
Trivia Matters

In a world where reality and a mysterious game-like system intertwine, Arlow, an ordinary young man, finds himself thrust into a perilous adventure. After inadvertently witnessing a brutal murder in a dark alleyway, Arlow discovers that the event is connected to an enigmatic game. He narrowly escapes the scene, deeply unsettled by what he has seen and eager to understand the game-like messages that begin to appear before him.

KADDRTheWriter · Urbain
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10 Chs

Chapter 8: The Hidden Happiness

Arlow and Dudrag were transported from the ominous Cathedral of Dread to the bustling Uruk City in the Nihil Realm through an exit portal. The change was jarring, the silence of the cathedral now replaced by the chaos of the city.

As they emerged, Dudrag couldn't help but be amazed at the vibrant and diverse surroundings. The noise of various species talking over each other, the movement of beings rushing about, and the colorful attire of players left him in awe. This was his first glimpse into the community within the Nihil Realm, and he couldn't contain his excitement for what lay ahead.

"Welcome to Uruk City!" flashed a notification on Dudrag's screen, mirroring what Arlow had received earlier. He turned to Arlow with a grin, eager to explore their new destination.

But as they took in their new surroundings, exhaustion from their battle with the Oracle crept up on them. Arlow's muscles were sore and his eyelids heavy with fatigue. It was clear that they needed to find a place to rest and recover before continuing on with their exploration.

"Dudrag, we need to find an inn," Arlow said wearily. "I can barely take another step without some rest."

Dudrag agreed, feeling his own energy drain after their taxing journey. "Yes, you're right. Let's find a place to stay for the night."

Following Arlow's lead, they made their way through the bustling streets of Uruk City, attracting curious looks from passersby due to their worn and tattered appearance. As they navigated through the crowds, they couldn't help but notice how out of place they looked compared to those around them who were adorned in pristine armor and clothing.

"Are you two, okay?" a stranger called out with a hint of amusement in their voice. "Returning from a quest, huh? You both look pretty miserable! Haha!"

Arlow and Dudrag shared a knowing laugh in response, finding comfort in the camaraderie of their fellow players. Despite the teasing, there was an unspoken bond that united all players - a shared understanding of the challenges they faced within the Nihil Realm.

"Yeah, we've had better days," Arlow replied with a wry smile. "But we always bounce back."

Dudrag nodded in agreement and added, "That's right. We've overcome worse and come out on top. A little rest is all we need to get back on our feet."

Their tired steps eventually led them to the familiar inn where Arlow had stayed before. The warm glow from its windows beckoned invitingly, promising sanctuary from the chaos outside.

"Orcoinn? Are you sure this is a good choice? It seems a bit outdated and cheap," Dudrag asked with a confused expression.

"Trust me, this place was packed when I last visited," Arlow reassured him as he confidently pushed open the door, feeling a sense of deja vu wash over him.

As they stepped inside, they were greeted by the friendly orcish innkeeper who eyed them with curiosity and concern. However, when they went to book a room for the night, Arlow's heart sank as he realized he was out of money. He looked at Dudrag sheepishly, who met his gaze with a knowing smile.

"Don't worry, my friend," Dudrag said as he patted Arlow on the back. "I've got us covered. You spent all your Nihil Dollars on equipment and scrolls, didn't you? This one's on me."

"Thanks, Dudrag," Arlow said gratefully but shyly.

"Dude, don't mention it. Just don't make us look like a couple," Dudrag joked and playfully pushed away any awkwardness between them.

"Back so soon?" the orc innkeeper chuckled when he saw their disheveled appearance.

Looking exhausted and worn-out, Arlow replied with a hint of fatigue in his voice, "Looks like we've been through quite the ordeal."

"We could definitely use some rest. Do you have a room available?" Dudrag asked.

"Of course, my friends. Twenty Nihil Dollars per night, just like before. Your room is on the second floor," replied the innkeeper sympathetically.

Dudrag handed over the payment with a grateful smile and Arlow added, "And if it's not too much trouble, a hot meal and some drinks would be greatly appreciated. And your dry jokes probably help lift our spirits."

The innkeeper chuckled, "Hahaha! I hope they'll bring joy and confidence for you this time. By the way, my wife is the cook here, so you're in for a treat. Dinner will be ready at 8 o'clock sharp. Just make sure to arrive on time; the bar tends to get crowded on nights like these!" he said with a warm smile.

Grateful for the hospitality and warmth of the inn, Arlow and Dudrag exchanged tired but relieved smiles. "This is definitely the right place," Dudrag acknowledged.

"Haha, told ya!" Arlow playfully punched Dudrag's arm.

With a sense of relief washing over them, they headed to their room to rest and recharge before facing whatever challenges awaited them in the Nihil Realm.

As they entered their room, a wave of exhaustion washed over Arlow and Dudrag. The soft creak of the wooden floorboards under their tired feet felt like a welcome embrace after the trials of the day.

"Feels good to finally have a moment's peace," Arlow sighed, sinking onto the edge of the bed.

Dudrag nodded in agreement, already shedding his armor and letting out a contented groan. "You said it. I don't think I've ever been this tired in my life."

With aching muscles and heavy eyelids, they took a moment to appreciate the simple comfort of their surroundings. The flickering candlelight cast a warm glow over the room, easing the tension that had coiled in their chests.

But even as they relaxed, their minds buzzed with the events of the day—the thrill of battle, the camaraderie of their fellow players, and the mysteries that awaited them in the Nihil Realm.

"I wonder what tomorrow will bring," Arlow mused, his thoughts drifting to the challenges and adventures that lay ahead.

Dudrag grinned, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Who knows? But whatever it is, we'll face it together, just like we always do."

After refreshing their odors and cleaning up in the bathroom, both Arlow and Dudrag made their way down to the first floor. The innkeeper was busy preparing a delicious meal together with his wife, and the two couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and warmth as they shared stories and enjoyed the hot food.

As they ate, Arlow and Dudrag's bond only grew stronger. They had faced many challenges together, and in that moment, they knew they were united in purpose and determination to face whatever lay ahead.

Their bellies full and spirits lifted, they retired to their room for the night. But before drifting off to sleep, Dudrag recalled the dungeon chest they had acquired after defeating the Oracle. With excitement glinting in his eyes, he retrieved the chest from his inventory and placed it on the table.

"Shall we see what treasures await us?" Dudrag asked eagerly.

Arlow nodded, momentarily forgetting his fatigue as they opened the chest together.

"Open the chest? Yes/No" The screen prompted.

"PLEASE BE A JACKPOT!" Dudrag tapped the screen as he put his prayer for luck.

Inside the chest, they found a trove of treasures gleaming in the soft candlelight. Among the items were 1000 Nihil Dollars, a sturdy pauldron and gauntlet designed for Dudrag, and for Arlow, a stylish eyeglass, a Fedora hat, and a versatile belt. Nestled among these were two skill books, each promising new abilities to aid them on their journey.

"Wow," Arlow breathed, his eyes wide with wonder. "I never imagined we'd find such incredible loot."

Dudrag grinned from ear to ear, his excitement infectious. "This is amazing! Just think of the upgrades we can make with these items."

As they sifted through the treasures, a series of notifications appeared on their screens, describing each item in detail.

"Party Rewards has been given to both participant"

1000 Nihil Dollars

"Each player received different items depending on how much contribution was made in the dungeon"

"For player Dudrag"

Item Name: Pauldrons of the Unyielding

Item Category: Armor

Durability: 250/250

Defense: +20

Strength: +5

Requirements: Level 5

Details: These pauldrons are forged from the finest materials in the Nihil Realm, providing exceptional protection and enhancing the wearer's strength.

Item Name: Gauntlets of the Titan

Item Category: Armor

Durability: 300/300

Defense: +15

Attack: +10

Requirements: Level 5

Details: Crafted to bolster the power of any warrior, these gauntlets increase both defense and attack, making the wearer a formidable opponent.

"For Player Arlow"

Item Name: Eyeglass of Insight

Item Category: Accessory

Durability: 150/150

Intelligence: +10

Perception: +5

Requirements: Level 4

Details: This eyeglass sharpens the wearer's intellect and perception, allowing them to see through illusions and uncover hidden truths.

Item Name: Fedora of the Quick Thinker

Item Category: Headgear

Durability: 200/200

Agility: +5

Charisma: +10

Requirements: Level 4

Details: A stylish hat that not only improves the wearer's agility but also enhances their charisma, making social interactions smoother and more favorable.

Item Name: Belt of Fortitude

Item Category: Accessory

Durability: 250/250

Health: +50

Stamina: +10

Requirements: Level 4

Details: This belt boosts the wearer's overall health and stamina, allowing them to endure longer in both physical and mental challenges.

Item Name: Enhanced Endurance

Item Category: Skill Book

Requirement: Level 4

Details: Increases stamina and resilience, aiding in prolonged battles and faster recovery from fatigue.

"Would you like to learn it? Yes/No"

Item Name: Precision Strike

Item Category: Skill Book

Requirement: Level 4

Details: Increases accuracy and critical hit chances, useful for targeting weak spots on enemies.

"Would you like to learn it? Yes/No"

As they discussed their plans for the future and marveled at their newfound wealth, a sense of satisfaction washed over them. Despite the challenges they had faced, they had emerged triumphant, stronger and more determined than ever before.

"Dang! That's the Jackpot!" Arlow cheerfully smiles as their hardwork were pay'ed off by the reward from the Dungeon Chest.

"Hey Arlow. Check out these skill books," Dudrag said, holding them up. "I wonder what they teach."

Arlow examined the covers of the books. "Let's see... 'Enhanced Endurance' and 'Precision Strike'."

"Enhanced Endurance sounds like it could be useful for either of us," Dudrag said thoughtfully. "Especially since we're constantly on the move and facing tough battles."

"Agreed," Arlow replied. "And Precision Strike could give us an edge in combat. It's not overly powerful, but it would definitely help us land critical hits when we need them the most."

Dudrag nodded, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "This is perfect. Since you're more about strategy and precision, why don't you take Precision Strike? I could really use Enhanced Endurance to keep going in those long fights."

Arlow smiled, appreciating Dudrag's thoughtfulness. "That sounds like a great plan."

With their decisions made, Arlow and Dudrag sat down to study the skill books, absorbing the knowledge within.

Enhanced Endurance

"Would you like to learn it? Yes/No"

Dudrag tapped "Yes" on his screen, and a warm light enveloped him as the book's knowledge transferred into his mind. He felt his stamina and resilience increase, knowing he could endure longer in battles and recover more quickly from fatigue.

Precision Strike 

"Would you like to learn it? Yes/No"

Arlow tapped "Yes" on his screen, and a similar light surrounded him. He felt his focus sharpen, his ability to target weak spots on enemies improving significantly. He knew this skill would be invaluable in their future battles.

As they learn their new skills, they felt a renewed sense of confidence and readiness for whatever lay ahead. With the promise of new adventures on the horizon and the weight of their recent victory lifting from their shoulders, Arlow and Dudrag settled into their beds, their minds buzzing with excitement and anticipation for the journey ahead.

As sleep claimed them, they drifted off with smiles on their faces, knowing that no matter what challenges awaited them in the Nihil Realm, they would face them together, as friends and companions bound by destiny and forged in the fires of battle.