

Clara parents after hearing from Clara, got their car and made their way to the Palace. It was a six hour drive, on getting there it was morning, they were given a chamber to stay and prepare for the introduction which is to take place that day, and the marriage which is to follow next.

"Can we see our dear daughter and son in law" Mr Anderson says to the king...

"Yes, they are our children, I will send the maid to direct them up to your room" he says in the most gently manner.

"Thank you, your highness" Mr and Mrs Anderson both bowed.

Clara was brought to their chamber, and they were all glad to see their daughter, they hugged and kissed, after few minutes of greeting MICHY LEVY came in.

"You sent for me" he says bowing his head as s form of respect

He looked so elegant and from the look of Clara's parents eyes, they knew they could trust him to protect their daughter.

"Clara please excuse us, I will like to have a man to man conversation with your husband" Mr Anderson says as he ushers MICHY to the sitting room table.

Clara and her mom leaves and they both head to Clara's room.

"I will Marry your daughter and take good care of her, I want her to live here with me. I will also settle your investors and make sure your company doesn't fold up" MICHY says Before his father in-law could say a word..

"How did you know about my company?"..

"I have some men look up into the lives of the family I will marry from. specifically, i asked to look into any debt owned and it was confirmed. Forgive me, for doing that behind you" he apologises.

Mr Anderson looks into the eyes of his son in-law " do you truly love my daughter"

"Yes I do" MICHY says firmly.

The introduction of both family took place in the royal palace. The whole palace had been decorated with royal blue, Clara was putting on a green dress and a silver heels, her husband to be was putting on a pure white suit.

The introduction was done at the dinning with few other important guest from near and far kingdoms

Both family got to know each other better. The next day was slated for the wedding, and they both agree to make it a simple and elegant wedding where the bride and groom goes immediately for their honeymoon.

While eating, Clara couldn't help to steal glances at her husband, at some point their eyes meets one another.

The dinning was over and they were to prepare for the marriage that would hold place tomorrow.


Clara was dressed in a white wedding gown and her husband was in a suit.

"You look pretty my child" her mother says

"Thank you mum"

The marriage was filled with important guest, and every celebration was done in the palace.

"My love you look good" Clara who is only getting use to her husband felt the remark being awkward.

"Thank you"

The marriage was over and a car was set outside for three newly Weds to go for their honeymoon in the city. An hotel had been booked for them..

The ride to the hotel was in silence, Clara couldn't get over it that she is now a married woman, she told her best friend Shila who couldn't believe her either, until she saw her wedding photos.

It was night already, Clara changed into a sexy nightgown...

"How old are you?"

"I am 18" she confessed.

"Why did you tell my guards you were 22" he asks

"because we were at the club"

"Come here, you are so young and beautiful, we should sleep" he drew her close to his chest and she could Smell him as he smelt so sweet, her hands went up to his hair, and at that moment she wants to practice all what Shila had thought her.

"Young lad, don't seduce me" he says with his eyes close.

"I want you" she says closing her eyes and leaning towards him "in me, kiss me" she says lifting her lips to his.

At that moment he kissed her back, and let her night gown slip off her body, her boobs were big and soft, with her perk nipples,she had pink areolas, he kissed each breasts softly and she moans.

"you are so soft and pretty, my young lad" he says he fondled her breast, he slowly began to kissed her belly down to her navel, she felt wet down there and tries to keep her legs together, he slowly parts them and begins to pull her panties sexily. Her coochies were shaved and they looked like a newborn, he parts them open with his hands and they open to him like flowers,her inner coochies was pink and soft, he slowly bent to kiss them and they smelt like strawberry. "What a lovely pussy" he says to no one in particular...

Clara swallows hard and remembered Shila telling her not to be afraid and she should try and free her mind, as sex is of the mind.

He parts her legs wider and began to lick her inner, at this she was moaning so hard as he uses another hand to twerk her nipples. She almost exploded, and was begging for more, leaving her Shame, she begged to be fucked. At this he slids into her slowly and realises she was a virgin.

Brides whose suitors name are being etched in their arm, are expected to keep themselves, but many do not, as they end up having sex before marriage.

"You are a virgin" he says staring at her like a sin movie


"I loved you the first day I saw you" he says as he pushes himself inside her "I have never loved any woman like you, I promise to protect you always"

Clara seeing how he professed love for her, hung unto him so tightly and promised never to leave him.