

Translator: Atlas Studios Éditeur: Atlas Studios

After signing his name, Li Teng realized that his nightmare had just begun.

The doctor called several nurses over, and they hurriedly carried Li Teng to the operation table in the next room.

Then, they locked his wrists, ankles, and neck in place with metal.

Li Teng felt that the situation was not right.

The treating effect of the bread, biscuits, and drinks was very limited and not quite effective for Li Teng, who was now suffering from severe bacterial infections and organ failure. Faced with so many strong nurses, he, who was extremely weak, was totally unable to resist.

He could only resist verbally, and then let them lock him onto the operating table.

The doctor walked over with a medical trolley stacked with various rusty surgical instruments.

Li Teng asked the doctor, "Am I not supposed to enter the treatment chamber?"

"You are too badly ill. I will perform an operation on you first, before sending you into the medical cabin," the doctor explained briefly to Li Teng, and then picked up a surgical knife.

"Can operations be performed in this environment? And, are those surgical instruments disinfected?" Li Teng felt as if he had been sent to a gangster's hospital. Ever since he had been recovered as a corpse by the helicopter on top of the stone pillar, he had been extremely weak and unable to control his own destiny. He could only watch himself be dealt with as they pleased.

"It's okay since you'll enter the treatment chamber in the end; anyway, the treatment chamber will remove all the bacteria and viruses in your body." While speaking, the doctor put down the surgical knife, picked up a pen, and marked out a "Y" shape on Li Teng's belly.

"Since that's the case, I won't bother you to operate. Please, send me directly into the treatment chamber." Li Teng discussed it with the doctor.

"How will that do? If I send you into the treatment chamber, all your points will be paid to the film studio and won't have anything to do with me. But if I operate on you, you'll have to pay a large number of points to me. Why should I give up on such a good opportunity to earn points?"

After saying that, the doctor put down the pen and picked up the rusty surgical knife again. He followed the lines he drew on Li Teng's belly just now and started operating with the surgical knife's sharp edge.

Li Teng could only scream.

"Bear with it. I was a vet previously, so I've never operated on a human. It's a rare opportunity for me to practice on a human body.

"Your stomach feels very good to the touch…

"Don't vomit, be careful, or you might block your windpipe.

"Let me look for the liver…

"Psst, it's almost necrotic. The color is already black.


"Doctor, how long will it be?"

"It's still early, it's just started. Be patient."


The operation continued for more than 2 hours.

In order to prevent Li Teng from dying unexpectedly due to fainting during the operation, the doctor gave him injections of unknown medicinal serums, keeping Li Teng conscious during the whole process.

When the doctor made a mess of Li Teng's internal organs, left him on the verge of death, and when he himself was finally tired from playing, he finally called the nurses over. He let them throw Li Teng's broken body, along with all kinds of parts he had severed for his experiments' sake, into the treatment chamber.

A little more than 10 minutes later, the treatment chamber's lid opened.

Li Teng sat up in the mysterious mixture of solids and liquids.

He hurried to check his body, especially where a certain part had been severed.

Fortunately, everything was as it should be—perfectly fixed.

"These patient clothes are for you." The doctor walked over and very kindly handed a set of folded-up patient clothes to Li Teng.

"Are they free?" Li Teng checked with the doctor.

"They are already counted into part of the treatment fees. If you don't want them, you can throw them away, but the fee won't be exempted," answered the doctor.

"Okay, thanks." After dressing up, Li Teng stared at the doctor.

"It's useless remembering my face. Soon, you'll forget about getting revenge on me. The film studio absolutely prohibits troublemaking in the hospital. You can't kill me. And once you attack me, you'll be sent to the wax-sealing chamber. Besides, you'll need my mercy on many occasions in the future." The doctor seemed to have seen through Li Teng's thoughts.

Predictably, before Li Teng, more than one extra had already suffered in his hands.

"No. I only thank you for saving my life and maintaining my wholeness." Li Teng smiled.

Hatred is to be remembered in the mind. There's no need to show it, especially when you are very weak.

"This is the list of costs. Since you've already signed to confirm, you don't need to sign again." The doctor handed Li Teng a copy of the empty form he had signed just now.

Now, it was filled with all kinds of costs, including the set of patient clothes he had given to Li Teng. They were worth 20 points!

The total treatment cost was pretty ridiculous.

The treatment chamber's usage cost was 300+, and the rest were all kinds of other costs added by the doctor.

"Can it be less? Take care of a newbie, hey!" Li Teng still attempted to persuade the doctor a little.

"You've already signed! Don't make trouble, alright! Or I'll call security!" The doctor looked impatient.

Li Teng was furious. How could I not have signed back then?

From now onward, Li Teng could only get half of all his performance remunerations. And the other half was to repay the treatment fees he owed!

Could he finish repaying it this year?

I didn't expect to get back alive after I got kidnapped onto the stone pillar's top.

This is hell.

I am the meat on someone else's chopping board.

It's very normal to go through all kinds of hellish tortures.

But at least I am alive now.

Being alive means hope.

I must get revenge for this!

So long as I'm not dead, you are sure to die!

All that you did to me, I'll do to you times over!

Only alive can I talk about revenge. I can't let anger and hatred blind me.


Li Teng convinced himself and walked out the gates of the hospital, smiling.

There were direction signs and countdowns in the shops by the street.

There was half an hour left before this movie's shooting.

Since he didn't know how far the shooting location was, Li Teng hurried his steps and started running toward the gathering point.

After the treatment chamber's treatment, his body felt light and perfectly good as it was before.

Everything he went through in the past few days felt like a faraway nightmare.

What Li Teng could do right now was to try his best not to let this nightmare leave him with trauma.

He could only try hard to interpret his experiences these few days in a positive way.

For example… His endurance for extreme pain was improved by several levels. He believed that his willpower, as well as his mental adjustment ability, also became stronger because of this.

It could let him quickly walk out from all kinds of negative emotions and embrace newer, crueler challenges with all his heart.

When Heaven is about to place a great responsibility on a great man, it always first frustrates his spirit and will, exhausts his muscles and bones, exposes him to starvation and poverty, harasses him by troubles and setbacks so as to stimulate his spirit, toughens his nature and enhances his abilities.

After running fast for more than ten minutes, Li Teng finally saw the familiar streets and the coffee shop.

Several people were already sitting by the coffee table.

There seemed to be several empty plates on the table.

He reckoned that even if there were snacks, the others had long finished them.

He was going hungry this time.

Right now, Li Teng suspected something.

It was that his luck fluctuated much more than ordinary people.

In the first shooting, his luck was extremely bad as he had encountered his enemy, Guo Zhipeng, who would be behind the car's wheel that would crash on him.

In the second shooting, his luck had become extremely good. He had come over, eaten three dishes of free snacks, and gotten the only death-proof, You are the ghost, lot, winning without any effort.

Now, it was the third shooting, and his luck became extremely bad again.

Not to mention that he had almost died on the stone pillar before coming, an evil doctor had swindled and tortured him in ways worse than death.

Therefore, Li Teng must deal with this shooting very carefully, or he would very likely die.

If he died, all that he suffered before would be in vain. It would be too unworthy. And he wouldn't have a chance at revenge.