

The queen sat by the sick king to be bed singing him his favorite childhood song which he use to enjoy listening to, it goes

"my cute little child, who will not be grateful to have one that is just you, one who smile when the world frowns, one who laughs when the world cry.

My cute child, with pretty eyes and cute lips, you are a gem to your parents and a present to the world"

The queen sings as she let out a soft muffled cry as she clings unto the hands of her ill son.

Just then the king comes into the chamber of his sick son and says " you should go to your chamber , you must be tired from watching him all day"

"What can a mother do when her son is sick?"

"Stay strong for him, everything will be sorted out, the guards are out there looking for the real Clara Anderson" the king says hoping she will get confronted by those words. Without even lifting her head, the queen let out a soft cry.

"It is all my fault, I caused this to happen to him"

"We are over that already" said the king who doesn't want the issue brought up.

"If the guards doesn't come with Good news by next tomorrow which they are given as the deadline, I will go out myself and search for Clara Anderson" the queen who is desperate says.

The king lacks word after hearing what was said by the queen and decides to leave the chamber.


The frequent visits of young men who claims to be the suitor of Clara Anderson continued. It got Clara more confused as she reflects on why her life should really be this complicated. In not knowing what to do, she chatted get best friend, Shila and told her to come over to her parents house so she could tell her parents they both want to do a night out at Shila's home.

Shila's parents are out both out of the country, that would make just Clara and Shila home alone at Shila's house.

"Good afternoon ma, please can Clara come out and stay at my place? My parents are out of the country and I would love some company as tomorrow is weekend" Clara mum who is aware of the stress her daughter is going through in finding her suitor, decides to let the girls be and have some time to their selves. " You girls make sure you really really take care okay? When Clara dad comes home I will let him know the whereabout of Clara"

"Thank you so much mum, you are really the best"

"Go pack your stuffs, and don't do anything silly" her mother said.

"I will help you Clara with packing a few things you will need" Shila says as she follows Clara to her room.


"Wow, how did you convince my mum like that? I was scared she was going to say no"

"If she had said no, I would have pleaded with her more, now let's pack up some sultry clothes because we are hitting the club tonight" Shila says with her singsong voice.

A confused Clara who has never visited the club before thought this would be a great opportunity to go to one.

"Lower your voice, my parents must not find out I am going to the club"

"Are you a child? Why should they find out except you tell them" Shila stops packing and looked at Clara with a skeptical eyes "or will you let them know?"

"Why should I? After all there should be a first time for everything" a determined Clara says.

"That is the spirit, I think this yellow short gown is nice to hit the club, I will give you my pair of shoes at home, since we wear and size"

"Let's pack quickly before my dad comes and changes his mind" Clara says hurriedly.

"mum we are leaving now" Clara says out loud to her mum who was in the kitchen preparing dinner.

"Okay love take care" her mum replies her from the kitchen.


They finally arrived at Shila home, over there they planned on hitting galazo club at night by 11pm. They ate pizza at 7pm and decides on watching a movie till 10pm In order to prepare for their night clubbing.

"What kind of movie do you like to watch Clara"

"Any one is fine"

"Sex movies?"


" I forgot you are still a virgin" shila laughs as she says so.

Clara feeling like a little kid felt embarrassed "how about we watch a sex movie"

"wow, if you say so" Shila says sliding in a movie titled sex night.

The movie started with a man and a woman kissing passionately, and romancing each other body, it proceeds to the man fingering the woman so fast, as juice drips from her pussy. This made Clara feel wet, as she was tempted to touch her self.

"you know what Shila, why don't we watch something else" Clara say as she stood up and went to the bathroom to clean her already wet pussy which was dripping.

Shila followed her with a mocking tone "I said it, you are just a sweet innocent virgin"

"Cut that out"

'are you sure you can hit the club"


They both went back to the sitting room and this time they watched some documentaries. Clara phone rang and it was her parents calling her, she picks "hello mum"

"How are you my darling"

"I am fine mum, Shila is taking real care of me" she says as she eyes her friend.

"Okay dear, take care"

" How is dad?"

"Good, I told him already"

" Thank you mum"

It was 10pm and the girls were preparing to hit galazo club. They both were wearing light make up and slutty gowns, with their little purse.

"You look beautiful Clara, you should show off some skin often"

"Really, I love it"

"Really, I love it on you too, you look gorgeous, make sure you don't get all the attention to your self all alone"

They both laugh.

It was 11pm, they ordered a ride to the club, stepping out of the car and entering inside galazo club all eyes were on Clara, she felt a bit shy but was a bit relived by having Shila by her side