
Troublemaker of Magical Girl's World

Randy is an ordinary High School student. One day he was given a gift by his father. The give was a watch looks like a talisman. After he wears it. He gained the power to see an invisible time that would be called 'Time Fracture'. During the Time Fracture, the Valkyries and Justiciar will fight for a key that hides in the monsters that appear at that time. They collect it to reach their own goal. In the midst of their fight. Randy had to get used to being a troublemaker or their mediator. Tell me how good or bad my writting in this novel. English is my second languange, I want to improve my skill in english by write this novel.

Kepo_Emp · Fantaisie
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40 Chs

20. Transfer Student?

Randy sat in his house and stared at the textbook in his room.

Today it is a mandatory math, sport, and religious exam.

Randy should focus his studies in religion. Because math lessons are more likely to be formulas, and sport are more likely to be technic and skill.

Sport is a piece of cake for him, while mathematics is more like a white flag for him. He will pass to study math not because he is good at it, but rather because he had given up even before fighting.

No matter how many times he tried, he never pass that subject.

"If Dian did not make me overwhelmed at yesterday, maybe I can get enough time to study on it..." Randy gets goosebumps every time he remembers what happened last night.

He even got phone called so many times by Ira because of his sudden disappearance.

In the end, Randy could only apologize by saying there was important business.

"I am an asshole... Even using Justice of the Word to fool her!" The feeling of guilt now is haunting him too.

Time goes by and Randy forgets he's studying.


At school, Randy is greeted by Ilham right at the school gate.

"Randy! How was yesterday? How it feels to be surrounded by girls?!" Ilham satirized the incident where Randy was invited by the student council girls.

When he remembers that, what Randy has in his mind is not a good memory.

His memories of being slammed into a desk and passed out for hours haunted him back.

But Randy distracted his friend just by staring at him like a fool.

"From your gaze... hehehe... doesn't seem to be going well, is it not right?" Ilham is sensitive about this.

He did not try to talk about this any further. He doesn't know what happened to his friend yesterday, but he still shouldn't make Randy feel bad. His sad feelings were still felt inside the muscular boy.

"Hey Randy, let me treat you something to eat after school... Yesterday, it was canceled because I was become a chandelier... hahahaha!"

Once more, Ilham invited his friend even though he remembered the incident when he was kicked by Celicia to the ceiling.

Randy who heard the word 'food' seemed to be hypnotized by his friend's words. He would do anything for free food.

"Sure, but this time.... you better be careful when you walk. Otherwise, you'll be a chandelier again!" Randy warned his friend.

He didn't do this out of concern for his friend, but worried that his chance to get treated by Ilham failed once more.

Randy's cunning when it comes to food even bypasses Sangkuni's cunning.

NOTE: Sangkuni is an evil character from Mahabharata.

"Alright alright, I'll be careful when walk this time. Besides, I don't want to be a chandelier either. Yesterday, I needed help of 5 students to pull me down from there!" His annoyed expression change from chuckling to whining as he recalled that incident.


When they felt that there was nothing else to talk about, both of them began to pass through the gate to get in to the school.

"Oh yeah Randy, by the way... I heard that suddenly after the exam, they will announce a new student. We will have a new student!" Ilham re-opened the chat.

"New student, what is she or he like?"(Randy)

"Dunno, I don't know either... but that transfer student was girl and moreover..." Ilham held back his words while blushing so red like tomato. "... Her body, ehmmm(clear his throat)!" While expressing it in the form of hand gestures.

His hands moved straight down, and then he waves it.

From what his friend did, Randy concluded that what Ilham meant was that girl has a curvaceous body.

"Curvaceous body?!" Randy confirmed the answer.

"100 for you!" Ilham gave a thumbs up to his friend who answered appropriately.

Suddenly Randy's hair stood up when he remembered the word 'curvaceous body'. He's still scared about what happened yesterday.

Dian's gluttony made him unable to think clearly that night.

'I hope it wasn't her, amen!' Randy prayed within himself.

'It's impossible anyway, the percentage is too small. When compared with the entire population in the City of Gakroh, it will get the scale: 0.8%. It's too small to get. After all my luck these days is always terrible, so there's no way that gonna happen,' he lamented inwardly.

Soon after, Farida walk close to them and stood between them.

"Yo! You guys, it is still morning and both of your mind is already dirty..."Farida looked at Ilham's red face.

"We're talking about normal things, really, right Randy!" The blushed Ilham asked his friend for help.

For Ilham at this time, it was impossible for him to dodge even if he was in the right position. If he already consumed by lust, he can't think clearly.

"We are just talking about new students. Don't think about something dirty..." Randy put on his sweet smile to distract Farida.

But as the best friend, Farida knows the hypocrisy of their friend.

"Randy stop making that smile! You're as disgusting as Ilham!" Farida looked disgustingly at both of them.

Randy fell silent and become stone then shattered into dust.

Called 'disgusting' must have hurt his inner heart.

"Wahh! Randy turn into dust due to finger snap by purple creature!"(Ilham)

"Let him, just go, he will come back for a moment!"(Farida)

"Hmm (nodding)."

The two of them left Randy who had become dust.

"You damn friend!" Randy felt betrayed and chased them back.

"Hoi! How could both of you become so cruel to me?!" Randy whine.

"Looks, he's back!"(Farida)

"Hmm (nodding)..." (Ilham)

Ilham could not say anything, he was like an obedient dog because he was crushed by Farida's words.

"By the way... About the new student..." suddenly, Farida opened the chat again.

"What happened to the new student?" Ilham is back as he before.

"She's not really a new student... But that student was absent for a long time~, and she is just return to attend this school today." Farida explained the student's circumstances.

"So, she is more like failed to advance class because never attend it?" Ilham held his chin like a thinking man.

"Yes, the girl did not go to school for some strange reason..." Farida suddenly clenched her hands tightly.

Randy who realized her fist behavior immediately concluded that the new student they're talking about was...

Something related to the world of Time Fracture.

The sweat that just gone from his spine accidentally feel back.

His feelings grew worse and sweat began to run down his spine and face.

"What's wrong, Randy? Are you sick?" Ilham looked at the frightened Randy.

"Eh?! It-it's nothing!" A smile full of lies he threw at them.

He tries to hide his trembling body.

"If you are sick, you should go to the infirmary... While there is still time before the exam begins." Farida gave him a suggestion.

"Take it easy, it's not because it hurts!" His smile looks reassuring.

"Okay, then you cool."

The two of them continued their walk and entered their classroom.

"Mandatory mathematics, huh? I didn't even learn a single bit..." Randy complained softly at his desk.

Shortly thereafter, the guard enters and the exams are begins afterward.

Exam results:

Mandatory Mathematics Score (Minimum Score: 70):

Randy Aditya: 32 (failed)

Farida Ayu Putri: 98 (passed)

Ilham Darmono: 50 (failed)

Hannah Kumila Dzakri: 88 (passed)

Ira Mana Sari: 68 (failed)

Celicia Ambarwati: 100 (passed)

Windy Renata Maulydia: 84 (passed)

Naura Batu Langit Tak Mungkin Itu: 90 (passed)

Religious Score (Minimum Score: 70):

Randy Aditya: 76 (passed)

Farida beautiful daughter: 65 (failed)

Ilham Darmono: 100 (passed)

Hannah Kumila Dzakri: 90 (passed)

Ira Mana Sari: 77 (passed)

Celicia Ambarwati: 100 (passed)

Windy Renata Maulydia: 43 (failed)

Naura Batu Langit Tak Mungkin Itu: 70 (passed)

Sport Score (Minimum Score: 70):

Randy Aditya: 86 (passed)

Farida Ayu Putri: 70 (passed)

Ilham Darmono: 82 (passed)

Hannah Kumila Dzakri: 76 (passed)

Ira Mana Sari: 80 (passed)

Celicia Ambarwati: 100 (passed)

Windy Renata Maulydia: 70 (passed)

Naura Batu Langit Tak Mungkin Itu: 70 (passed)

Today's exam ended peacefully, despite some cries of the students who saw their red screens on the monitors.

"Hey everyone! Anyone wants to come with me to see the new transfer student's face?! Moreover, she's a beautiful girl!" One of the male students from the same room came back to tell his comrade about her.


"I'm in!"

"How beautiful is that student?!"

Instantly the male students, including Ilham ran after the man.

Randy want to follow them. "I saw her just to make sure, okay?! There's no other reasons..." Randy tried not to get carried away.

The thrilling moment will he see, who is the new student is?