
Chapter 2 : Girl meats ogre?

Before Apos Motorcycle hits the poor pedestrian her hand glowed with green incandescent light. The air around the girl moved and formed a circular barrier around her in a blink of an eye.

The pressure compressed on the barrier is so high but still contained by an green aura making a high pressurized shield.

Apo collided with this complicated contraption of mother nature's force , the wind.

as soon as he hit it he flew sideways crashing into an empty trashcan.

Apo flew out of his motorbike.

"dagnabbit, this is gonna hurt"

He violently hit his head on the metal trashcan so hard that it got flattened .

it's a miracle his head didn't got smashed. well ogres are a race stronger and more durable than normal humans. so apo is mildly fine.

But that doesn't mean he didn't sustain a concussions, he's world felt like it was spinning and twirling.

'I can't feel my legs'

After two minutes.

The pang of pain quickly dissipated and while lying on the ground he heard a soft and soothing voice.

"Mr. ogre? , huyyyyy ,wake up" she whispered.

She picked a stick and poked it on apo's nose trying to check if he died.

'I'm not a dead animal lady'

Apo opened his eyes and saw a girl with oak colored hair.

she wore a black cardigan with a thick black shades hiding her attractive face.

"are you ok Mr. ogre?"

"yes its just a scratch , sorry I almost hit ya miss"

Then he noticed a green badge with three swords in the middle ,

his face paled did he almost crashed into a rank 3 mage.

'by the way where's Betsy'

He shook his head left and right to find his motorcycle Betsy . he was filled with unease and concern.

'oh God My baby!!! , He stood up forgetting about the Three Circled mage and goes running to his bike.

it's not far away from the impact and it sustained a little bit of dent. it slammed into a traffic light.

"BETSY !! "

he inspected every nook and cranny of the bliush motorcycle to see if the engine is damaged.

thankfully only the armor of the bike got scratched,

this leaves a pain in Apos heart bit atlease it's not broken.

"From now on drive responsively Sir ogre"

"Yes miss , I won't again"

Green sparks covered the streets where apo crashed.

the trashcan returned back to its original state and the traffic light reattached itself on the

he let a respectful nod to the mage and rode off.

Compared to the size of the mage , the motorcycle looked colossal, it's as big as a small human truck.

but apo made it look big and proper enough for him.

'if the one I hit was a normal human he or she would definitely not survive.'

He drove off home again. but extra careful this time.

what she just did was a magic called air manipulation

but on a more complicated and Advanced way of manipulating an element.

"magic are so scary" Apo whispered as he drove away.

This is also the reason why humans can fight back during the war even if their physically outmatched.

all humans can manifest magic but those that mastered the art of magic can go toe-to-toe with the strongest generals of the demon army back in the day.

'Well most of monsters can't use magic so it's only fair.'

Apo reached the edges of the floating city and parked his Motorbike near a tree. with a unique symbol carved on it.

Suddenly the motorcycle shrank to the size of a baseball.

he held it gently and put it on a counter of a vulcanizing shop to get the dented parts replaced.

"Mate, I want the armor and the wheels changed"

"sure mate , tsk tsk what happened to your bike?"

the short engineer asked.

"you know nothing much I just got blasted by a wind mage nothing serious"

The cranky engineer called didn't ask anymore and got into it.

Dwende is a race of mythical creature that has the power to shrink or expand the size of inanimate objects. they are normally 4feet tall. just the size of human children.

Magic isn't only unique to Humans some monsters has magic though a different flavor of one.

This kind of magic is unique to bloodlines of mosters of higher level like the aforementioned generals of the demon army .

The power to increase and decrease the size of inanimate objects are only unique to the Dwende race

a cousin or a hybrid of dwarves and goblins.

Apo sadly don't have a Bloodline magic , because ogres are one of the lower ranked monsters.

He sat on the comfy sofa inside the vulcanized shop,

he watched as the dwende tinkered with the miniature motorcycle.

'my motorcycle normally the size of a truck now looked like a children's toy'

almost falling to sleep the shop owner woke him up and hand him the toy motorbike,

"that'll be 200 meloz"

Apo whimpered as he saw half of his money dissipate from his wallet.

'well this is better than getting arrested because of roadkill'

He pocketed his Motorbike and walked off. the wind chime clanged as it his apos head. on his way out.

not far away Apo walked towards a colossal house that stand in 20 meters , made from gray bricks and yellow light streaming from its windows.

'finally back home'

Then Apo Climbed towards the left window and slept like a log letting his body heal.

'now that I think about it this is also the clichés on romance stories where the male lead bumped on the female lead , except it's not a life and death situation'

Apo let his consciousness float to the realm of dreams .