
Troublemaker of Magical Girl's World

Randy is an ordinary High School student. One day he was given a gift by his father. The give was a watch looks like a talisman. After he wears it. He gained the power to see an invisible time that would be called 'Time Fracture'. During the Time Fracture, the Valkyries and Justiciar will fight for a key that hides in the monsters that appear at that time. They collect it to reach their own goal. In the midst of their fight. Randy had to get used to being a troublemaker or their mediator. Tell me how good or bad my writting in this novel. English is my second languange, I want to improve my skill in english by write this novel.

Kepo_Emp · Fantaisie
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40 Chs

8. No, don't Fight!

Everybody in this room stared at the four noisy students.

But there was a student who chose to leave rather than watch that commotion. She has twintail braid hair and wears glasses on her eye. It made her look completely like a real librarian. Moreover, that student is the one who will become his boss at workplace later.

From what Randy saw. She was the same girl as the one with Farida at that time. If he remembers, she was calling Farida with name Ayunda. What is the meaning of that?

Randy tried to look at Farida who was still focusing on Ira. Her gaze could not be deceived. Her eyes briefly look at the student who just came out of this classroom. She was shocked when seeing it. It must be very sad to be left by your friend in this kind of situation, right?

"What do you mean when you say 'want to meet Randy'?!" Ilham crossed his arms while stared at that girl coldly.

Randy was still nervous and his face was drenched in sweat when he saw Ira came to see him. That was not the plan they decided.

Ira who was blushing finally made a serious face at Ilham. "Why you don't let me?!" She asked suspiciously at both of them.

Farida returned her gaze to Ira and lend a hand to Ilham to protect Randy. "Please, don't play with us!" Farida said something strange.

But based on Randy's knowledge that Valkyrie and Justiciar were enemies. Randy assumes that what Farida said is. 'What plans are you making right now?' More or less.

"You want to match with me, again?!" (Ilham)

"Get out of here!" (Farida)

"If you want to make a fun of me just go ahead, but if you try to make a fun of my friend. I will damn surely stop you!" (Ilham)

The last sentence made Randy blush in awe of Ilham. 'You're my best friend, Ilham!' Not in a weird way, okay.

Ira was cornered by Farida and Ilham's words. Randy can't let this happen. She was like this, must be the cause of him again.


Randy stood up from his chair and took a deep breath.

Both of his friends looked at Randy in confusion.


"Be careful! She dangerous!"

They were both worried about him.

Randy stepped closer to Ira and stand beside her. Slowly he began to hold the girl's hand while showing it to his friends.

He smiled at that moment. "I'm sorry, actually we..." but he didn't dare to explain further.

Both of his friends give a dead eye fish stare to him.

Ilham just turned his face away while feeling relieved. "Ahh(sigh in relief)... So, you are going out with her? Forgive me, I thought she would be doing bad things to you." Ilham didn't seem to mind Randy's relationship with Ira.

The problem is...

'Randy, you're in danger now!' Dalor who had been silent suddenly shouted within the boy.

Farida quickly let go of Randy's hand with Ira. She dragged Ira out of the room with her. Randy tried to follow them but Ilham held him back.

"We'd better just eavesdropping on them. Girls are the most complicated thing ever." Ilham looked at the place where both girls came out.

Randy nodded and agreed to his friend's plan.

They left the room and followed them from behind. Of course, they did this secretly. Eavesdrop will not become eavesdrop when you got caught out.

Unfortunately, Randy realizes how useless what he doing. J and V can surely notice the presence around them. From the start, they already know that those two boys are following them

A quiet place and rarely passed by students became a place for those two to talk.

Farida released her grip on Ira and glared at her menacingly. "What are you planning by going out with him?!" She said in an angry tone.

Ira that was blushing now become serious.

Even being watched, they still back to their J and V personality.

"Plan? Heh... The hell with that? What I do just for love!" Ira glared at Farida with an insulting sound.

"Bullshit! You're just using him, right?!" Farida shouted back at Ira.

She was afraid that Ira would only use Randy as a tool to destroy her. For humans who live in two different worlds, that is what they have to do. Farida's anxiety is natural.

But unfortunately, she didn't realize that the actual situation was reversed. It was Ira who became Randy's tool to gather information on the Valkyries in this school.

Ira grab both of Farida's shoulders tightly. Her eyes were like throwing a dagger right on that girl's damn face. She was offended by Farida's words.

"Listen to me, clearly....! I don't care whether it's the student council president, class idol, or even Randy's close friend. If anyone tries to get in the way of our relationship, I'll destroy them all till they become an ashes!" Ira said it with an eerie tone.

Her cold and eerie sound made Farida freeze at the place.

When Ira realized that Farida could not speak any further. She decided to leave that place. But right before leaving, her eyes turn to Randy and Ilham who were eavesdropping on their conversation all this time.

"Huh...?!" Ilham shuddered in fear while making a low voice.

Ilham was already scared by just seeing it. Wonder how his expression when he knew about the world of Time Fracture. All Ilham saw just a tiny piece of the power of the V and J.

The frightened Ilham immediately turned to Randy and say: "Randy, does she know we're eavesdropping all this time?" He said quietly.

Randy was being used by this strange power. So he doesn't act like anything was wrong and casually answers Ilham's question. "You were too noisy!" Randy calmed Ilham's breath.

"You guys, can you stop eavesdropping us?!" Farida who also knew the whereabouts of her 2 friends immediately called them.

"Yes, I can't! I'M CURIOUS!" Ilham spontaneously showed himself and was act like a soldier to their leader.

This was just a normal thing the three friends did. No magic whatsoever happened to him. He does it just for a joke.

Randy followed out to show himself while waving his hand. He couldn't say much other than smile. "Um...." While his voice was shy but relaxed.

Farida swiftly changed the expression on her face to be like the Farida they knew.

"Sorry, I just don't want you to be played by girls. So I want to test her first!" Farida knocks her own head with a smile.

"And the result?" Ilham looked at Farida with a questioning face.

Farida feel a cold sweat when he asked that. Her spine really feels that sweat from before. She walked closer to Randy with a frightened face. She holds his shoulders strongly.

"Randy, be careful! I sensed that she was damn crazy! She will destroy anyone who opposes your relations!" Her eyes were blank while said that scary thing.

"Huh?!" (Randy)

"Cra-crazy?! You mean she was possessive?!" Ilham added a question that should have been asked by Randy.

Farida could not say much other than put on a smiling face while scared. "It's more or less like that, so Randy. (puts her mouth beside to Randy's ear.) Be careful when you meet other students. She might cause trouble to the girl you just talked with."

Randy turned blue in fright. Not only was his mission to free the other student that becomes harder. But also his mission to get a job is more difficult than before.

"Don't worry, I'm used to it," Randy replied in fear.

He did that to calm his friends, especially Ilham who doesn't know about magic. It would be bad if Ilham was involved in this matter.

'Boss, your life is hard, isn't it.' even Dalor pitied the boy.

But for now, Farida will not interfere with Randy and Ira's plan to stop the monster gathering in Time Fracture.


Move to other places


At the library, a student sat down to list books that were borrowed by visitors and when they will return them.

In her heart, she felt something strange with a friend of her friend. She seemed to have seen him somewhere, but where?

"Why my memory is hazy?" The girl held her head confused from thinking while working.


Move to other places, again.


In the student council room, the Valkyries gather to gossip about Ira's relationship with Randy.

"Hey, they said Ira was going out with Randy, a friend of Farida!" Windy the idol started gossiping in the room.

"I just hope Ira doesn't just play with him!" The shy Naura responded to Windy.

"Why do you even have mercy on your enemy? This is the wisest move for Ira to destroy Farida up close." Windy looked at Naura wryly.

"But what if she really love him?" Naura dodged and added her opinion.

"Anyway, as long as it doesn't interfere with Ira's life. It won't be a problem for us or the Justiciars." Celicia responded to the disagreement between the two of them.

"I don't really understand what love is, but I do know one thing. We can't play with that thing," Celicia added.

Naura's eyes shone brightly while being mesmerized by Celicia's speech. "President, you are the best example for us!"

Unlike Naura, Windy stared wryly at her president's speech. "Whatever, as long as she doesn't weaken from love. I won't stop her." Windy turned her annoyed face away.


Back to the Protagonist


After school,

Randy is walking to the library while shaking. Farida's word about Ira earlier really make him chickened out.