

"When plasma energy first came into the world, chaos erupted, terrifying storms came and threw everyone into a panic. Portals appeared and with it came terrifying beasts of different shapes and sizes. While all of those were happening. The confusion and fear of the people deepened when we all heard a voice. It sounded inside our heads but yet it didn't. The voice was calm and deep but it felt that beyond our understanding. Through that voice, we felt that we were ants before that being, not even worthy to clean his feet."

 As I listened to the teacher's explanations on the history and evolution of the earth, I couldn't help but get sidetracked by tomorrow's event. Tomorrow is May 25th 2030 and it' also known as the awakening day. On that day, those of age 16 will be taken to the hardvack awakening Centre.

 Hardvack is a training academy meant for awakeners and those who graduate from it are regarded as venators. Each year, Hardvack holds a ceremony to help young people to awaken their powers. Each awakener is divided into three categories, these are: the Quantum users, astral user and the weaver. Now let's talk about the Quantums.

The quantums have the ability to affect and control every single atom in the entire universe, they also have the ability to create and eradicate but which comes at an unbearable or bearable cost depending on the user and his/her actions. Then we have the Astral users…

 The astral users have the ability to awaken their souls, which takes on a form that can either be useful or useless to them. The shape the soul turns to become its permanent form and with it comes an ability. And finally, we have the weavers.

 The weavers have the ability to create their own mini dimension where they are the gods of theirs own world. The space of the dimension and the limit of their world depends on their potential.


And there goes the bell. It's time to go home.