and all but from what I see you're just trying to protect them from yourself"
"Do you think am afraid of losing control?" Isabel barked back in a yet low tone
"I don't think I know" Isaac said looking at her intently
The both were locked in what could be said to be a staring competition until finally Isabel reached into her pocket bringing out a pen on which she wrote something, dropped it on the desk and left, Isaac taking the paper's only to realize it was a number probably her phone number…
"I did it" Isaac said to mike who was now sitting along said josh
"Did what" mike and josh asked
"I convinced her to join and participate in our group" Isaac said
"What are you serious, I doubt I can even handle this, how do you expect me to stand beside her talk less of work with her, just her presence alone is too much for me" mike said looking terrified
"From what I can see, let me guess it's probably the ice queen I can see she is finally warming up to you" josh said with a smirk
*Ring* *ring*
The bell went off indicating the end of the break period
"well I guess that's it boy's and before I go you guys better be ready for soccer, from next week their recruiting and so school clubs are getting started too" josh said as he was the first to stand before leaving
"I don't think I am a fan of soccer but I might just try out, are you in the team" Isaac asked mike
"Nope I failed at tryouts, am in a club it's just more suited for me" okay that's cool
Come on, let us get to class the two make their way to class as, school activities for the day continue and soon school was over…