
Trivia Matters

In a world where reality and a mysterious game-like system intertwine, Arlow, an ordinary young man, finds himself thrust into a perilous adventure. After inadvertently witnessing a brutal murder in a dark alleyway, Arlow discovers that the event is connected to an enigmatic game. He narrowly escapes the scene, deeply unsettled by what he has seen and eager to understand the game-like messages that begin to appear before him.

KADDRTheWriter · Urbain
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10 Chs

Chapter 9: The Detective's Path

Morning light streamed into their room at the Orcoinn Inn, casting a warm glow on Arlow and Dudrag as they awoke from a restful slumber. The previous day's events felt surreal, but the rewards and newfound skills were tangible proof of their accomplishments.

Arlow stretched, feeling the lingering soreness from their battle with the Oracle, but it was mitigated by a sense of renewal from their rest and the excitement of their new abilities. Dudrag, ever the early riser, was already up, inspecting his new gear with a satisfied grin.

"Ready to face the day?" Dudrag asked, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Arlow nodded, adjusting his Fedora of the Quick Thinker. "Absolutely. But I think we should split up for a while. There are things we need to learn and discover on our own."

Dudrag raised an eyebrow. "What do you have in mind?"

"Maybe it's better for us to scatter," Arlow suggested. "Since we have different classes, it might be more helpful if we focus on our specialties. I can gather some info about Uruk City, solve some random quests, or even experiment with my abilities. You could search elsewhere, Dudrag. You have more gaming experience and knowledge. Meanwhile, I can focus on being deductive and collective about everything."

Dudrag nodded thoughtfully. "That makes sense. We'll cover more ground that way. Let's meet back here at the inn in a few days and share what we've learned."

After a hearty breakfast prepared by the innkeeper's wife, Arlow and Dudrag parted ways outside the Orcoinn Inn. Arlow took a deep breath, ready to immerse himself in the bustling life of Uruk City.

Arlow's day began with wandering the streets of Uruk City, observing the diverse array of beings and the vibrant market stalls. Uruk City was a melting pot of various races and cultures, each contributing to the chaotic yet fascinating atmosphere. He struck up conversations with inhabitants, learning about the city's dynamics, local gossip, and potential quests.

At one point, he found himself in a lively tavern, where adventurers exchanged tales of their exploits. The tavern was filled with the clatter of mugs and the murmur of voices, creating a warm, inviting ambiance. Arlow listened intently, picking up valuable insights and rumors. One conversation caught his attention – a group of adventurers discussing a notorious faction known as Hitang. Intrigued, Arlow leaned in closer.

"Hitang's been causing a lot of trouble lately," one adventurer said, taking a sip of his drink. "I heard they're behind the murder of some noble in Requiem."

"Yeah, I've heard the same. Nasty bunch. They're always looking for easy targets," another replied, shaking her head.

Arlow's interest was piqued. This could be a lead worth investigating. He decided to approach the group and join their conversation.

"Excuse me," Arlow said, introducing himself. "I couldn't help but overhear. You mentioned the Hitang faction and a murder in Requiem?"

The adventurers turned to him, sizing him up. After a moment, one of them nodded. "Yeah, Lord Edric was killed a few days ago. The town's in an uproar."

Arlow's screen flashed with a new quest notification.

Quest: Noble Blood

Difficulty: Intermediate

Requirements: Level 5, Solo Investigation

Details: Investigate the murder of Lord Edric in Requiem. Uncover the culprits and bring them to justice.

Reward: 1500 Nihil Dollars, Unique Skill Book, Noble's Favor

"Unique book?? That's a jackpot!"

Arlow accepted the quest, feeling a surge of determination. "Can you tell me more about Lord Edric and the circumstances of his death?"

The adventurers shared what they knew. Lord Edric had been a well-liked noble in Requiem, known for his fairness and generosity. His murder had shocked the town, and rumors of the Hitang faction's involvement had spread quickly.

"Do you have any leads on where I might start looking for clues?" Arlow asked.

"Well," one adventurer said, "you might want to check out the blacksmith's shop. Edric was a regular there, and the blacksmith was one of the last people to see him alive. And there's the town's tavern; people often talk too much after a few drinks."

Arlow thanked them and set off towards Requiem, the journey taking him through serene landscapes that belied the turmoil he knew awaited him. The road to Requiem was long and winding, with vast fields and dense forests stretching as far as the eye could see. Upon arriving in the town, he found it steeped in tension, the residents wary and guarded.

Requiem was a small town with cobblestone streets and quaint houses, but the usual bustle was subdued, replaced by a somber mood. Arlow began his investigation at the blacksmith's shop, a bustling place filled with the clang of metal on metal. The blacksmith, a burly man with a stern expression, looked up as Arlow entered.

"Can I help you?" he asked, wiping sweat from his brow.

"I'm here to ask about Lord Edric," Arlow said. "I'm investigating his murder."

The blacksmith's expression softened slightly. "Edric was a good man. Came by often to commission new weapons for the town's guard. I was one of the last to see him alive. He left my shop late in the evening, said he was heading home. That was the last time I saw him."

"Did he mention anything unusual or anyone who might have wanted to harm him?" Arlow asked.

The blacksmith shook his head. "Not that I recall. But there were strangers in town that night, people I didn't recognize. They kept to the shadows, didn't interact with the locals."

Thanking the blacksmith, Arlow made his way to the town's tavern, a lively place even in the midst of the town's sorrow. The tavern was filled with the aroma of food and the hum of conversations, though there was an underlying current of unease. He struck up conversations with the patrons, carefully steering the topic towards Lord Edric and the strangers the blacksmith had mentioned.

One patron, a woman who had clearly had a few too many drinks, leaned in conspiratorially. "I saw those strangers," she whispered. "They were asking about Edric, but not in a friendly way. One of them had a tattoo – a serpent wrapped around a dagger. I've seen that before, it's the mark of Hitang."

Arlow's mind raced. This was the first concrete link to the Hitang faction. He needed more information.

"Did you hear anything else? Where they might have gone?" he asked.

The woman shook her head. "No, but they were definitely looking for something. Or someone."

Arlow thanked her and continued his investigation, piecing together clues from various conversations. He learned that the strangers had been seen near the outskirts of town, close to an abandoned warehouse. It seemed like a good place to start his search.

As night fell, Arlow made his way to the warehouse, moving stealthily through the shadows. His heart pounded with anticipation and a hint of fear. This was his first time acting as a full-time detective, and he was determined to succeed.

Inside the warehouse, he found evidence of recent activity – footprints, discarded items, and signs of a struggle. It was clear that the Hitang faction had been here, but they had since moved on. He searched the area meticulously, eventually finding a piece of torn fabric caught on a nail. It matched the description of the clothing worn by the strangers.

Arlow's screen flashed with a new clue notification.

Clue Acquired: Torn Fabric

Details: This fabric matches the clothing of the strangers seen in Requiem. It bears the mark of Hitang.

Arlow examined the torn fabric closely, his Eyeglass of Insight enhancing his perception. As he turned it over in his hands, he noticed faint symbols stitched into the fabric, almost invisible to the naked eye. His screen flashed again with a prompt.

Detective skill: Decipher

"Would you like to use Decipher on the Torn Fabric? Yes/No"

Arlow tapped "Yes," and a soft glow surrounded the fabric as his skill activated. The symbols became clearer, revealing a hidden message:

"Meet at the old chapel. Midnight."

Arlow's pulse quickened. This was a crucial lead. The old chapel was known to be a secluded spot, perfect for clandestine meetings. He had to be cautious but also quick.

As the sun set and the moon rose high in the sky, Arlow made his way to the old chapel, staying hidden in the shadows. He arrived just in time to see a group of cloaked figures gathered inside. Using his enhanced perception, he could make out their conversation.

"We need to act swiftly," one of the figures said. "The Hitang faction won't wait forever."

Another figure nodded. "The next target is the mayor. We move at dawn."

Arlow's heart raced. He had to warn the mayor and gather enough evidence to expose these culprits. He carefully noted their features and their plan, then slipped away into the night.

Returning to the town, Arlow quickly made his way to the mayor's residence, a stately building in the center of Requiem. Two guards stood at the entrance, their expressions stern.

"I need to speak with the mayor immediately," Arlow said, urgency in his voice. "It's about a threat to her life."

The guards exchanged skeptical glances. "And who are you?" one of them asked.

"My name is Arlow, and I'm investigating the murder of Lord Edric. I have information that the Hitang faction is planning an attack on the mayor at dawn."

The guards hesitated, but seeing the intensity in Arlow's eyes, one of them nodded. "Wait here." He disappeared into the building, returning a few moments later. "The mayor will see you."

Arlow was ushered into the mayor's office, where a stern but fair woman sat behind a large wooden desk. She looked up as he entered, her eyes sharp and inquisitive.

"Arlow, is it?" she said. "My guards tell me you have urgent news."

"Yes, Mayor," Arlow replied, recounting everything he had discovered. "The Hitang faction plans to attack you at dawn. We need to increase security and prepare for their assault."

The mayor listened intently, her expression growing more resolute with each detail. "We'll increase security and prepare for their attack," the mayor said, her eyes narrowing with determination. "You've done this town a great service, Arlow."

As Arlow turned to leave, the mayor's voice stopped him. "You are a player, right?" she asked, her tone revealing more than just curiosity.

Arlow nodded, taken aback. "Yes, I am."

The mayor smiled slightly, her eyes taking on a mysterious glint. "Well, I'm also one, Mr. Arlow. Perhaps we should have another talk after this."

Before Arlow could respond, a sudden noise outside the room made them both tense. The door burst open, and a guard stumbled in, bloodied and breathless.

"They're here," the guard gasped. "The Hitang faction is attacking now!"

The mayor's eyes widened with alarm. "It seems they've moved up their timetable," she said, rising from her chair. "Arlow, I need your help. We must defend the town and protect its people."

Arlow nodded, adrenaline surging through his veins. "Let's do this."