
Troublemaker of Magical Girl's World

Randy is an ordinary High School student. One day he was given a gift by his father. The give was a watch looks like a talisman. After he wears it. He gained the power to see an invisible time that would be called 'Time Fracture'. During the Time Fracture, the Valkyries and Justiciar will fight for a key that hides in the monsters that appear at that time. They collect it to reach their own goal. In the midst of their fight. Randy had to get used to being a troublemaker or their mediator. Tell me how good or bad my writting in this novel. English is my second languange, I want to improve my skill in english by write this novel.

Kepo_Emp · Fantaisie
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40 Chs

11. All Living Being have fear


Time Fracture is just happen. The world back sorrounded by the red sky.

Right now, at this library. Hannah and Ira are stare each other with a cold gaze. Even though they are friends in the real world, but when the Time Fracture are begin. They accidentally become an eternal enemy that will destroy each other till the last blood.

'What in my mind just hyperbole, don't think too much.'

This situation is too bad, Randy must find a way to stop both of them.

"I-Ira... Yo-you better not try to hurt her. Understa-"


Without giving a warning, Hannah swings her sword that just she summons in her hand.

In the other side, Ira who just dodges attacks can't do much due to Randy's order. But, even she doing it well. She still has her limit. Randy must do something fastly.

"Randy! Give an order to her too!" Ira shouts right on the time she dodges the attack.

It is been for a while, but she had already dodged almost fifty of her enemy swing.

With that, Randy fastly open his mouth and shouted. "Hannah, stop your whatever doing! You are no more on Justiciar side nor Valkyrie side! You are in my side!"

By the order of 'Justice of Word', Hannah who was about to slash exhausted Ira accidentally freeze her move. It was about 5 centimeters more, and her sword will surely rip Ira's body. Both Randy and Ira can only breathe easily because she was stopped her sword in the right time.

"I am not Justiciar anymore?" Hannah says while watching her reflection in her sword.

"You may still a Justiciar, but now, you are already pledge that will help me." (Randy)

"Then what must I do for you?" She asks in confusion.

Ira who was still in the position where she was about slashed by Hannah was about to stand up. She helps Randy to answer that girl's question.

"You only need to get information from the side of Justiciar, while me search in the side of Valkyrie." Ira set a smug face.

That face really suits her personality.

"What kind of information you need?" Hannah still doesn't understand.

Ira can't do much than hold her own forehead. "We are talking about the information of the monster that appears at the Time Fracture. It's not we have to gather them to destroy that goddess's plan?" Ira pursed her lips as she said that.

"Monster? Isn't it will appear at the rice field near the internet tower at Farida's village?" Hannah hold her chin will thinking why those two were fool enough to not knowing it.

Ira will surely annoyed by that word. "What?! You already know it? Why you not just say about it earlier?" Ira said that while shook the Justiciar's shoulders.

"If you can't detect them, then how you, the Valkyrie detect the monster?" (Hannah)

There is uneasy feeling when Ira wants to answer that. "Eh... Actually..." She did'nt dares to see Hannah's face.

Something was hide by her.

"Where did you get it, Ira?" Randy forces her to answer.

"Actually, we know the location of the monster because we set tracker magic to entire Justiciar..." Ira makes a sour smile.

"W-what?! Tracker?! In my body?! Where?! WHERE?!" Hannah spontaneous touch her entire body to find the tracker that Ira was talking about.

But, how many times she tries to find it. She doesn't give a sign that she will find it.

"Where that magic is set? I can't find it!" (Hannah)

Ira feel something weird, the tracker that was planted in that girl's body was gone. "How could that magic is gone? It was made by high tier magic, it can't be easily to destroy." Ira said while checking on Hannah's body who was not use her armor yet.

After a short time, Randy realizes the reason of this. That magic was gone because Randy was use 'Magic Seal' on Hannah, even more than once.

Randy tries to watch the plafond of the library. To make him not seen more sus, he tries to whistle like he doesn't know what they are talking about.

'Randy, are you not try to search for the monster?' Dalor accidentaly spoke in the middle of mess.

'Okay, it better than they still talking about it. My sus will increasing by the time.'


"Both of you, back to your own faction! I will walk in shadow on this hunt!" Randy order them.

Ira put a disappointed face after hear that. "Why? I want to be with you!" Ira whining will her hand was still touching Hannah.

'Holy shit! Hannah was blushed of shame!"

They re look like a yuri couple.

'Gulp, focus your mind, Randy!'

"They will suspicious if you are not coming, Ira. This appplies to you too, Hannah!" Randy makes a confirement on both of them.

Hannah who was blushed because touched by Ira fastly put back her normal posture. "Affirmative!" She gives a respect to Randy before leave.

When left, Randy can see Hannah was activated her armor.

Now in that library were only those two. Ira stares at Randy with worried.

"Don't worry, it was my job..." Randy calms his girl by playing with her cheeks.

She remove her worried into a smile. "If you say so... Just be careful."

Ira walks to the outside and flies while activating her suit.

"Bye!" She said it as she left.


Randy watch them gone, and now he was alone here.

"Now you're alone. What is your plan for doing this by yourself?" Dalor asks calmly in an eerie tone.

"Any idea what kind of monster will show up?"

"It is a giant worm-like creature. It can sink the big ship. Its name was Charybdis." Dalor said while trembling in fear.

"Wait, do you tremble?" Randy feels the uneasy feeling that Dalor feels.

This uneasy feeling makes Dalor lose his image as the Demon King. Why he trembling just by hearing that name? It surely there is something happen till that Demon King was scared half to death.

"That monster, Charybdis was sink my ship at the old age. 2000 years ago, when I am in my way from Jama Island to Kawilanta Island. In the middle of the sail, the ship has to face the giant whirlpool. That whirlpool was cause of that creature." When telling that, Dalor's entire body was shaking.

"Why are you fear? You have a wing, right?" Randy object.

"I can save my butt, but I can't save my men, my friend, my property, even my family! They are gone as the whirlpool gone..." Dalor's mixed emotions make Randy shut his mouth for sure.

"Moreover, that damn monster was the one make me getting caught by that damn Goddess Dahlia!" An unknown name was mentioned in this demon king's story.

"Who the hell again is Goddess Dahlia?!" Randy walks slowly while watching the red sky with a calm heart.

"She was the one who sealed me off. I was so weak that time, I has lost everything. My morale is down, and my will to fight was so small. But as the time I was there(the prison), I vow I will bring chaos to her world!" Dalor clenched all his fists.

By just hearing his story, Randy already feels how hurt that demon feeling was. Silence is the best answer for now.

'But it seems doesn't work... I must say it!'

"Dalor, want to take a revenge?" Randy gives a pierced look at the red sky.


"Didn't you say, it was because of that monster?"

"It may the one who do it, but Charybdis only live for 1000 years. That same Charybdis may already dead."

"Eh...?" Randy realizes his uselessness.

"Just forget it, and continue our mission! I will lend you a hand to defeat it." Dalor tries to change the subject, but his voice is so low due to sadness.

Randy feels bad for this demon. Even though his face was scary enough, but he still has feelings of sadness and revenge. But his job as the demon king makes him not let it happen. He can't let be eaten by his emotion. His title as demon king was not just a title.

"Hmm(nod)..." (Randy)

Randy spread his wings and fly low to avoid being seen by J and V.


On the other side, Hannah.

Hannah lands to meet Farida who was waiting in front of the school. Her thick armor gives a firm aura that surrounds her.

"I apologize because of late, Ayunda!" Hannah greets her leader with whiny smile.

Being disrespectful by her own subordinate, Farida stands up and scolds the girl. "Are you lost your eye? What time is this?!"

"Forgive me, I meet valkyries in the way. So I must hide for a while..." She lies as she breathes.

"Just think that I don't hear anything..." Farida knows her lies, but she ignores it.

Now all member was gathering. Farida looks at them all. "We depart!"

They fly to the sky to meet that monster.


On the other side, Ira.

"Sorry, I am late!" Her exhausted face covers her excuse for being late.

"Oh, you're come at last..." Celicia greets her.

There is something weird, she is not alone there. There are many units of valkyries lining up in front of her.

Is she want to go to war against Justiciar?!