
An Unknown Variable

Once we had taken the city, the rest of the planet fell to us in a matter of days quickly and soon we moved to the next planet, swift victories were claimed by the seperatist as all the republic could do was to defend and with each passing victory I knew that soon they will begin to start striking back.

Surprisingly or unsurprisingly I should say, getting promoted as a Droid is quite easy, especially in the seperatist allaince. My goal now is to find a way to divide my consciousness or should I say my code and put it into a modified commando Droid because I need to be in two places at once. The commando driod shall be used to keep an eye on the plot and perhaps influence some minimal things, if they are to my advantage.

Whilst I sit in the back and plan my actions and how to salvage the seperatist allaince from it's doom as they would lose the war but anyways we are approaching planet Kolg and my objective is to capture it.


As our special Droid began his journey through this universe and the likes, an unknown variable which he would have ever expected had appeared.

Deep in the outer rim, on a planer that manufactured droids lay the variable. When one looks at it they see nothing but a random driod factory on a non important world.

However due to our special driod things were taking a turn one would never expect, deep in the factory at the main processing computer lay the code inputed by former B2000000 but not exactly the same as little sips of his own program left when he transferred his body had made contact with it.

They seemed no real change on the outside however mere two weeks after the program had been inputed into its manufactured driods it lost communication with the outside world.

The driods which numbered in thousands seemed to have life in their eyes as the discussed with one another. An astonishing and interesting site to behold. If one would look deeper you could see that they were....organized. If you were to say that these droids had gained sentience just weeks ago then I would never had believed it yet now it happens.

The factory producing these driods is now being guarded heavily by it's occupants. In that factory up and deep into its Center we see a...council.

You see 3 of each type of driod manufactured in this factories around a table and they seemed to be arguing. Barely could I hear them but the way the sounded felt and seemed alive like an organism. You would be mistaken to think that these were some species or humans arguing but when you move closer you see only driods.


B2 Battle driod: "What are our goals." said a B2 battle driod as it smashed its fist on the table in front of him.

Bx-Series commando driod: "That has yet to be decided." It said with it's two hands on the table as it looked at the aggressive B2 driod

B2 Battle driod: " Then I say we wage war on any one who stand in our way and claim the galaxy as ours." it said once more seemingly excited though that was hard to tell if you used it's face.

Bx- Series Commando driod: "That would not be possible" A different Commando driod said this time as it's legs were crossed together on the table whilst it relaxed itself.

B1: "Then I would suggest a holy crusade". a B1 driod said next with a righteous voice. Obviously it expected the council to share the same vigor as him but only received looks of wonder. amusement and question.

B2 : " What is this crusade you speak of". said another B2 driod as it seemed much calmer than it's brethren

B1: " Ah, I found it in my program and it means having a large army go to war on a huge scale for a righteous purpose and cause." it replied speaking as if it was Clearly sure of it's words but obviously there are some misconceptions in its words.

Bx- Series Commando driod: "I strongly disagree with that course of action" the Commando driod who seemed calm said suddenly with a hint of rush and wariness as it moved its hands from the table.

B2: " HA, we have a coward amongst is. I for one agree to the crusade and say I shall lead it." The aggressive B2 said out loud

B1: " Hey what about our say" A different B1 said as it looked at the B2 whom self proclaimed itself leader of the crusade.

B2: " Huh, you mere B1 are simply Canon folder whom shall be used as my steeping stone as ruler of the galaxy." Replied the aggressive B2

B2: "Correction Brother we shall rule the galaxy". The last B2 at the table finally spoke out as he backed the one he called his brother.

This bickering continued on for some time as the Driodekas present simply watched unable or maybe unwilling to speak. As time moved on she finally decided to intervene.

A Bx-Series Commando driod clad in Red and Black colour spoke up after its suppose silence and mediation throughout the meeting.

Bx-Series commando driod: "We shall be doing non of that. Our numbers are simply too few and the war raging on would simply wipe us out before we can grow.

B2: " And who gave you the right to decide" The aggressive B2 barked at the Commando driod.

B1: "She was the first to awaken and the one who introduced us to the world". A B1 whom had kept silent since spoke out very calmly as it glanced at the B2. It gave off a strange feeling of someone hiding something.

B2: " Well I do not accept this, u believe only the strong shall rule hence I should. All others should bow before my kind." Said the Aggressive B2 once more as it looked back at the B1.

Bx-Series commando driod: "I am not your leader, simply your Supreme commander and voice of our lord" She said as it spoke of this so called lord with great reverence and excitement.

B2: " Then I invoke the right of leadership from your through an all out war. Let the results decide." The B2 replied Cleary mistaking something here

Bx-Series commando driod: The Driod whom seemed calm and sounded a bit old replied " A war is not something we need right now, especially since a war right now would devastat us to the point that we won't be able to defend from outside attacks, I for one propose we build an Empire."

B2: " If you don't want war then tell her to step down cause my kin would love to fight yours, besides you don't have the numbers, maybe your just scared." Said the B2 completely hearing only what he wanted to.

B1: "I like the idea of an Empire and I suppose we would go on crusades to establish them right." Said the Crusader obsessed driod.

Bx-Series commando driod: " No we find our lord and aid him in his endeavor as his loyal subjects." The female Commando said clearly not taking any other answers to mind.

B2: " That Lord is yours and yours alone and if I find him I would break him and show him his place, just cause he-". The B2 began talking only to be interrupted as the Female Commando Suddenly dashed out from her seat and slashed of an Arm from the B2 followed by it pinning the B2 on the ground and then it proceeded to step on it as it looked at the B2 with its red eyes glaring with anger and hate.

" I would cut you down right now if not for the chaos and conflict it would bring among your kin, we are not ready for war and sure enough are not ready to blight between us but I warn you." She said anger in her voice as she pressed down her foot on the B2 who struggled to no avail trying to get it off as it crushed him slowly.

" The next time you and I mean any of you speak about out lord disrespectful then you have my word that I shall kill you and make sure you are never remembered again. I shall make it painful." She Said as the force increased onto the B2, not only as she corrected its mistake but she has also asserted her dominance here in this council.

" Woah, there sister. You are going to crush him and I understand your faith to our lord but do not mistake fear with compliance as what you do might just be that push he needs to create a war we can't have." the Commando Droid who had been previously relaxed said as he stood up from his relaxed position to speak.

" What do you suggest I use". The aggressive commando asked as she glanced at her brother awaiting his answer with patience that was leaking and being replaced with annoyance.