
starting buisness

When I made my way back in the room, all I can see was a smirking Kirche playing with a strand of her hair. Before I could even ask her something, she rose from her chair and made her way to me with a sway in her hips.

I feel her arms wrap around my head before she kisses me heatedly. She breaks the contact after ten good seconds before whisperings in my hear.

"I can't wait to have a new sister, but I want you for me alone for a few nights before that." She even playfully bit my hear before exiting the room.

'What just happen?'

-I think that the change starts to settle in her.-

'That soon?'

-She seems to really be in tune with her inner Evans, she really has to want your love and love back as much for it to settle that easily and rapidly. While she seems to be the type to play with others, she also seems to have a great passion for the man she give herself fully. Your lucky partner, not all girls are or will be that straightforward.

But don't bother about this, for now, you have another girl to give your full attention right now.-

Brought back to the actual moment, by CS, I turn my head toward the sound of light step I hear coming from the bathroom side. Their coming from the partition was blushing to storm Siesta, still covering her intimate part and her chest. After she takes a deep breath, she slowly spread her arms.


While leaving in a remote era with very few care products, I could clearly see that she had taken great care of her body. Toned by hours of works, stairs climbing and heavy lifting, I couldn't see a speck of fat on her arms, legs, and stomach.

Thanks to the temperate weather of Tristain, her skin had kept a healthy milky tone, only enhanced by her contrasting dark, black hair and bright blue eyes. It was also evident that she had been well fed seeing the healthy state of her body.

Looking at her face, I could see that she was embarrassed to show her naked body to me but other than that I could also see the eagerness in her gaze. When she pushed her chest sightly up by crossing her arm under her breast, I couldn't keep my eyes to be attracted by them.

Contrary to Kirche, she only seems to have a large C cup chest but it was neither less a result to be proud of. The light pink of nipples and well-proportioned aureoles was drawing quite the picture and I could barely catch the flash of pride in her gaze when she sees me taking pleasure at her sight.

I won't lie, Siesta is an attractive young woman with a great figure and would be quite the catch, but for now, I want to give my attention to Kirche before starting another relationship.


While he stares at her naked form for five good minutes, Siesta didn't say anything, relishing in the fact that her master was more than receptive to her charms. But as all good things must come to an end, he shakes himself awake and starts the task at hand.

Looking back at her, he asks.

"Do you have a favorite color that you would like?"

A little sad that it was time for more serious talk, she neither less responds, leaving her body to uncover to his sight.

"Hm, I quite like the color of the uniform master had made for me. The color of my eyes and white, I presume."

"So teal green, blue and white?"

"Hm." She nodded at his question.

Taking the role of fabric out of his storage, he starts to transmute roughly fitting pair of underwear in teal, blue, white, teal and blue, teal and white, and blue and white. Like for Kirche, he made two sets of then, one with strap on the other without.

Not really knowing Siesta taste, he creates rather conservative ones with few frills rather than full blow sexy ones. Seeing the pleased gaze of the maid at them, she seemed to really like them.

Once done with the preparation, he came closer to her with a pair of white ones. Letting her fix the strip on the two sides of the pantie while he put the bra for her, she couldn't help the shivers running through her spine at the feeling of his warm hand on her bare skin.

She nearly let a moan escape the moment he cups her breast to adjust it on it. Since he was in her back, he didn't see her blush, but his sensible hear did catch the moan and his hand feeling the goosebumps and hardening nipples.

Once in place, he transmutes it slowly, making sure that it fits while not being constraining for her. Done, he takes it of.

"Thank you for your hard work Siesta, I will let you change back while making the last touches on them."

"Yes, master" He could now make her blushing face and short breath while seeing the desire in her glazed eyes, but stay professional. Seeing the disappointed look in her face, he couldn't help the light pinch he give to her ass cheek the moment she turns.

"Meep!" Ashamed, Siesta runs to the partition to hide, but couldn't help the smile in her face, the sad look replaced with one of renewed hope.


Lightly laughing he made his way back, taking out the twelve pairs of underwear before starting to work on them. It was only an affair of seconds. With the fitting model, all the others were made to the perfect size before treads of silver were integrated within and the enchantment added.

Once done, Kirche judge that it was a good time as any to abord the subject.


"Hm?" Rising his gaze to her as he finishes putting the created items in a rectangular woven wooden basket covert with a white cloth, he could see that she had a serious question for him.

"An acquaintance of mine had heard me speaking about them." She says looking at the underwear neatly arranged in the basket." And was quite interested in some, do you think you could make her some? Obviously, she would be more than willing to pays for them, but is not ready to show herself to anybody, do you think you could think of something about it?"

"Hm." Alex was surprised that someone would be already interested in them, but would be more than happy at the welcome income it could generate. As for the problem, he could understand. They are ladies of a noble house, and for this era, it wouldn't be far fetched to think that only their husband would be allowed to see them nude. "I can think of some solution, I could create a size fitting enchanted cloak that would obscure her face. That way, even if she was showing herself to me I wouldn't know who she is.

I could all work on an enchanted bust, that would recreate her chest perfectly, and let me work on it without having to meet her, all I would need is some of her blood.

I could surely enchant a strip of fabric she would have to wrap around her chest to make a sort of mold of it and work with it, but I would need one for each pair she will want, and know beforehand the color, design and the likes."


Kirche couldn't help but be awed at the solution he can think on the fly for it, she was thinking that he would need some time, be he was giving her immediate response, and multiple ways to do it and accommodate her!

"What about the pro and cons of those?"

"Well the cloak, other than her own shyness and the fact that we would need to be face to face don't really have cons, but it could be problematic for her to be caught in that position with a male. For the pro, well the obscuring face enchants, the voice changing one. I would need to charge extra if she wants to use the cloak."

"Use, not give?"

"No, I won't let that type of enchanted items in the wild, what do you think if a murdered made it hand on this?"

She was going to say that the situation was a little stretched but thinking about the consequence she shut up, it would be too great of a risk. Alex didn't bother to say that he could secure it to the ower, but in reality, he didn't want to give possible enemies any advanced stealth item.

"For the bust, I can make it self updating, and as long as she commands a certain number of them, made it free. For the cons, it just that she would have to bear knowing that I possess a bust reproducing exactly her chest. But the pro would be that I won't have to meet her and know who she is."

For the strip of fabric, I would have to charge for each and is would be a little space-consuming, plus I will need a way to send them to her and have them returned...to...work...on...them. Ne, Kirche?"

"Yes?" Ask her surprise of the somewhat abrupt change of flow in the conversation.

"Do you think that a summoning ritual can be prepared for me? I have familiar that would perfect for this type of work!"

"We could always see the headmaster after that."

"How about I go now, while you go see you acquittance and tell her about it? Following her response, I could have them finish tomorrow!"

"What! Really?"

"Hm!" She immediately dives at him, burying his head in her chest while excitedly jumping in place while squealing, before she bolts away by the door.

-She don' t really stay in a place that much.-

'Not really but I like her being lively.'


As the night was starting to fall on Tristain, Montmorency was preparing herself for bed, when her door was abruptly open by an excited Kirche.

"Kirche! By the founder, you nearly frightened me to death!" Glare the blonde, a hand on her chest, trying to calm her palpitating heart, sitting on her bed.

"I spoke to darling, he says he has a solution!" Completely unbothered by her glare, she came to sit in the bed near her.

"Really? that early?" She was surprised by his fast reaction.

"He really more reliable than guiche." Mutters her.

"Hm? Did you say something?" Ask Kirche, a finger on her chin while tilting her head.

"Nothing!" Immediately blush her. " So?"

Kirche's face light up when the conversation returns to Alex.

'She really is smitten.' Think Montmorency, slightly shaking her head, before returning her attention as she excited redhead start to tell her what he just tell her a few minutes ago.


While his mate made her way to her fellow female, Alex was climbing the stair for the second time in the day, hoping that the old headmaster was still in his office at this time. When he heard a slight sound on the other side, he sighs in relief, before knocking.


Have permission, he enters the office, founding the headmaster hunched over papers while his secretary was silently filling her own share. When he saw Alex, she man couldn' help but raise a brow.

"Mister Evans, what I can do for you?"

"I was wondering if they any particular requirement to undergo the Familiar ritual."

"Oh? Why would you be interested in such a ritual?" The headmaster and Miss Longueville both were surprised by the demand.

"I happen to have Familiar myself and was wondering if it was possible to bring them here via the ritual."

The idea was greatly interesting to the headmaster, as not being someone from their world, he wasn't sure that Alex would be successful, but if he was, it could be a great chance, to try to understand a little more the ritual. As it didn't require anything other than the summoner power, he didn't see the harm, rather was interested to see what type of Familiar he could have.

"Why not, I sure that more than one professor would be interested to see it, wouldn't it, miss Longueville?" Says Osmand while looking through the window, and stroking his beard.

"Quite so headmaster, even the royal palace could gain from the knowledge of such an experiment."

"My thoughts exactly, if you're ready, we will process tomorrow after lunch, how about this?" Says the man as he turns back to Alex.

"Thank you."

"Think none of it, it would also benefit use if it works." Respond Osmand with a backhand movement.

Having his response, he exited the office, making his way back to his and Kirche's room.


By the time he was back, she had already returned and change into a seethrough black tulle with purple frill, sharing great similarity with the first sexy underwear he sees her in the day before.

Seeing enter, see smile playfully, tilt her body a little, highlighting her prominent chest, while inciting him to come with her index finger. Her mischievous act was only enhanced with her hair falling over her right eye, giving quite a sight.

Undressing only in his underwear, he came to her, kissing her passionately, extracting a moan for her, before he let himself fall on the mattress after giving his body a small turn, making her fall on his chest.

Their make-out sessions continue for a good five minutes, before he pulls the sheets above them, and pull Kirche to his body.

"So, what did she says?"

"She was quite shy about it, but finally decide to go for the bust, that way she would be able to command them without the worry of being caught off guard with you or binding the clothes around her chest."

"She alright with this solution?" Ask him a little surprised."

"Mn. When do you think it will be done?"

"It shouldn't take to much time, plus I will be able to attempt to bring my familiars here tomorrow after lunch. We will need to see at the price tomorrow."

"Mm!" Was all he receives as he feels her snuggling deeper in is embrace before falling asleep.

remember that I say I was working on another fanfic? Yeah, it won't happen soon. I prefer stay steady with this one rather than endanger two. It will came one day, but not for a long time.

Linrimcreators' thoughts