
Trial of God

He was a teenage loner without any friends or social life your typical loser who loved video games and was obsessed with manga. It should also come as no surprise that he was a virgin and an avid hentai enthusiast. He spent his days in a dark room shutting out reality until one day everything changes. He is thrown into an apocalyptic hellscape along with the rest of humanity for the entertainment of the Gods. Now the only question left to answer is can he survive?

Preston_Shaw · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: A New World

Xander was at a loss for words as he stared at the golden holographic screen that had appeared before him.

"No way," Xander said in disbelief.

--------------------------[Status Screen]------------------------

[Name: Xander S. Carlisle]

[Age: 19]

[Gender: Male]

[Race: Human]

[Coins Possessed: 0]


[STR: 1], [DEX: 1], [VIT: 1], [END: 1], [MP: 1]

[Level: 0]

[Class: None]

[Skills: None]


[The tutorial has begun.]

[Please select your starting class.]

[For a list of starting classes please select the class option on your status screen.]

Xander stared at the screens dumbfounded, he knew what this was but he still couldn't believe it. It just didn't seem possible, but then again it was the apocalypse, so who knew what might be possible?

"Hahaha! This is incredible, it's just like all those mangas I've read! This is gonna be amazing! I'm going to have some fun!" Xander shouted in glee. Xander was so happy he chuckled as he went to select a class when out of nowhere.


"What the fuck!" Xander screamed.

For some reason, the entire apartment had suddenly begun to shake violently causing everything not fastened to the ground to fall over and shatter.

Xander stayed on the bedroom floor, gun in hand, trying to endure the fierce earthquake until he noticed his walls and ceiling had begun to collapse. He then quickly jumped to his feet and ran to his locked door which he promptly kicked down, having no time to waste unlocking it.

When he got out into the hallway Xander cursed, the entire three-story building was collapsing. He had to get out before he was buried under a mountain of rubble. Xander had no time to lose, he sprinted down the crumbling stairs of the apartment complex. Barely able to make it before the building fell apart like a house of poorly stacked cards.

Xander breathed a sigh of relief, but he knew that even though he escaped the apartment building he wasn't out of the woods yet.

"Gotta find a car or something. Can't stay here with everything falling apart." Xander said.

He then dashed out into the street to find a vehicle to snatch, but he stopped when he saw the situation that was unfolding in front of him.

The entire street was full of people running around like chickens with their heads cut off. They were yelling and hollering, shoving, and assaulting each other.

"Bunch of animals," Xander muttered.

Looking around Xander could also see a barricade set up by some desperate-looking police officers and military personnel trying to establish order and failing miserably.

Xander thought their desperation was amusing while these cops and soldiers tried to calm everyone down the nearby buildings were falling apart, fires were springing up everywhere, and the earth kept shaking. They clearly couldn't grasp the severity of the situation.

However, Xander understood the situation, or at least he understood it better than these panicking dumbasses. Any moment now monsters were going to show up, but with everyone panicking in the streets a car wasn't a good idea. He had to go on foot and find a safe place to...

"Hold that thought why did the shaking suddenly stop?" Xander asked, visibly anxious.


"Huh?" Xander said dumbly.


Xander looked for the source of the cracking sounds and saw that the sidewalk under his feet had begun to crack.

Xander scurried away from the cracking sidewalk just before a huge fissure opened up and swallowed half the block.

The fissure not only devoured the buildings but also dozens of people and vehicles causing the already terrified civilians to become even more hectic.

The scared civilians then pushed their way through the police barricade, trampling over the soldiers and police who blocked their way.

Xander joined them but stopped momentarily when he saw a nifty toy in the hands of one of the soldiers.

'An M249 light machine gun Xander want!'

Xander made his way through the crowd getting as close as he could to the soldier before he pulled out his desert eagle and shot the distracted soldier in the back of the neck.

When the shot went off everyone around him froze including all the other soldiers and police officers. They looked at Xander who was smiling wickedly as he picked up the machine gun.

"What the holy hell are you doing you son of a bitch!" said one of the soldiers his face red with rage.

Xander didn't answer him though he was too distracted by his new toy.

The soldier only grew more enraged by Xander's nonchalant attitude. The veins on his neck bulged and he even began foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog.

The crowd realized he was about to snap and cleared the way just before the soldier pointed his gun at Xander who was still ignoring him.

"I'm giving you one chance asshole! Put the guns down, back away from the guns, get on your knees, and place your motherfucking hands on the back of your empty head!" He screeched.

'So noisy!' Xander thought before aiming the gun at the soldier and opening fire.