
Deafening sound, ...

It was summer, july 11... 8.30 pm.

I was sitting to the table with my parents and we were having a peaceful dinner as always.

It as the only time i could spend with them

as they work untill sunset,

and really, it was every day like this.

I was cooking spaghetti with meet sauce and my dad was cutting a fresh watermelon.

Afther a long day there is nothing better than waternelon to rehydrate oneself, and spaghetti to full the stomach, that is.

Finally all done, we were going to sit to the table to start eating when we heard a strang deafening sound, like of something huge falling down.

All startled we froze up on the spot.

The blood draining from my face as i looked out of the window only in time to see the thing

pass by in a flash.

I -i it was,.... it was a spaceship, an ufo spaceship at that!

Then the sound stopped likeit landed peacefully on the soft silky grass.

Afther a moment of dead silence, my dad was the first one to speak up his puzzlement, followed suit by my mum; but the train of questions was almost immediately adruptly interrupted by a soft knock at the door,

then it slowly opened to reveal a tall, huge figure... a man.

part 1 of 2 of the first encounter

Sarachan15creators' thoughts