

Third person's POV

Troy was very surprised after hearing this. His mother had been sick for as long as he could remember. he put in thought for some time and the more he did,the angrier he became.

Troy's POV

I was very angry with everyone after this,my mother my father and siblings. How could they treat me like this yet it wasn't my intention to make my mother sick. I was only a baby after all.

I walked to my room and started crying. After thirty minutes of sobbing, I made up my mind. I would run away from here and never come back. But where where would I go!

My parents had Ill treated me but they still fed and sheltered me. Was I going to get a job selling scrap(old metals and plastics) to earn a living. Only God knew but I had to run away.

It was a silent night with all the stars bright and the moon aflame. This would be the night which would mark the beginning of my life. I collected a few of my stuff( I had little anyway),some clothes and a bedsheet. Then, I went to the kitchen and packed some durable food.

When every one was asleep,I crept out of the house into the silent night. I closed the door soundlessly behind me and made a run for it. I had never closed a door so carefully as this one.

I made a run for it immediately fearing that the dogs may spot and bark at me let alone attack me.

When I realised that I was safe, I stopped for a moment to catch my breath while studying my vicinity. I was in a small trading centre that I was familiar with.

If I stayed here much longer, someone would identify me because I had been here too often buying utilities for home.I therefore increased my pace. After what I thought was forever, I came to my senses when I looked far ahead of me.

The sun had started rising. This means that I had walked transnight nonstop. I stared seeing life once again. The morning birds had started chirping and people had started doing their morning activities.

I did not mix with any of them to avoid raising suspicion. When I walked further, I heard the church bell. It was a Sunday.

I decided to go in and pray for my Success and protection whilst in this lonely world. Maybe it's this prayer that had made me what Iam today.

The people I sat with didn't care about who I was because it was none of their business anyway. After, I left the church and looked at some signposts outside. I was just one town away from my home which meant that I could be reached easily.

I had some money that I had been saving with me and decided to use it to board a bus and go further to the North. The boarding was very successful though the conductor kept on asking where my parents were but I kept on telling him that they had sent me to visit a relative.

The people inside were very happy conversing with their children, friends and strangers but I was too absorbed in my misery. One lady kept on looking at me every now then possibly trying to read my mind but to no avail.

We continued with our journey through forests and many places.

We stopped at some point for people to ease themselves but I remained unmoved. The lady then asked me "Don't you want to ease yourself young man?" . "No,thank you" I replied. She didn't stress the matter anymore.

We continued with the journey but later on, I felt the need to pee. I told the conductor to tell the driver to stop and he did after angry statements. 'We are just from stopping'he said. even the people inside were annoyed except the lady.

I moved out and behind me, the lady followed who also wanted to ease herself. I entered a public toilet and did my thing. The lady moved out from the women's section at the same time as I did.

We got so surprised to see the bus moving away. It was leaving behind. We called out loud but the driver took no motive yet he was able to see us through his side mirror.

But this didn't go on for so long. !!AAAAAAAAAAAH!!

The people inside the bus screamed. We saw everything with our eyes and I will never forget it upto this day. .........