
Troublemaker of Magical Girl's World

Randy is an ordinary High School student. One day he was given a gift by his father. The give was a watch looks like a talisman. After he wears it. He gained the power to see an invisible time that would be called 'Time Fracture'. During the Time Fracture, the Valkyries and Justiciar will fight for a key that hides in the monsters that appear at that time. They collect it to reach their own goal. In the midst of their fight. Randy had to get used to being a troublemaker or their mediator. Tell me how good or bad my writting in this novel. English is my second languange, I want to improve my skill in english by write this novel.

Kepo_Emp · Fantaisie
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40 Chs

13. Battle of Bottom of Sea

Randy, Hannah, and Ira had already prepared themselves to fight the monster. Hesitation is within them, but they already have determination within themselves. As terrifying as the monsters were, they were still living creatures. They can die if they keep getting hurt.


The monster that had just revealed its mouth opened it so wide.

The monster began to force itself to enter its own body into the dome that was not wetted by seawater.

When It was inside, it started to walk looking for the whereabouts of the three of them with its sense of hearing.

Fear is something that can't be avoided. Scared Hannah suddenly stepped back. "Shit...!" she said in surprise.

Charybdis immediately distracted by the sound made by Hannah. It squirmed to her due to its sense of hearing.

The terrified Hannah suddenly gripped her weapon tightly. She won't know what must to do right now. Fear has consumed her sense. She was completly helpless.


Ira instantly jumped up and slashed the monster.

Ira's attack turned Charybdis's target towards her and started trying to give her a chase.

Knowing that Ira has save her, Hannah couldn't just stand like a nail when her friend need help. She must do something.

She takes her breath to calm her mind.

Maybe it will work...

"Fire Attributes!" (Ira's sword becomes fiery)

"Hand of Hermes!" (Ira's speed increases)

"Shield of Apollo!" (Ira's immunity increases)

Hannah gave buff to Ira who was going to fight.

"Thanks, Hannah..." Ira smiles at her.

She still thinks that she was useless, but as long she can give a little help, she will not feel down about it.

On the other hand, Randy was still staring at the three of them silently.

"Can I do this?" he said nervously.

The axe he was holding was very heavy, but thanks to the power of Dalor within him. He could lift the axe easily.

However, that is not the case. His hands were shaking, this was the first time he had fought such a terrifying monster in such a dark place.

"Believe in yourself, Randy!" Dalor scoffed at the terrified Randy.

"Where is your pride that always you proud of? Now in front of you, the girls are fighting against that monster and you just standing here doing nothing?!" Randy drowned in the tsunami of facts.

Instantly Randy gripped his axe tightly in annoyance because of Dalor's words. He braves himself to walk slowly toward the monster. The monster who heard the new sound of footsteps immediately turned towards him.

"Ira, now! Attack from both sides!" Randy gave orders to Ira without JoW.

The two of them attacked the monster at the same time. The state of the monster is now facing Randy, it was suddenly shocked after knowing that behind it also start moving.

Confused about whom it has to attack first, it finally brought out his skill.


A small whirlpool suddenly appeared around that monster and make both Randy and Ira forced to suspend their attacks.

"Damn! Where the hell that Whirlpool come from?!" Said Ira who was confused because there was a whirlpool in a dry place.

"Relax, it's just an elemental skill. It will disappear when the magic is finished!" Randy said loudly.

A few seconds later, the whirlpool was completely gone and making the monster completely vulnerable. Quickly, both of them continued their attack at the same time.

"Take this!" Randy swung the axe at the monster's head.

Blood was visible from inside the monster's head, but that was about it. No splatter or anything. Its body like was filled with thick blood.

Unlike Randy who attacked directly. Ira chose to use her magic after she sees how Randy's physical attack gave no impact on it.

"Flame Burst!"

"Water Burst!"

Ira fired the two opposing magics and made hot steam that spurt into the worm.


It groaned in pain after being hit by that steam. Attacking with hot steam might really be effective.

"It worked! You found its weak point!" Hannah smiled with satisfaction as she raised her hand up.

But not long after that, the monster opened its mouth and looked like it was about to spit out something. Its throat seemed to force expelling what was in it.

"I don't like where this is going..." Ira's words were hollow as her wallet.

Hannah and Ira stared in confusion as to what was about to happen. But something bad will surely happen to them. They sweat profusely when they see it.

Feeling there is something bad is coming, Randy got off from the monster's head and ran toward the others.

"Whatever happens, don't get out of the circle I'm about to make!" Randy suddenly gave orders.

Even though they didn't know what would happen, they knew bad things would happen if they were hit by the upcoming monster's attack.

The two of them swiftly obeyed what Randy said and drew closer to each other.

"Okay, I'll be mu--(cut off due to being touched by Hannah's hand)

"Please, Let me be the one that handles it!" Her eyes were so convincing that make Randy quickly agreed.

"Okay okay, it's all yours..." Randy cancels his spell and lets Hannah do it.

Hannah claps her hands once, then she hit the ground by using her right hand. A magic circle in the shape of a clock appeared on the hit mark and grew until it covered the three of them.

"Glass Shield!" She spoke her magic spell.

Another dome that is smaller than Randy's makes was created to protect them. The shield has a classy motif that makes it look very strong. It has a very strong fragrance clinging to the dome permeating those people who were inside it.


The monster spits out from its mouth.

A very smelly dirty water came out of its mouth, maybe the three of them would die if they smelled it. Luckily they were now behind Hannah's dome shield.

Randy looked at Hannah calmly. Hannah seemed to have fought this monster before. She could quickly notice that the monster was about to give off this stinky liquid, so she had to build a sweet-smelling dome to ward off it.

From the start, Hannah seemed to know what she had to do. Randy thought it was just that girl's intuition as support. It turns out that the instinct she actually got was from her experience.

"We can't stay here any longer!" Ira shrieked at both of them.

"No, no! We have to wait until the monster's burst is over!" Hannah looked exhausted as she held up her shield.

"You're already exhausted, you better stop!" Ira scold her once more.

"I said NO!" Hannah's shout makes Ira freeze in place.

"Now I remember... I've fought this monster before, the horror that I just feel was from my past. This monster can kill you just by its vomit!" Hannah recounts her past.

The reason for her fear was not the horror of this monster. But her experience against it. No one know who was the victim, but it really shocked Hannah to half to death when she met this monster again.

Hannah may has through a lot of this madness. Knowing that, Randy tried to hold the frightened girl's shoulder gently. "Don't worry, let me help too," he said softly.

Hannah looked at Randy with a blush. She won't know how she felt about him right now. But as long as this monster is still alive. She will never think anything else.

Ira felt jealous after seeing it, but she let it be for now. Like how Hannah's way of think, What must Ira think about right now is how to survive from this nightmare.

"Enchanters!" Randy amplifies Hannah's magic by lending her his power.

Hannah was more relaxed now because she gets extra mana from Randy. She was able to withstand Charybdis' attacks freely until they ended.

The end of the burst is already can be seen.

When Randy saw the opportunity, he immediately called Ira.

"Ira now! Use that magic again!" He orders her.

"Affirmative!" Her two hands were brought together and aimed at the monster.

"Flame Burst!"

"Water Burst!"

Ira holds her magic cast until the monster vomit finished.

"Now!" Hannah shouted as she removed her shield.

"Hyaaah!" Ira unleashes her magic and lets it shoot to the monster.


The monster was in pain for one more time. It seem it was about to lose.

"Randy!" Ira shouts to tell him.

Randy stepped forward to the monster and tried to touch the monster.

"CATCH!" He shouted while touching the hard skin of the monster.

..... Nothing happens.

"As expected, it's still not hurt badly yet!" Randy looked sad.


The monster who clearly didn't understand Randy's sad intentions immediately try to slam its head towards Randy who was below it.


The two girls screamed hysterically when they saw Randy was try being hammered.


In a dark place and only accompanied by eternal candles.

"You're so careless, Randy! If you get careless I will be surely dead too, you know?!" Dalor scolds Randy for being careless and not looking around. The demon was look so shocked of this incident.

"Sorry, I got a little carried away..." he said with a hollow smile.


The Time Fracture is over.

Randy stood where he was before with no injuries at all. It was all due to Dalor protecting him with the magic he cast from inside the boy's mind. If he was even a little late, maybe that boy only left his name.

Charybdis who was standing in front of him was disappeared nowhere to be found. The place they used to be fight has returned into a muddy rice field. Luckily now, they stepped on the path near the place, so they didn't have to feel muddy anymore, except for Randy.

"Randy?! Are you okay?!" Ira quickly hugged him.

"Calm down, I'm weak, but not that weak..." Randy tried to calm her by patting her head.

His gaze turned to Hannah who was looking at them in annoyance.

"Come on, I'm not here to see this!" she said annoyed.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to-" Randy's head suddenly become dizzy and made him lose his consciousness.

"Randy?!" Their voices were the only ones he heard before he passed out.