
a tragic day for the dark side (finale)

While the boy piss is pant out of fear for the words, the older in the room shriek in pure fright at the last sentence. When the younger and non-pureblood ask why they react these ways, they learn that a duel of honor called on false and or unjustified accusation could only be resolved in one way, two would enter but only one would exit the duel alive.

It was at this moment that the frozen professors who have assisted at the entire exchange finally react. As she was going to reprimand Alex for his word, Snape raises his arm, barring her the way and stopping her.

"You should rather not act in this, the boy seems to know exactly what he had said, under that much witness, not honoring his word will have heavy consequence. Should one interfere in this now it will be the one to bear the burn of all." On the side, the half-goblin was nodding at her when she looks at him.

Taking the warning at heart and breath out heavily, trying to evacuate all that accumulate stress of the day, making their presence know of all.

When all the Gryffindor turn at the professor, James's mind finally relaxes, making the boy faint, finally succumbing at the overload he just went through.

"While it is good to see that you are here Mr.Evans, We have bad news for three of you. It seems that the one responsible for your brother's disappearance was found dead in the part of the castle that has been condemned by the headmaster at the start of the year. As your parents are undisposed, it falls on you to hear this first hand. You have our condolences but with this death, we are unable to retrieve the body of your brother. As the culprit has been dealt with in such circumstances, classes tomorrow are still canceled but the restriction in your common room, lifted." Her piece says, she along the rest of the staff exit the room under the sob of three young men crying the loss of yet again one of them.

It was a subducted House that exits the common room silently to their own room. Once in him, Alex couldn't but say."I completely forgot the carrot head!"

-... You didn't remember him until now?!-

"Truthfully I don't I was completely absorbed by the fact that I was about to face a bloody thousand years old Basilisk, who by the way was quite the disappointment."

-You do know that you didn't let it much chance?-

"True but I wasn't to risk my life in some bullshit epic fight when I can get rid of my opponent in the most optimal way."

-Not gonna say anything on this, the longer you live the longer I do.-

Once he was sure that his master was done speaking to himself, who he was thinking was CS, Sunny appear with the Lead box. As Alex has confided to Bilby and now Sunny about CS, he nods at the elf. Putting it aside for now and eating the meal he had also bring, he goes take a rapid shower to wash off the slight grim that had to cover him in the chamber.

Once fresh and ready to go, he sits down on the fluffy carpet depicting an epic battle of pokemon against zombies, with blood, guts, and limbs of says zombies flying everywhere, he slowly opens the box. The moment the slightest of gap appears, the full blast of the compulsion weight in his mind.

Fortunately, he was ready and wasn't caught by surprise by it. Needing a few seconds to shake it off completely, he softly touches the diadem. Having learned from his past mistakes after destroying the Locket, he let the Horcrux take hold on his purposefully weaken shield and slowly draw it out of it, freeing the artifact of the nefarious magic. Once sure that he had completely severed the connection of the Horcrux from its past host, he starts working on his second piece of the day.

After three hours of constant fight and struggle, the window pop up as the fourth round green ball enter is mind and rests with the others, waiting to be used.

{[Hidden objective: side. "Veni, Vidi, Vici"]

The self-proclaimed Lord Voldemort has split his soul in the form:

A diary: 1/1

A ring: 1/1

A locket: 1/1

A cup: 0/1

A tiara: 1/1

A soul shard: 1/1

Found a way to get rid of them.

Condition: Purify the soul shard of the taint.Reward: X numbers of soul shard linked to your soul.}

Breathing out at this, he stores the diadem in his storage.

-Now that Quirrellmort is deal with and that the dairy hade made is way early, what will happen now?-

'I don't know, the cannon is now completely fucked, there is a chance that Flopart will never come, or will appear early since we will need a new prof in DADA.'

-It will rapidly be known that Quirrell was 'the one' who open the chamber again, do you think that his minions will understand that Moldyshort his still among us and will search for him early?-

'It more than probable, but I don't see him act before long. The talks for the Three Wizard Tournament are already going on, and Junior had surely heard daddy speak about him. I'm sure that he must be blabbering about his job, not thinking that his son actually absorbs the information. If that the case, it may be an incentive for him to break free ahead of time and take the place of Peter and return to the short one. Sirus his already dead and wasn't at Azkaban, so I don't know if we will have Demandors at the castle in two years. At most, we have a little more than two years to found a way to enter the vault of Bella, take the cup, cleanse the Horcrux of it. If all happen like before, Bertha Jorkins will die and Nagini will become the finale Horcrux, if that happens, I will receive an update on the mission as it is one of his Horcrux. the moment it appears, We will know that he has a new body. From that point, I will be able to send an elf look at riddle Manor, that made me remember the old caretaker, I need him out of the way, he didn't need to die needlessly. Where I was... Ah yes, the house-elf. Once in place, we will know when Babymore is back in England, all that leave is to know when to strike, take down Junior, Babymore and the mission will be complete, after that it spring cleaning. Karkaroff will be at the castle so it will be easy to take care of. Snape would be a waste to kill, he is not the youngest potion master for nothing, even if he was helped by Malfoy and his boys, he needs real skill somewhere or he would be dead. I need to see if I can save him. I not going to use the reward from death for this so I either take his knowledge or the man.'-Speaking of it, we know that the cap his the real one, why did you not destroy it already?-'I don't really need to destroy it, only alter it enough that death judge that his gift no longer exist. really, all I could need is to transmute it, found the part that hides it even from death, and take it off. But As long as I don't know what I can ask I will keep it, I don't think death will let me think about it after I have destroyed it and wouldn't come back if I don't ask on the fly.'

-True, so what now?-

'Now, we observe, growth in strength and be as ready as possible when the moment to tie all the loose end came.'

Sorry, I forgot to pot the chap !!!

Linrimcreators' thoughts