
Troublemaker of Magical Girl's World

Randy is an ordinary High School student. One day he was given a gift by his father. The give was a watch looks like a talisman. After he wears it. He gained the power to see an invisible time that would be called 'Time Fracture'. During the Time Fracture, the Valkyries and Justiciar will fight for a key that hides in the monsters that appear at that time. They collect it to reach their own goal. In the midst of their fight. Randy had to get used to being a troublemaker or their mediator. Tell me how good or bad my writting in this novel. English is my second languange, I want to improve my skill in english by write this novel.

Kepo_Emp · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
40 Chs

1. Suprise Attack

"Finally I will be free! After waiting for more than 2000 years, this day has finally arrived!" A creature talking to himself in the middle of nowhere.

A very large creature has 4 horns on its head, 3 pairs of wings, 2 legs, 4 arms in each hand holding a weapon (Sword, Axe, Spear, and Bow), and has green eyes that glow in the darkness.

He was trying to get out of that place with all his might but always seemed to fail. All he knew was that the padlocks on the door will become rusty because eaten by age and will become easily broken.

Now is the time to destroy it.


One padlock has been destroyed into a pieces, there are 199 more.

"Lame!" The demon complained despite knowing he had been there for over 2000 years.





A high school boy woke up from his sleep because of the alarm from his cellphone.

He rubbed his eyes and looked at the time on his phone. The clock on the phone shows 06:08 AM.

"Damn, I am late!"

The boy rushed out of his room and went to take a shower in a hurry.

"Why are you in such a hurry, Randy?" His mother asked about when seeing his son doing things in a rush.

Randy immediately stopped his steps and walked in place because he was still in a hurry.

"Mom, why didn't you wake me up? I'm late now!" Randy grumbled to his mother.

"You're late? Didn't you say the school will start in the afternoon(9:00 AM) due to the exam?" The mother held her cheek.


Randy suddenly stopped his walk in place.

"Are you playing video games too much so you forget about it? Whatever, just don't shower yet, let's have breakfast first!" His mother changed the subject because she saw Randy who was embarrassed.

Mother and son went to the dining table. Their family is very busy. His father works outside of the island, his brother is in college. Now only Mom and Randy are left in the house.

"Oh yes, your father gave you a package earlier!" The mother gave the package box to Randy.

A box that was small enough. It has the same size as a boy's hand.

"It's not another weird talisman, is it not?" Randy looked at the box with a wry look.

Randy was getting used to getting a weird give from his father. His father was not a believer in mystical things. He just likes to collect things like that. But because of his age, he put his hobby to his son.

"It seems so." Mother gives a forced smile to him.

"I'll open it later in the room. For now, I want to eat."

In the end, they chose to leave the package and just leave it in Randy's hand to open it himself in the room.

After eating, Randy took the package to his room and opened it without expecting much.

"Let's see what weird gift you're going to give, Dad." Randy opened the package with a hopeless expression.

However, when it is opened, it is not an amulet that is in the box, but a watch made of teak wood with a strange pattern of the puppet.

"Huh... it's still a strange talisman. But since it's a watch, I can wear it." Randy took the gift and placed it in his left hand.

After looking at the clock he tried to adjust it to the current time.

"It's 7:30, right? After doing this, just change clothes and go to school."

But when Randy tried to turn the needle of the watch, there was a strange air accompanying it.

"I feel something strange happening, but what?" Randy looked around his room. "Forget it, I'm getting ready to go to school."

With that, Randy ignored what had just happened and went to school.

Randy goes to school by riding his motorcycle on the street at standard speed. Randy is 18 years old and has a driver's license, so riding a bike is not an obstacle for him.

The only obstacle is that motorbike are not allowed in the school. He had to park his motorcycle in the parking lot.


When arrived at the parking lot, something strange happened.


A loud voice echoes throughout the place.

Randy who had just standardized his motorcycle suddenly looked around him and saw them all stopped. People couldn't move and remained silent like statues. Their bodies are covered with a kind of thorny plant all over their bodies.

"What happening?!" The man suddenly fell in fear.

Accidentally, a hole appeared out of nowhere behind the boy. "Hohoho, looks like I found my first prey." A demon came out of the hole.

"Who are you?!" Randy backed away in fright.

"Don't worry it won't hurt, I'll cut you with one slash and die." The demon showed off all of his weapons.

Suddenly Randy's watch shone and illuminated the place.

"What is the hell is that? Maybe just a human toy!" The demon continued to approach the boy.

The light at that watch was getting brighter.

"What is this watch doing?!" Randy was confused in fear.

"Die mortal! Let me absorb your soul!" The demon swung his ax and sword together.


The watch stopped that demon. Slowly, that thing devoured the demon.

"Wa-wait, what is happening?! Why did I am the one who get absorbed?!" The demon groaned.

Slowly but surely, the watch spread the demonic power into Randy's body.

"Hey, why is my skin being darkened?! Why the hell, did I absorb this creature?!" Randy groaned as he absorbed the demon's body.



They both screamed loudly in agony.


Shortly after, the demon's body just now disappeared. Randy's skin darkened a little, it wasn't just the skin that looked the same as that demon's appearance. But also, wings and horns appeared on his body.

"What is this?! Why do I look scary?" Randy looked at his body from the puddle.

A green fire appeared from his palm as he examined his left hand which turned into a demonic hand. "Uwogh! What is this?!"

Not long after that, the time was running normally again. Everyone was moving again as if nothing had happened. The thorny plants that lined them also disappeared without a trace. Randy's body returned to his original form.

'I'd better keep this a secret.' Randy walked to school with shaking legs after what happened.

'Today was the first day of the exam, but I got so many strange incidents. Is it because of this watch?' He sighed.

Inside the school right in front of the bulletin board, there is a seating position for students during exams.

Randy looked up his name there.

"Randy Randy Randy..., oh found it!" Randy found his name was in class 3-B and sat in the very back.

"Oh, it's a blessing for names beginning with the last alphabet." Randy was grateful he didn't have to sit in front of the teacher's seat.


"Randy, have you found your seat?!" A girl with glasses and short pink hair greeted the boy by hitting his shoulder.

"Yeah, my class is in class 3-B." Randy turned to the girl.

The girl's name is Farida, she is Randy's classmate and is the class champion. Her intelligence brought this girl into the final of the chemistry olympiad. She also sat in front of Randy's seat at the normal class.

"So you're in class 3-B, then I'm there too." Another of his friend, who had curly hair and a muscular body, appeared from beside him with a proud look on his face.

The boy's name is Ilham, he's been a friend of Randy since he was in middle school. He wasn't a smart student, but he was great at sports so he could enter this school on the achievement path. He also sat beside Randy to make it easier for him to be called out for his absence.

"Let's see, who will become guard at our exam?!" Farida turned to the board and saw a list of names of teachers who would become the guardians.

Her face immediately paled when she saw it.

"Why are you pale, don't tell me?!" Ilham turned slowly to the board.

"Nooo!" Ilham shouted with resignation.

"Mr. Wardoyo... ha ha ha ha. Moreover, this is a local language. I was fool enough in my own language." Farida lowered her head with a resigned face.

Although smart in science and mathematics, Farida has a strong weakness in local languages. Even though it is her everyday language, Farida still has difficulty choosing the language tier.

"Calm down, even though all your scores are red. You just need remedial right?" Randy comforted the two resigned people.

"Aren't you afraid of your mother?!" (Farida)

"Even though my physique is good, my mother is still the strongest!" (Ilham)

They both complain.

Randy could only grin at their behavior.


"Everyone, this is an exam. I hope you don't cheat even if you can't answer the question. Remember, It's not your grades that value here, but is yourself!" A student came on stage and lectured the students.

If Randy remembers correctly, that student is the student council president at this Gakroh High School.

Her long black hair that was tied up and her stern face became the main characteristics of that girl. Celicia Ambarwati is a name that fits her beautiful appearance.

Despite being beautiful, none of the students dared to approach that student. Her sharp eyes always stop the intentions of the male students who want to confess to her.

"Wow, Ambar really motivate them..." Ilham looked at that girl with perverted eyes.

"Call her Celicia, and also get rid of your perverted stares at her if you don't want anything bad happen to you," Farida warns Ilham.

"I just realized all this time, why do female students dominate in this school? From the student council to other club almost led by female students." Randy asked in confusion.

Farida who heard that was immediately surprised and smiled nervously at Randy.

"That's probably because a lot of male students are useless and lazy, so the girls are the ones who have to take their place." Farida laughed nervously.

"Isn't it normally during school, the male students want to show their skills to the girls?" Randy shrugged.

"Before, I want to be the leader of a running club. So I race with one female student who has the same goal as me. I race against Ira and the result is: I was lost. Really, is she actually a human? At first, She was so slow, but just as both of us were about to finish. She suddenly passes me." Ilham recounts his experience.

"Never mind, let's get to the exam class! We'd rather face the exam than think about your weakness." Randy turned around and walked to the exam class.

"Uh huh..." (Ilham)

Local Language Score (Minimum Score: 80):

Randy Aditya: 87 (passed)

Farida Ayu Putri: 44 (failed)

Ilham Darmono: 78 (failed)

PHYSICS Score (Minimum Score: 70):

Randy Aditya: 48 (failed)

Farida Ayu Putri: 76 (passed)

Ilham Darmono: 20 (failed)

Citizenship Score(Minimum Score: 78):

Randy Aditya: 90 (passed)

Farida Ayu Putri: 78 (passed)

Ilham Darmono: 56 (failed)

That three friends walked out of the classroom with sad looks.

"Shit, just a little more though!" (Ilham)

"I'm completely devastated!" (Farida)

They are helpless.

"Calm down, remember what Celicia said earlier?! 'It's not your grades that count, it's your attitude!'." Randy raised one hand to cheer the losers.

"To hell with attitude judgment! If our mother found out, we would still be in 'game over' condition!" Ilham screamed.

"Ah ha ha ha... I'll just pretend I don't remember any of this because my signal was bad." Farida is getting paler.

Even though they say that what is judged is the attitude of the student. Still, what is seen when entering college is the test scores. If you can't answer the test questions, then your life will be over.

The three of them walked back to their respective homes after a busy day.



Meanwhile, in the student council room.

"Did you feel anything weird this morning?" Celicia sat on the student council chairman's seat.

"You mean, suddenly a Time Fracture happened?" A girl with long blue hair who was a bit shy answered.

"Yes, this is very strange. Usually, Time Fractures only occur every 6 pm. The duration is also according to the day. If Saturday is 1 hour, Sunday is 2 hours, Monday is 3 hours, Tuesday is 4 hours, Wednesday is 5 hours, Thursday is 6 hours, and Friday is 7 hours." Celicia stared coldly at the room.

"But today happened very briefly. Were the Justiciars is culprit of this incident?" The girl with shoulder length hair who is the leader of the running club speculated.

"Maybe, because apart from Valkyrie and Justiciar. Who else can move in Time Fracture? Check the girls of this school, maybe they know something. Ask Farida later!" Celicia gave the order.

"Farida seems stressed because of the exams and chose to go straight home. Maybe we can force her..." The pink twintail haired girl stood leaning against the door giving them a solution.

Her nature is like someone who is thirsty for something. Maybe that's what they call yandere.

"No, even though we know Farida is Justiciar. We still have to maintain their privacy. Imagine if people know about Time Fracture and this power?" Celicia explained in detail.

"So we are agreed... We will ask about it at the Time Fracture later." (Ira)

"Hmm(nods), now disband!" Celicia disbanded the hidden student council activity which was only attended by the 4 Valkyries.

What will happen next?