
Troublemaker of Magical Girl's World

Randy is an ordinary High School student. One day he was given a gift by his father. The give was a watch looks like a talisman. After he wears it. He gained the power to see an invisible time that would be called 'Time Fracture'. During the Time Fracture, the Valkyries and Justiciar will fight for a key that hides in the monsters that appear at that time. They collect it to reach their own goal. In the midst of their fight. Randy had to get used to being a troublemaker or their mediator. Tell me how good or bad my writting in this novel. English is my second languange, I want to improve my skill in english by write this novel.

Kepo_Emp · Fantaisie
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40 Chs

25. 3 Hours Between Life and Dead


The noise in the sky was as loud as fireworks.

There's no need to ask who did this, it must be both of them, J and V.


Randy staggers while holding onto his stomach.

"If Hannah hadn't come I might have died for once more," he said as he's leaning his body against the nearby wall.

"Damn me, Why am I here?" While groaning stupidly, the young man stared at the colorful sky because of magic that unleashed by the J and V.

He's thinking to himself, why he did this? Isn't he just wants to stay at that fast food restaurant? But why he ended up come closer to the danger.

"Today is Wednesday, meaning the Time Fracture will last for 5 hours."

"But from my estimation, it looks like it's still running for 2 hours now."

"Cough! Cough! Cough!" Randy vomiting his bodily fluids from the mucus in his throat.

"Green? Ohhh..."

His green blood was probably because he was now fused with the Demon King's body.

If he remembers, the monsters in the movies always have a different color of blood than humans.

And it looks like it's evident from Randy who currently can't even bleed normally.

"Wait, didn't I just get stabbed and still bleed like a normal person?!"

Something strange has just been felt, when it is not!

"If not, then Hannah who saved me should feel disgusted at the sight of my abnormal blood!"

When he said that, his spine become sweat. Randy realized another thing he had to remember in the movies.

Monsters can also transmit and even infect the bodies of their victims.

"Did I...?!" He become pale.

He tried to hold his back-up to his stomach to examine it.

If that's true, then he can't hang around anywhere.

"SHIT! WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME?!" His sanity is slowly gone.

Not out of emotion or resignation, but his mind seemed to be getting swallowed by something.


Randy's body collapsed and squirmed over the cold roadside. He didn't expect something like this to happen.

"Remember something!" During his lost consciousness, he was trying to remember something.

At least something that makes sense. If only he could think normally, maybe it would be faster.

But now, he must do that while holding his consciousness and must let alone have to remember something.

"I remember..." he giggled like madman.

He tried to open his mouth and say his magic name. But his mouth was getting stiffer, he couldn't speak easily.

His mouth at this time was like iron that had rusted and had to be given alcohol to destroy it.

"Dis-... Pel....!!!" With all his might, Randy said the name of the magic.

A light that formed a magic carving circle came out on that roadside. Shortly after turning around a bit, the circle enlarged and exposed by almost the entire eyes in the city.

"Cough... Cough...!"

His body was able to move again, and the stiffness in his joints also felt lost.

"I've completely healed, at least the Magic earlier was really useful!" Without bringing it up any further, Randy continued on his way to the source of the mid-air fireworks.


"Where are the fireworks?!"

There was no sound or light in the sky anymore. It's like there's no more fighting right now.

"What is it? Maybe?!" Randy thinks the monster has been defeated.

With a quick run, the young man went along the roadside towards the last place where the firecracker was seen.

Flying at this time becomes impossible, Randy can feel it, how much justiciar there.

"It's weird, why are the J's playing group?! Don't they usually play solo or duo?!"

While walking down the street, the selfless young man continued to grumble at the problem he was facing at the moment.



On the other side, where Farida, Hannah and Ira are. At this time Ira's condition was still sound asleep because he was tired and only left two J's on guard.

But in the moments after being chased by the strange tentacles, a light from the Magic Circle passed through them all.

"What was that?!"(Farida)

"I don't know, but I felt something familiar!"(Hannah)

"When you say that, I feel the same way. It's a familiar feeling, but what feeling?"

"But that one was clear, it was a magic circle! And its size is very large!"

"Maybe, but for what?! After all, who can cast such great Magic?!"

"I'm sorry, Ayunda. But I can only think of the worst!"

"What is it?"

"Maybe it came from that Tentacle's original body?!"

"If you say so, it even sounds more reasonable! Let's see"

While saying that, Farida tried to open the map of the Justiciars and look for the whereabouts of her subordinates whom she had gathered at that time.


However, nothing happened.

The wind whistled in that awkward situation. Feeling humiliated, Farida tried once more.

"Eye of the Moon!"

Still nothing happened.

"Ayunda, why?"

"It seems that you guessed right, the magic just now came from that monster!"

"What do you mean, Ayunda?"

"It sealed our magic and made us helpless, there is a possibility that our friend who is facing the creature now can't do anything and end up being miserable," Farida gave the worst possibility to this incident.

"Wait, does that mean!" Hannah screamed, her hands stretched out as if challenging her own leader. "We're going to lose another member?!"

The tears of that BL fans came down, she seemed to be reluctant to see that again.

"First your brother, then Tania, now you're trying to do that again?!" The emotions that overflowed in Hannah made her manners disappear.

What Hannah said was the main reason for Farida's anger at the restaurant. But fortunately, for now Ira is still fast asleep because she is tired.

Hannah's speech made the girl's memory flashback. "Sis Farida (voice calling affectionately)? Sis Farida(surprised and scared voice)? Sis Farida (voice suffers before death)...?" The voices buzzed in her ears.

"Stop it! Please...!" Her voice is weakening.




That memory haunted her, when she heard her younger brother say for the first time that she was going to be a real man who will protect his older sister from that assholes.

"Sis Farida, don't be with them! They're look dangerous!" His small body was hands in hips and looked angrily at Farida's male friend.

But because of his small cute body, both of Farida's friends even pinched the boy's chewy cheeks.

Memories of when he first time saw his sister could use magic. At that time he accidentally peered into his sister's room.

"Sis Farida?!" He put on a frightened face, but because his mind at that time was still immature.

Farida immediately said that she was making a magic wand to cheer his up.

Another memory swirled again, shortly after her brother saw Farida who used magic.

Time Fracture arrived, and a light from outside the window distracted him.

"Fireworks Festival?!" Immediately, the child came out of the house and walked towards the source of the fireworks.

However, right in the middle of the road.


A monstrous monster appeared right in front of him.

The child cried with fear and fell silent. Indiscriminately, the monster in front of him immediately bit the child's tiny body.

The lonely road instantly turned into a puddle of red colored water.

In the bite of the monster, the child continues to call. "Sis Farida!" In his cry, however ill-fated. No one answered, and he became the monster's dinner at Time Fracture.


Flashback End


Going back to the current time, Farida did not want to remember that.

Every time she hears the word 'man must manly.' She must deal with that memory.

Her brother was forgotten, even Farida had now slightly forgotten what her brother's name was. But as an older sister, she didn't want to forget him.

"Ayunda is great too, huh?" Hannah, whose emotions had already been erased, immediately praised the person she had just scold. "I can stand it despite such a strong mental attack."

Farida wiped away her tears and stared right into Hannah's two black eyeballs.

"I am your leader after all, so I have to get used to this!"

"So what do we do now? Did we must look for them (The Justiciars), we don't even know where they are!"

"No, I know!"


"Hmm (nodding), the monster appeared in the alley where I had a quarrel with Ira. It was likely that it was still there, not to mention that it was walking very slowly."

"Then let's go, depart!"

"Wait, what must we do to her?!" Farida pointed at sleeping Ira.

"Ugh..." Hannah thought hard, she can't get caught by Randy if she left his girlfriend in this kind of situation.

"Just lean her to something, when she wakes up, she will surely be safe here!"(Hannah)

"All right!"

That way, They hide sleeping Ira behind a trash bin and can be seen by anyone. On the other hand, Farida and Hannah walked to the scene of the previous dispute.

'I wish I still had time!' (Farida)