
Troublemaker of Magical Girl's World

Randy is an ordinary High School student. One day he was given a gift by his father. The give was a watch looks like a talisman. After he wears it. He gained the power to see an invisible time that would be called 'Time Fracture'. During the Time Fracture, the Valkyries and Justiciar will fight for a key that hides in the monsters that appear at that time. They collect it to reach their own goal. In the midst of their fight. Randy had to get used to being a troublemaker or their mediator. Tell me how good or bad my writting in this novel. English is my second languange, I want to improve my skill in english by write this novel.

Kepo_Emp · Fantaisie
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40 Chs

35. Transformation

"Farida!" Hannah called her leader.

The Valkyries and Justiciars in one group are indeed a strange sight. But this is only just this time. They have the same threat and no one will stand if they fight alone.

Farida was found while sitting and looked up on an expanse of rice fields. She stared strained at something that flying at the sky.

"What happening to you, Farida?!" Celicia asked directly after landing.

That Justiciar did not answer a single word, she was still staring something at the sky and ignore the others.

"What did she see?" Ira tried to see what Farida saw.

As she looked up, a body was frozen at the sky. Her body was covered in darkness. Her head gave off a black smoke like a house caught in the fire.

"She's Rena, isn't she?" (Hannah)

"Of course, who else has such a black great lance besides her!"(Windy)

"She was like in pain..."(Naura)

"Is something bad going to happen to her?"(Dian)

"I don't know, for now let's check her out!" Celicia is trying to lead.

But it seems that there are those who oppose this.

"Let just sent some of us, we don't know what will happen when we come closer right?" Hannah is the one.

"Why?" Celicia stared in bewilderment.

"If the bad lucks were true, she would probably attack us in surprise." Hannah looked seriously at the leader of the Valkyries. "If that happens, the defender won't be able to protect all of us!"

"Sounds reasonable, then. Let me and you check it. Farida seemed to be still in shock and could not move a single bit."

That way, Celicia and Hannah left the crowd and went towards Rena who was floating like a statue in the sky.

The body was decayed, that's what they thought in first time.

"Where are her eyes?!" Hannah was terrified with disgust.

"Calm down, Hannah! This is only a small part of her spell!"

"Heh, really?"

By the quick response of Celicia, Hannah returned to acting normal. Now all they have to do is check it out.

Those two touch from the head till her armor, anything that could be touched from Rena is try to analyze by them.

"It seems her body is overloaded!"(Celicia)

"Yes, but the magic she uses doesn't seem to have the same formula as we have."(Hannah)

Hannah's statement shocked Celicia. From everything she thought. She did not expect that the conclusion would end up to that point.

"Not the same? Does that mean that the magic she uses doesn't come from that Goddess?!"

Something Celicia should be sure of. She can't be a bit careless about it. What she had just heard was something beyond her senses.

"I'm afraid, if that's true! She used magic that wasn't from that Goddess." Hannah was bathed in sweat when she said that.

"If what you said is true, then Rena shouldn't be affected by Dian's dispel spell."

Celicia tried to experiment. She had to try it whether it was true or not.

"Dian, come here!" She tried to call the traitor.

"What?" Dian answers as she's flying towards Celicia.

"Use dispel on her!" Said Celicia while pointing to Rena's head.

"What the hell is that, disgusting?!" Dian couldn't stand to see Rena's face. "I will finish this quickly!"


A circle appeared and Rena was in it. If everything that was they talking about was wrong. Then, the smoke that come out from all of the holes in her head will stop coming out because has been sealed.


"What, no effect at all?!" Dian looked at Rena's body in confused.

The smoke in her head was still coming out. The girl's magic power also didn't seem to be restrained by Dian's dispel.

"It turns out that our assumptions are correct."Celicia held her chin.

"What assumptions?" Dian who just came clearly did not understand what she meant.

"Assuming that Rena is not the Justiciar sent by that goddess, Goddess Apate," Hannah explained what happened to Dian.

She immediately went into confusion and enter the thinking mode. Although she never used her brain to think, but when something is precarious. At least once, she wanted to wear it.

'If I'm not mistaken, it's the goddess that we have to fought, right?' With that foundation, Dian and Hannah's eyes met each other.

Hannah nodded as a hint that what Dian thought was true.

But in her mind there was something else. How did they get that power? 'They' are meant to Rena and Randy.

'Who gave them a power as such strong more than all Valkyrie and Justiciar? On Randy's case, he gained magic that can surpass any magical girl, but unfortunately, he couldn't use it properly. While on Rena's case, she gained powerful magic power but needed to pay, and what I see in front of me now is the payment for using too much power.'

I don't know anything about Randy. All she knew was that the man wanted to collect the monsters to be released back. But what his motive for did that, she still didn't know it.


Shortly after a long thought. The black smoke that came out from Rena's head finally stopped.

"It stopped?!" They were all clearly shock in surprise.

But that's not the only source of their shock. From the looks of that eyeless heads. It signaled that there was still more danger ahead.

"Something bad is coming! Everybody fall back!" (Celicia)

The three girl flew back to their group. Upon landing, their eyes showed that a jeopardy was about to come.

"What happened?!" Ira asked those who had just landed.

But without having time to answer that question, Celicia immediately take a stand by position and prepare to unleash some of her magic.

"Everything! Prepare to fight!" Celicia's war cry made the whole girl there shocked.

But because they were used to it, they immediately followed the orders of the leader of Valkyrie even though they were Justiciar.

This is not the time to look at factions or who she is.

Something bad is coming to their way. Cooperation is what they have to do right now.

Rena's body that was in the sky continued to shiver like it felt a painful pain. There was a sense of wanting to help between them. But it could not happen, since the girl was already in a state of dangerous.


A pair of wings came out of Rena's back. The armor she was wearing became harder and even looked like it was made from the bones of a mythical monster. The lance she was wearing became longer than before. Ice sphere and black fire sphere also move spinning the lance.

After successful transformation. Rena raise her lance and point it to the sky. "For Humanity!"

Dozens of magic circle appeared around her.

She tries to summon a lot of something.

"For Humanity!"

Several summoned being emerged from that magic circle and said that at the same time.

They're an army of full armored soldier. A helmet shaped like a pot is a characteristic that can be seen from them.

They are crusader.

"For Humanity! For Humanity! For Humanity!" They kept saying that while preparing their weapons.

"Wait, is that it?!" Farida came back from her shock, but was again made to see something unexpected again.

"A Shotgun?!" Ira finished Farida's sentence.

Dozens of Crusaders armed with shotguns are now aiming at them. Even if Ira and Naura's Shield can't be match again them if they forced to defense.

"Is this the end of us?!" One of the Justiciars shouted in fear.

It was a normal reaction. What they were facing was something unexpected.

They have to face Rena who has been fully transformed. And the situation was aggravated by dozens of crusaders who used the shotgun.


On the other side


"What the hell is that?!" Randy saw in the distance the armies of Crusaders.

But what gave a hysterical response was the creature that was inside the young man's body.

"There's no mistaking it, this is the magic of the goddess who locked me up in that damn jail! Goddess Dahlia!" Fear enveloped the Demon King.